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This forum is for the discussion of any WW2-related military topics not specifically falling into any of the categories above. Land, Sea and Air, history, weapons and equipment.
10-02-25 11:30
2,282 |
16,713 |
This forum is for posting pics and brief descriptions of you or your relatives who may have served in the World Wars. It's not limited to Canadians, so you furriners jump in where applicable. We honour them all!
19-08-24 10:52
163 |
1,162 |
Military Engineers. In many ways the backbone of the Army in the field, Engineers have traditionally been a critical element of all deployments. They build stuff, fix stuff and blow stuff up. And they're all slightly mad. Check them out here...
27-09-24 23:27
126 |
1,201 |
This forum is for the discussion of any WW2-related military wireless radio sets
13-02-25 20:58
663 |
6,151 |
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