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Jordan Baker 04-05-05 01:47

Hi Lynn

Thansk for the info on the machine screws. I got mine form Brofasco. For those that do not know they are a supplier of fastners for industry in Canada.

So does anyone know of a place within Southern Ontario that would sell these screws that Lynn speaks of.

To the other two fine people who have offered help. You will be contacted in the future for assistance. Please be standing by your phones 24hrs for the call.

chris vickery 04-05-05 15:26

Jordan, go back to Brafasco and ask for BSF fasteners. If they don't have them they can get them. Another source is Spaenaur in Kitchener, ON. I know they have them as well.

Jordan Baker 15-06-05 05:08

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Here are some more progress pictures.

I have been really working hard over the last few months getting lots done. Ive picked up almost all of the steel I will need. Actually I have twice as much as I need due to me not writing down the thickness of the angle iron. Who knew it came in varying thicknesses :bang: Its since been donated for use on the farm.

The engine is back up and running and it sounds a lot better then it did since last year. Thanks Charlie for timming my distributor. I also managed to sort out my leaky water pump problem. Unfourtunatley those early flat head water pumps are much more expensive then the 37-41 water pumps are.

Ive also got my kahki green #3 paint ordered and I should be painting some stuff by Saturday if all goes to plan. Im getting a 2 part industrial urathene paint from Dura Chemicals in Hamilton. ONce I get it back I'll post up the formula/ ref number as they said they woudl keep it on file.

Ive also started constructing a new engine cover and frame. Its half completed beside the drill press. Thanks Charlie for lending it out to me.

Anyway enjoy the pictures.

Jordan Baker 15-06-05 05:11

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Here is the next photo

Jordan Baker 15-06-05 05:15

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And the next one

Jordan Baker 15-06-05 05:17

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Another one

Jordan Baker 15-06-05 05:21

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And finally the engine

Jordan Baker 20-06-05 06:09

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Here is the rad cover and back end all painted up.

Ive started a new thread on KG#3 paint in the resto forum.

Jordan Baker 20-06-05 06:10

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Here is the rear end

Jordan Baker 07-07-05 04:52

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Well I got all the pedals put back into the carrier. I had pulled them out back in January/ Febuary and spent a few weeks this spring cleaning them up. Lot and lots of jumping in and out to get everything in nice and tight. Tried to use as many of the original fastners as possible but some were just too far gone.

The gas pedal snaps right back up using only the spring tension on the engine linkage.

If anyone has a spare hand brake or any other parts that you see missing please let me know as I would be interested.

Jordan Baker 07-07-05 05:02

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Since I had the pedals all in I natrualy had to take it for a spin. This was the first time my carrier had been out of the barn since last October. Now I had not gone without any driving since then as I had the chance a few times to drive a couple in Ottawa for the VE-Day celebrations.

Anyway what was supposed to be just a quick spin around and back into the barn ended up being about 30 minutes of fun. The ext four pictures are all film stills from my camera so they are not the best quality. But I think you will get the idea.

At one point I had turned around and caught a glimps of what looked like a carrier sitting in an orchard somewhere in England (1941-42) or Normandy(1944). I guess I can dream.

Jordan Baker 07-07-05 05:04

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Next one

Jordan Baker 07-07-05 05:06

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Making a turn at the high end of second gear comming off of a bump. It felt better then it looked.

Jordan Baker 07-07-05 05:09

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And the last one for now of the carrier moving

Jordan Baker 14-09-05 03:20

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After those last pictures I had discovered that I melted my battery due to the exhaust leaving the engine and hitting the battery square on. I guess thats what I get for not installing the battery tray or securing the battery.

Anyway I have since gotten part of my exhuast system installed. I managed to modify 2 CDN tire 90 degree exhaust pipes to fit from the engine manifold and the mounts on the hull floor. Now I just have to put in the striaght pipes and mount the mufflers.

I have also been busy painting the inside and outside of the carrier over the last couple of days off that I have had. I now have the rear compartment from fenders down primed and painted in Kahki Green #3. I also have the rear upper plate painted on both sides and the left side plate painted on the outside.

I will let the pictures show the rest.

Jordan Baker 14-09-05 03:22

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Next picture

Jordan Baker 14-09-05 03:24

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And the last one for now.

BIG MIKE 10-10-05 17:34

Hi jordan Nice Pics on your Carrier , looks just like mine at this stage, I Had a hole new frontel armour put on , in a lighter gage steel, so I need to do sum cutting and drilling. I was wondering If you could help me out , I'll pay ja for your time, sum things i need as a cardboard template.

1, I need a template of the view slits 3 of them on the carrier, just one template, I need to cut them out on my carrier. and measurments on the spot to cut them out.

2, the folding armour plate on the left side of the gunners position, I need a template on that, and maybe a little desinge on the holder on the inside.

lastly can you give me sum measurement on the Drivers site, maybe a cardboard cut out? thanks

Cheers mate............BIG MIKE

Jordan Baker 11-10-05 05:56

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A bit more of an update on my progress.

Mike I sent you a PM on the questions you asked.

Since I havn't been able to get my usual helper out to help with the big stuff I have been working on the endless small things.

Back at the Caldwell Convoy #4 I managed to pickup a battery box with the POL carrier on the back of it. I have since gottent he box cleaned up and painted. All of the hinges were seized but Mr. Ballpeen hammer and oil got everything loosened up. I figure it will make a great stowage bin once its on the carrier.

Jordan Baker 11-10-05 06:04

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Ok next picture is of the POL carrier. When I got it looked like the carrier it had been attached to was backed into something harder then it. The result was a "slightly" dented POL bin. I ahve taken it all apart and made it as straight as possible. I now have to clean it up using the electrolytic process. I have to say that this is really easy to use and it frees up your time to do something else.

Jordan Baker 11-10-05 06:11

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Next picture is of the smoke generator launcher mount. I got this and the gunners protection plate from Rob Groves's CMP-Resource. I have to say that these are top quality reproductions and are well worth the money spent especially since they are of the harder to find objects. Anyway it has been painted in my paint so that it mathces the rest of the carrier.

Jordan Baker 11-10-05 06:18

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Up next is a picture of my sophisticated painting department. No dust getting on the wet paint here. It features a positive air pressure system (only when both barn doors are open and the wind is out of the east).

Ok kidding aside.

These bins are from left to right to bottom. They are the ration bin, smoke generator bin adn part of the tool box. Im just waiting on a replacment lid. The two upper boxes came form Midwest Military (John Bizal) These parts are also top quality and well worth the money.

Jordan Baker 11-10-05 06:25

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Lastly this picture shows off my own craftmanship of metal working. These parts are the clips that hold the copper radiator overflow tube. This tub goes from the rad cap along the inside top edge of the engine frame and out the rear of the hull. I made them out of galvanized steel as thay way they will not rust out like the original ones. Also it was the only kind of sheet metal I could find in the barn. I have since drilled the holes in them. Now I only need to make up the engine cover.

BIG MIKE 14-10-05 11:35

Nice metal work Jordan , How do I get intouch with Rob Groves? do you have his email? Jordan can you give me sum dimesions on the wireless battery box? I need to have one made or buy a repro one. Thanks mate


Jordan Baker 14-10-05 19:58

Hi Mike

I'll get you some better picutres and dimensions by Sunday.

I'll also send you a PM with the contact info.

BIG MIKE 15-10-05 01:41


You can Lead my Regt against the Huron anytime.

Cheers YHOS


Jordan Baker 11-12-05 04:32

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Nothing big to report on but I have been working on some smaller things. I finally got my horn mounted and the carrier. It looks and sounds great. As you can see there is a big hole for the wiring to go into. Originaly on my carrier there was a big bolt/nut in the hole. A bit of cutting and bashing finally got it out. Eventually I will make up some conduit to go in the hole and run up to the dash panel.

Have also been busy swapping out grade 5 bolts with grade 8 ones.

Jordan Baker 11-12-05 04:46

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I have also been busy working on the exhaust system. Over the last few weeks when time has permitted I have made up the remainder of the muffler brackets.

I had been given a few by some other MLU'ers and I was able to copy them to make up the remainder. When looking for somthing round to bend the new ones to shape I found that the rear axle worked perfectly. To make the tight turns I used two bolts and the vise and just bent them around until I had the proper curve. They have since received a good wire brushing and a heavy coat of high heat enamle paint.

Jordan Baker 11-12-05 05:12

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Test fitting in one of the new mufflers that I got from Stewart Loy. Thanks for them. Now I have to work on straighting out exhaust guards that are underneath the hull. I think someone in its past bottomed it out a few times because they are rather squished.

BIG MIKE 11-12-05 07:05

Nice work Jordan , I just bought 4 sets of Muffler Brackets from another of our friends , i'll be test fitting mine this sunday. I looked at my bottom pipe holders only one is bent , But i will be making removable steel skid plate's to prevent the muffler pipes on minefrom bottoming out , when I go reenacting next year,Cheers to Jordan!!

Yours in Restoration BIG MIKE

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