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Private_collector 01-07-13 23:54

Any further news?

Keith Webb 02-07-13 00:46

Tuesday update
Yes Tony, had another update this morning, the grafts commenced on Saturday, but they are still cleaning up other affected areas, have been bringing him to a state of semi consciousness from time to time so he doesn't go too deeply into the induced coma.

But as I understand it progress is being made on what will be a long road to recovery. It will be quite some time before people are able to visit though.

Private_collector 02-07-13 01:55

Thanks Keith.

That sounds fairly positive. Poor sod!

He will be very prone to infection at this time, and no doubt well medicated for pain+++.

Hanno Spoelstra 02-07-13 22:12

1 Attachment(s)
Robert Morrison asked me to post this message plus picture:


During a brief stop in the Canada Day Parade in Vancouver, we were able to take a moment to send out a special "GET WELL" card to Bob Moseley.
The gentleman holding the sign is 90 year old Henry Hill who was a navigator in a Halifax Bomber, RCAF, during WW11.
Get well Bob........Vancouver
Very nice gesture, Mr. Hill, Robert & Vancouver - thanks!


Keith Webb 02-07-13 22:26


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 182216)
Robert Morrison asked me to post this message plus picture:
Very nice gesture, Mr. Hill, Robert & Vancouver - thanks!

Awesome! I'm sure this will mean a lot to Bob when he's able to see it! :note:

Hans Mulder 03-07-13 19:10

Terrible news to hear. Get well wishes from my family to Bob's.

Folks, please use Nomex coveralls or clothes when welding, cutting, grinding, etc. Your local surplus store probably has some Navy surplus. I have some, free to MLU members willing to pickup in Hope, B.C.

Max Hedges 04-07-13 13:03

Haven't been checking MLU lately, heard the news about Bob via the bush telegraph. Must say I was shocked, and would like to wish Bob and his family all the best, keep us informed of his progress please


Tony Wheeler 05-07-13 21:37

Very distressing to hear about Bob's accident, hope and pray he makes a good recovery eventually. I believe there have been a lot of advances in burns treatment in recent years, let's hope Bob can receive the benefit of that.

Euan McDonald 06-07-13 01:58

I had another update on Bobs condition yesterday and he is on his third round of skin grafts. He is in a lot of pain when they bring him round so they keep putting him back into a semi coma after treatment.

Ryan 07-07-13 05:42

Have not been on MLU of late. Shocking news to read.
All the best to Bob and his family and all the best to the doctors and nurses treating him.


Private_collector 09-07-13 10:46

Any further news?

Keith Webb 09-07-13 12:16

Hopefully I'll have an update in the next couple of days.

Bob Carriere 09-07-13 17:44

We are all concerned.
Thanks for asking Tony.

Hardly a day goes buy that I do not check on MLU for updates.

Maybe we can all be a bit more carefull when enjoying our hobbies.

Bob C.

Haridimos 09-07-13 19:47

I wish him to be with us very soon!


Originally Posted by Bob Carriere (Post 182457)
Maybe we can all be a bit more carefull when enjoying our hobbies.

+1 :thup:

BSM 10-07-13 07:41

Member accidentally burnt
Not sure if this is the correct spot for such an announcement but long standing MLU member Bob Moseley has suffered severe burns in an accident recently. I received word on the grape vine last evening and today I spoke with a friend of the family. Apparently he was using an angle grinder and the sparks from same ignited something on his overalls. He is in ICU in a hospital in Adelaide but OK. A reasonably drawn out and painful mending time is in front of him and we would all wish him and his wife well. If I receive any more info I shall post same. Regards.... Rod

Richard Farrant 10-07-13 09:38

Hi Rod,
The grapevine has been working well, Bob's accident was reported on here about 2 weeks ago with regular updates;

We all wish him well.

regards, Richard

BSM 10-07-13 10:36

Thanks Richard. Takes us a while to catch up sometimes in the Northern States.
Had a good chat with Bob's wife an hour ago and she advised that Keith (?) had done the honours a while back. Anyway nothing lost as they say but he is one unwell chap at the moment. Thanks again.... Rod

Keith Webb 13-07-13 03:36

Another update
Just spoken to Hugh again, Bob has just had his 6th graft, and is still battling many issues such as infections and troubles with his lungs, he has been brought sort of out of the coma but not to a state where he is really conscious.

Howard 13-07-13 10:37

Thank you for the update Keith.
Bob's should know that there are a lot of people wishing him well.
The Holgates.

Keith Webb 13-07-13 10:55

It would be great if he could be aware of our support but I don't think he's at that stage yet... but I know Ada appreciates it.

Howard 13-07-13 14:11


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 182635)
Thank you for the update Keith.
Bob's should know that there are a lot of people wishing him well.
The Holgates.

the above should read "Bob's FAMILY should know..."
Sorry about that, using my phone at the moment to post.

Bob Carriere 13-07-13 15:35

Thanks for the update. little we can do except pray for a speedy recovery.

Bob and the barn guys.

David Dunlop 13-07-13 16:25

Do any of the Firefighting units in Australia have fundraising campaigns for supporting burn units at local hospitals etc? Perhaps some of the members here could contribute on Bob's behalf, if they know where to be able to send the funds.

Best wishes to Bob and his family.


r.morrison 16-07-13 07:15

Furthering that David.......
David....would a go around for Bob and his family maybe help out a little more. Not trying to steal your "limelight", just throwing some ideas on the table. I'm good for a $100.00 if this gets going. Keith.....what say you? Robert

Keith Webb 16-07-13 07:31


Originally Posted by r.morrison (Post 182727)
David....would a go around for Bob and his family maybe help out a little more. Not trying to steal your "limelight", just throwing some ideas on the table. I'm good for a $100.00 if this gets going. Keith.....what say you? Robert

That's a generous idea, thanks very much for posting this Robert.

I'm hoping for another update from Hugh in the near future.

BSM 16-07-13 10:26

Good evening..just spoke with a close family friend who was at the hospital today with Ada and unfortunately Bob remains in ICU on the very seriously ill list with some complications so there is a way to go before he is out of the woods so to speak!! Rod

Keith Webb 17-07-13 05:15

RIP Bob Moseley
Sorry to have to break the news, have just heard Bob died earlier today (I think that's when it happened) as a result of complications following his accident.

I'll update with news of the funeral arrangements, but please feel free to post if you hear first.

I'm sure you'll join with me in extending our heartfelt sympathy to Ada and family.

Little Jo 17-07-13 06:41

Sad news

Originally Posted by Keith Webb (Post 182766)
Sorry to have to break the news, have just heard Bob died earlier today (I think that's when it happened) as a result of complications following his accident.

I'll update with news of the funeral arrangements, but please feel free to post if you hear first.

I'm sure you'll join with me in extending our heartfelt sympathy to Ada and family.

Very sad news, Bob and I go back 35 years and I feel for Ada with what lies ahead. Joslyn and I wish to convey our condolences to Ada and her Family.:remember:remember:remember

cliff 17-07-13 07:01


Originally Posted by Keith Webb (Post 182766)
Sorry to have to break the news, have just heard Bob died earlier today (I think that's when it happened) as a result of complications following his accident.

I'll update with news of the funeral arrangements, but please feel free to post if you hear first.

I'm sure you'll join with me in extending our heartfelt sympathy to Ada and family.

Rest in peace mate. I'll never forget the measuring on real vehicles you did for me down there so I could get my models correct to scale. My sincere condolences to Ada and the rest of his family. :salute:

r.morrison 17-07-13 07:04

extremely sorry.......
I'm extremely sorry to hear of Bob's passing. Keith, if there is anything that we could help with, please let us all know. Robert

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