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Grant Bowker 21-12-07 19:02

Access difficulty
This morning access has been awkward, the normal link gives a useless error message, no error number. This access was via tortuga.

Bob Moseley (RIP) 22-12-07 11:36

I've been denied access all day and only just now back in.
:( Bob

Vets Dottir 2nd 22-12-07 11:43

I'm sorry this is happening and wish I could make it better :(

.......... I've had trouble off and on in accessing, lasting anywhere from minutes to hours ........ I hope this gets figured out and fixed soon.

Ian Pullen 22-12-07 12:38

I have been having hassles accessing it most of the week. Both at home and at work.
It seems that the past two days have been pretty good (so far)..

Richard Farrant 22-12-07 12:47

I also have had trouble accessing MLU, thought it was problems this end, but now see it to be a common problem. One minute I could be on it, then go to another site and not able to return again.

No probs in last 2 days though :thup:

aj.lec 22-12-07 12:50

hello all
I had trouble accessing from two to five thirty today
no error messages just said could not find site
Tried other sites and they were fine

computers arent they fun :doh:

Vets Dottir 2nd 22-12-07 13:02

Well, we're having fun then, aren't we? :bang:

I'm awaiting a go-ahead from Our Grand Master about a yahoo group I setup a few minutes ago and want happening where we can connect outside of MLU when we're having trouble accessing and making contact, and can ask or alert about it in there. I'm home almost 24/7 and monitoring the yahoo group will be quick response from my end. Will keep you posted if this is a go ... it would sure save whizzing a lot of emails back and forth to each other and waiting for replies about the forum. If having problems just check in this group first and save a lot of time and typing? .......... :cheers:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 22-12-07 16:47

Yahoo Group
Karmen, thanks for the thought, but this really isn't the answer. If push comes to shove, I'll set up a temporary forum which all can access as an alternate location for information purposes.

We've had this situation before and got it sorted, and we'll sort this one the same way as soon as I can find the right buttons to push. I have an open ticket with the provider right now and have just input a new suggestion on it; I'll keep you all posted.

AJ -- computers are fun, it's just the idiots who make our lives miserable! There's a way around them too, though... :)


malcolm erik bogaert 22-12-07 18:40

Yes its been very slow here up in the North...but we will keep plodding on...Compliments of the Season to All from Malcolm in a very cold and wet North-Northumberland

cliff 22-12-07 20:35

Re: Yahoo Group

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
AJ -- computers are fun, it's just the idiots who make our lives miserable! There's a way around them too, though... :)
No Jif the bullet goes through them not around them! :D

Vets Dottir 2nd 22-12-07 22:31

Re: Yahoo Group

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Karmen, thanks for the thought, but this really isn't the answer. If push comes to shove, I'll set up a temporary forum which all can access as an alternate location for information purposes.

We've had this situation before and got it sorted, and we'll sort this one the same way as soon as I can find the right buttons to push. Jif

Understood to all. I couldn't get in here to read this until just now, since early this morning ... anyways, just thought it would be easier and quicker all round for members to have one place to check in when they're having troubles to see if anyone else whinging etc ... saves everyone emailing admins if they can check there first, including us helping in here :D If you DO start another forum for info purposes and its through your site and server though ... we might not be able to access it either :D

Anyways ... I'm in now ... thanks for reply


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 22-12-07 22:49

Re: Re: Yahoo Group

Originally posted by cliff
No Jif the bullet goes through them not around them! :D
Damn, is that what I was doing wrong...?? ;)

Vets Dottir 2nd 22-12-07 23:22

Was just trying to help and had the idea this might make things a little more efficient all round.


Bob Moseley (RIP) 23-12-07 10:06

Was posting last night, dropped out and only now back on nearly 24hrs later. Very frustrating.

Vets Dottir 2nd 23-12-07 10:17

Re: problems

Originally posted by malcolm erik bogaert
...Compliments of the Season to All from Malcolm in a very cold and wet North-Northumberland

A Very Merry Christmas and best holidays and 2008 wishes to you and yours too Malcolm!!!

Vets Dottir 2nd 23-12-07 10:22


Originally posted by Bob Moseley
Was posting last night, dropped out and only now back on nearly 24hrs later. Very frustrating.

Sure is frustrating for you folks all planning things etc.
I know Geoff probably harassing the server folks to fixit yesterday but can only wait til they fixit I guess. Am sure our Grand Master is quite cranky with them by now :eek:


Vets Dottir 2nd 23-12-07 12:21

By the way, since I had already set up the yahoo group in waiting until a yes/no go ahead, and receiving your thanks but no thanks ;) I decided not to waste it and changed it to Ma Yappy friends as another place to connect online should that come in handy sometimes. I, meself, can be reached there at any rate for those who don't have my email address etc :) I put the link in my profile.

Ma Yappy

Tony Smith 23-12-07 13:47


Originally posted by Bob Moseley
Was posting last night, dropped out and only now back on nearly 24hrs later. Very frustrating.

Me, too. I get half way through a post and

Bob Moseley (RIP) 24-12-07 10:06

Me, too. I get half way through a post and...........then again today was down all day so I'd better read fast.

PPS 24-12-07 21:20

Re:- Slow
One thing I have noticed, and Geoff mentioned it earlier in the thread, after a period like this I seem to end up with a load of "Canadian" spam and phishing.

The quotes are only there to indicate that whilst it may be Canadian based, a quick check of IP numbers often shows up the usual culprits (Russia, China, Nigeria, Togo, etc)


Vets Dottir 2nd 24-12-07 21:45

Re: Re:- Slow

Originally posted by PPS
One thing I have noticed, and Geoff mentioned it earlier in the thread, after a period like this I seem to end up with a load of "Canadian" spam and phishing.


Interesting coincidence about the glitches followed by Canadian spam and stuff. Whatever is up with things lately, I hope it get's figured out and fixed soon. What a major pain and how hard it is to find the problems and fixem sometimes. ... here's hoping soon ... :)

Hanno Spoelstra 25-12-07 00:52

Can only get access through at the moment.


Vets Dottir 2nd 25-12-07 01:06


Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
Can only get access through at the moment.


Me too ;)

cliff 25-12-07 01:18

it was slow but I got through on the usual front door addy rather then sneaking in the back door like some other folk! :rolleyes

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 25-12-07 01:42

Back Doors
Interesting... all day long (14 hrs now) I've been in ONLY from the regular front-door access. Occasional delays but that's all, nothing to warrant an updated ticket...

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-12-07 01:48

Yes. Definately strange how individually unpredictable access is for a member/members even when a lot of people having trouble. Access points/routes are somehow being blocked, seemingly unpredictable times and routes ... focal point, again, being MLU access points, therefore MLU is being glitched? It's definately MLU forum I would say, only what or who is doing it ... aye, there's the big question and cure hey?


Hanno Spoelstra 25-12-07 08:48


Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
Can only get access through at the moment.
Still the same :(

This does not happen a lot from my end of the glass fiber!

I'd put in a ticket . . . or two.


Hanno Spoelstra 25-12-07 09:22


Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
Still the same :(
BTW, the connection is very, very slow, like being on dialup again! :eek:

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-12-07 10:43

I'm really getting dizzy from having to try different links every page or every other page change. Forum fluctuates between very fast page changes to very VERY slow to ... can't access ... back and forth for me, whuch is the norm workings from my end these days in here.

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-12-07 10:46


Originally posted by cliff
it was slow but I got through on the usual front door addy rather then sneaking in the back door like some other folk! :rolleyes
Some of us (like me) gotta be sneaky ... people chasing me don't you know and can't let 'em catch me? :eek: :D ... gee, maybe it's Santa? Maybe I'll let 'im catch me then D

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