-   -   2012 Corowa Swim-In Year of the 6x6 (

Jan Thompson 25-02-12 22:08

Thanks for picking up the mistake. I have just edited the section.

Ryan 02-03-12 09:19

With all the rains Vic and NSW is having, how's Corowa looking at the moment? Is Ball Park still above water?

Richard Farrant 02-03-12 10:07


Originally Posted by Ryan (Post 161177)
With all the rains Vic and NSW is having, how's Corowa looking at the moment? Is Ball Park still above water?

Hi Ryan,

Just deciding whether to pack my waders or not. Ironic thing is we are having a dry winter with water shortages here. Have been watching the reports from NSW and Vic, pretty grim.

For the river level, this link seems to give you up to date info, height is now climbing.

regards, Richard

Ryan 02-03-12 10:38

Impressive. Thanks for the link Rich.

easo 02-03-12 10:41

I was thinking the same thing Ryan, Corowa is only 2hrs from here and half of my workplace has gone to Wangratta to help.


Richard Coutts-Smith 02-03-12 11:38

Plenty of water over the road after the Corowa airport, but still open. Water covered the paddock where the official line up takes place. It is not the river levels that are the problem, but the run off, the Murray was dropped to very low level in the lead up to this rain event.
Murray Valley Highway had water flowing over it in many places, but still remained open between Wodonga and Corowa.
Rain free day today will let the run off find its way, another 100mm tomorrow to top it up, but at least I won't be going to work through it this time....

Keith Webb 02-03-12 12:01

Theme song for 2012
Mud, mud, glorious mud!

Jan Thompson 03-03-12 09:13

The reports from people who are in the area indicate that there is a lot of water around. I have had a number of phone calls from people asking if the event will be cancelled. It would only be cancelled if the Corowa Shire contacted us and said not to come to town. With the amount of money we bring into town they will be welcoming us into town.

Two years ago when we had Year of the Jeep I remember the rainfall prior to the event and even over the first few days. We ended up with a record number of vehicles in town (266).

If we are unable to use the paddock at Corowa Airport there will be alternatives we can look at for the photoshoot.

One week today and I will be there.

Howard 03-03-12 11:27

The Corowa shire has done an excellent job on the river banks around ball park- they have built up the sand areas and reenforced the banks with logs & sandbags to create an area that makes it easier to park and alight water craft, and created some nice swimming spots, too. :note:
However I guess that this will all be under water by the time we get there... :giveup

hrpearce 04-03-12 12:04

After yesterday's events I will be coming to Corowa in a Camery :( , I will be at the office reguarly so drop by and catch up or meet in person for the first time :cheers:

Jan Thompson 04-03-12 20:52

Take a look at the following website for updates on the weather in Corowa.

Jan Thompson 04-03-12 20:58

Don't forget to be at the front of the vehicle line up at Corowa Airport at 12.30 on Saturday 17th March for the MLU photo.

John Mackie 05-03-12 11:46

-my travel plans for corowa.
as all the roads to corowa are al doubtfull we will all have to see what the weather does. I plan to leave cootamundra in my jeep on the morning of the 10 th and travel by culcairn, walbundry and hopefield if the roads are open. if anybody would like to join me they are welcome.i can be contacted on 0427 233 237.


lynx42 06-03-12 09:58

Corowa Airport update.

Corowa Airport update.

The recent rain in southern New South Wales has caused KVE Inc a few problems for “The year of the 6 X 6”.

The Shire of Corowa has advised that the Corowa Airport may not be available for our upcoming event. This means that there may be no camping at the airport or that the Display and Swap Meet may also have to be moved to a different location.

The Shire has offered the Stock Yards area for our use and within close proximity of another caravan park/camping area, this may be where we end up.

If you have booked at the Airport, you MAY have to move to the Bindaree Caravan Park opposite the Stock Yards.

KVE and the Corowa Shire are sorry for this possible move, but the weather is one thing over which we have no control.

Please watch this space for further updates. Please be prepared to move to a different location if the ground doesn’t dry out enough for the Airport Management to agree to us being at the Airport next week.

All trips, Swap Meet and Display will go ahead as planned but may not be at the Airport.

Please watch this thread for updates.

Yours etc
Rick Cove,
President KVE Inc.

Jeff Gordon 06-03-12 11:52

Hi All,
Just thought I would let you know that three of us are attempting to ride our ww2 motorbikes down from Queensland.
Ray Smith on a Indian Chief
Neale Dixon on a 42WLA Harley
and me on a 42 WLA Harley.
Rain, hail or shine we are giving it a go.
We have support vehicle should something go wrong.
I broke a bone in my hand 3 weeks ago so I am not sure how I will go. :doh:
We are leaving Goondiwindi Sunday morning.
Hope to see you all there.

Howard 06-03-12 11:57

Epic trip!
Now that sounds like fun, Jeff!
If you need help while in this area, (you'll almost be there), or if you simply want to call in for a chin wag, or even a comfy cot for the night, be sure to look us up.
I guess you will be coming through Ardlethan, Grong Grong, to Narrandera? Visiting Ganmain will add 30km or so to your trip.
BTW< This goes for anyone traveling to or from Corowa!

Dianaa 06-03-12 23:52


Originally Posted by lynx42 (Post 161378)
Corowa Airport update.

The recent rain in southern New South Wales has caused KVE Inc a few problems for “The year of the 6 X 6”.



Will the Bindaree Caravan Park be at the same price as the Airport?

Will AAVA have sufficient space to erect a 14 X 28 tent? (at the same P/P rate)?

Will the heavy vehicles be parking in the stock yards or on the street AND what security arrangements have been made to secure the unnattended, unlockable vehicles?


John Mackie 07-03-12 23:31

Corowa or bust
I am about to depart to Cootamundra. i was sheduled to depart yesterday but all three roads to the east and south were closed. there i change over to the jeep. I hope that entrants are able to make Corowa without too many detours. see you there.


lynx42 08-03-12 11:30

Urgent - camping cancelled at airport

Camping at Corowa Airport Cancelled.

The Airport is currently out of bounds due to the wet weather.

Unfortunately the weather has put a dampener on part of our event.

Below is a précis of the letter sent this afternoon by the Corowa Shire Council…

Corowa Shire Council
8th March 2012
Rick Cove
President, Khaki Vehicle enthusiasts
PO Box 227, Paynesville VIC 3880

Dear Rick


As you are aware, Corowa Shire is one of the many Local Government Areas across NSW and Victoria that has been significantly affected by recent heavy rainfall and flooding. As a result, we have since been declared as a National Disaster area.

Following this rainfall and concern for the success of your event, Council’s engineering staff have conducted a number of inspections to determine the suitability of the Corowa Airport for your event.

Based on these inspections, it is recommended that an alternative venue be used by the Khaki Vehicle Enthusiasts due to the water logging of large areas at the airport.

…Council believes use of the airport may cause significant damage to the facility.

Please also note that the terminal building at the airport has sustained damage to the roof and currently cannot be used…

…Bindaree Caravan Park has indicated it would be pleased to accommodate those members who previously planned to camp at the airport. There may also be other caravan parks in Corowa which would be willing to make the necessary arrangements for your members.

Council maintains its strong support of this event and we look forward to the arrival of Khaki Vehicle Enthusiasts in Corowa.

Yours sincerely
Bob Parr, Acting General Manager.

KVE Inc. has arranged other camping facilities within Corowa for all those affected by the Councils response to the extreme wet weather conditions.

The Bindaree Caravan park has agreed to take all of those affected campers into a special area conveniently place across the road from the Corowa Saleyards where KVE Inc. will be holding the Display and Swap Meet.

Bindaree Caravan park has offered unpowered campsites at a special price of $10.00 per person per night .

There is plenty of room to camp with your vehicle. (Semi trailers can be parked across the road within sight of your camp site.)

On site are Toilets, Recreation Room, Pool, and a Laundry. A fire for you to sit around is also available. (There is a 100m. walk to the showers.)

indaree Caravan park is at 454 Honour Avenue, Corowa and is opposite the SaleYards and just to the East of the new bridge. |
Phone: (02) 6033 2500.

KVE Inc. apologises for this unfortunate inconvenience and next year,
weather permitting,we WILL be back at the Airport.

Safe travel all of you. See you in Corowa.

Rick Cove.
President KVE Inc.

lynx42 08-03-12 11:34


Originally Posted by Dianaa (Post 161419)

Will the Bindaree Caravan Park be at the same price as the Airport?

Will AAVA have sufficient space to erect a 14 X 28 tent? (at the same P/P rate)?

Will the heavy vehicles be parking in the stock yards or on the street AND what security arrangements have been made to secure the unnattended, unlockable vehicles?


I hope the thread posted above answers your questions. There will be plenty of room for your tentage and the AAVA vehicles will be on site with you. Only semi-trailers will be required to park across the road in sight of your campsites.

See you there,
Regards Rick.

Dianaa 08-03-12 12:22

Thanks Rick

Yes it answers a lot of our questions. It also seems that, possibly due to the rains, that most of the AAVA member heavy vehicles will not be attending even though a number were 6X6. We are also re-visiting the size of the Club tent down to a single 14 X 14 and possibly only for the latter part of the week.

Three other questions.
  1. Is the Airport itself out of bounds?
  2. Tabitha in the Jump Shack is a tremendous supporter of the Swim-In, will the meals still be available in the jump shack if vehicles park on the paved car park?
  3. REMLR was to have our AGM in the airport terminal on Friday Afternoon, which is now out of the question. Is there another venue available and/or is the Jump Shack an option for that as well?
Thank you and KVE for your efforts.


Richard Farrant 08-03-12 23:02


Originally Posted by Dianaa (Post 161507)
Thanks Rick

Yes it answers a lot of our questions. It also seems that, possibly due to the rains, that most of the AAVA member heavy vehicles will not be attending even though a number were 6X6. We are also re-visiting the size of the Club tent down to a single 14 X 14 and possibly only for the latter part of the week.

Three other questions.
  1. Is the Airport itself out of bounds?
  2. Tabitha in the Jump Shack is a tremendous supporter of the Swim-In, will the meals still be available in the jump shack if vehicles park on the paved car park?
  3. REMLR was to have our AGM in the airport terminal on Friday Afternoon, which is now out of the question. Is there another venue available and/or is the Jump Shack an option for that as well?
Thank you and KVE for your efforts.


hi Diana,

As a KVE Committee member, I am assisting Jan in her Secretary role and we are replying to comments in your above post. We are not aware of any AAVA 6x6 vehicles that have been entered, Col Brown had told Jan that AAVA were not bringing down any large vehicles this year. Negative posts like these, tend to give doubts to readers of them. To repeat what Rick and Jan have posted in the last few days, the event is still on and we are all positive about it being another good one.

Regarding your three questions, it is suggested you contact Tabitha at the Jumpshak for answers to them, her number is in the newsletter.

KVE Committee Member & Newsletter Editor

Dianaa 09-03-12 00:32

Hi Richard

I was under the impression that Tim was an AAVA member and that a DUKW is a 6X6 which he was bringing, but that is now not likely.

Secondly, I am sure that the questions I have asked are questions that others are likely to ask also and my personal contact with any of the KVE committee will only answer the questions for me and those I in turn contact.

Posting the questions in the forum will receive the official KVE reply as Rick has done, and save numerous phone calls to both KVE and the subsequent re-transmissions of the information.


Addit: Have contacted Tabitha by phone and the Corowa Council is a little misleading in it's reply.

The Corowa Airport is currently open and very active as the Army are conducting parachute training on a daily basis.
The damage to the terminal building was done by an aircraft not by any weather event.

For Swim-In participants:
Tabitha and Tim will have the Jump Shack open for breakfast, lunch and dinner on a daily basis throughout the week.

The REMLR AGM can use part of the Jump Shack for the meeting if they choose.

Richard Farrant 09-03-12 00:47


Originally Posted by Dianaa (Post 161526)
I was under the impression that Tim was an AAVA member and that a DUKW is a 6X6 which he was bringing, but that is now not likely.

Hi Diana,
That is only one 6x6 you refer to when you gave the impression of a number of them. Having spoken to Tim yesterday he never made any suggestion that he was not bringing the DUKW.

regards, Richard

lukejohnston1965 09-03-12 00:48

What rain?
I'm making the annual pilgrimage again, and my son is looking forward to it. It's the event we look forward to every year.
Yeap, it's a bit wet. Probably a bit wetter than the last two years.
I've got photo's of Don's (RIP) tent at the airport which could have been called "the swamp" with 4 inches of water through it. I loved the laconic way he got over the challenge and moved on, much like the diggers who drove these wonderful machines some 70 years ago.
I'vve also got swags of photos of a kubelwagon, APC, Mack and Dodge roaring through puddles plus a Landrover getting recovered.
I guess Kokoda would have been a different story if the guys had said "Sod this, it might rain" and went home.

It's not the Hyatt and there isn't a day spa or $14.00 drinks with pink umbrellas. It's Corowa and one of the last bastions of the Australian Spirit.

lynx42 09-03-12 02:37

The Jump Shak is open as usual.

"For Swim-In participants:
Tabitha and Tim will have the Jump Shack open for breakfast, lunch and dinner on a daily basis throughout the week.

Correct Diana, I was just about to add a post to that affect.

Corowa Swim-In attendees, please continue to support the Jump Shak as you have done in the past. Tabitha and Tim will have the good food as usual.

It is unfortunate that the weather has caused a few problems for us all.

Camping is arranged for those who have to move from the Airport at the Bindaree Caravan Park, 454 Honour Ave. Corowa. This park is opposite the Sale Yards and just past the New Bridge on the road to Albury.

Come along and have fun!!

BTW: Tim's Dukw may not be attending due to a sad and unfortunate happening to a member of one of his employees families. Our thoughts are with them.

See you there,

President KVE Inc.

Jan Thompson 09-03-12 08:51

I have spoken to Tabitha this afternoon and she is really looking forward to people attending the Spit Roast dinner on Friday night. $18 per head for Adults and $10 per head for children. The list is expanding and I do hope MLU members will support her by attending this function. You must book in by Wednesday evening and it is up to you to contact her. Her phone number is 0415 704748 and email is

You are welcome to wear fancy dress and the meal will be served at 6.45. It will be helpful if you can bring your own table and chairs. There will be a parade briefing at approximately 7.30pm prior to John Belfield giving a talk.

Jan Thompson 09-03-12 20:35

Ben Hemmings, our webmaster has updated the website with information related to this years event. Contact details are available for the alternate location for camping.

Justin Pollard 10-03-12 11:20

Hello All,

I've been following the Wet Corowa airport posts and have to ask, In one post it says the airport is out of bounds cause its to wet, in another post support the jump shak, might be clear to some but how can we if the airport is out of bounds?. Not been negative just want to know.
My question is, we know some groups in Corowa have been trying to stop camping at the airport, Its been on the cards for a couple of years, is this an easy way out for them, it seems odd that another group has unpowered sites already available for us. conspiracy theory!, i hope i'm wrong. It wont be the same not been at the strip!.

I will be very interested to see how wet the airport really is.

hrpearce 10-03-12 11:41

I'm at the office Wed, Thu, Fri. 3:00 to 6:00 pm and at the saleyards from 7:30 to 11:30 am so if we haven't met or to catch up I will be easy to find. Enjoy Corowa :cheers:

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