-   For Sale Or Wanted (
-   -   For Sale deact Bren gun (

Lynn Eades 10-10-10 01:04

Time to look in the mirror, and decide what you see.

peter simundson 10-10-10 03:05

I have to say it is a fine looking Bren and probably a bargain at $1200.
Even though is isn't an Inglis made Gun.

Peter S

Jon Skagfeld 10-10-10 06:28

Agree, Peter, but it still comes down to what was advertised.

Picture vs reality= no go.

Sunray should be publishing my thoughts on this matter tomorrow.

(Side bar...see ya Peter, Acton.)

Local Chap 10-10-10 07:44

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a clue in how to identify a Canadian-made Inglis:

RichardT10829 10-10-10 09:46

nice bren... however without trying to look hard the stock is different. sorry this happened to you Guy please dont fear from buying on MLU again.

peter simundson 10-10-10 15:09

Can I ask the obvious????
Guy....What will make you happy?? Return the gun for a full refund including shipping?? Seems to me that would solve the problem.

Adam.....What would you settle for to calm the waters???

Can we come to an agreement please?

Peter S

Guy 10-10-10 18:36

Creating Good Will

Originally Posted by peter simundson (Post 137219)
Guy....What will make you happy?? Return the gun for a full refund including shipping?? Seems to me that would solve the problem.

Adam.....What would you settle for to calm the waters???

Can we come to an agreement please?

Peter S

Making things right, several options, Sellers Choice although I assume we will not hear from him,
1.Exchange the Bren’s, giving me what was advertised for sale - an Inglis, and I am not paying for shipping AGAIN, seller pays to ship out the Bren and gives me $50 to return the Enfield Bren OR,
2. Refund the purchase price including shipping that I paid & $50 to send the Bren back OR,
3. Donate $200 to MLU OR,
4. Send me the dewat .303 that was also advertised for sale and this will make up the difference OR,
5. Do nothing and I hope you are banned from selling, Take your pick.

RichardT10829 10-10-10 19:06

i like the donate option buddy but can you replace the word MLU with the word Richie ?

Adame it may assist your case if you have some input on this matter ?

peter simundson 10-10-10 20:47

Guy Thank you for your fast response.

However as I see it the problem is that Adam had 2 Brens. An Inglis and an Enfield. He sold the Inglis and used the Inglis picture to sell his second Bren (which is the Enfield) not thinking the second was an Enfield and that may lead to trouble.
Bearing this in mind. how would the return option then apply?? After all if he doesn't still have it he can't send it.

This would be easier if Adam would get involved. ARE YOU LISTENING ADAM????????

Peter S

Guy 10-10-10 21:43


Originally Posted by Adame (Post 136765)
Grow up. you didn't even pay the full amount. And you certainly not going to find any Bren's for $1200, as nice as that one.

As for the picture. Its the only Bren a had.


Hi Peter, well I assume from what was said this was the only Bren and strangely it does not match what was in the picture he posted, if there was another Bren and it has since been sold then maybe one of the other options may be of use, will wait to see what happens, I can't see anything positive happening, am trying to be flexible on possible solutions, in the end I did not get what I purchased and the seller lives by his own rules which do not work for anyone else. This will end up being a lesson for everyone else.

peter simundson 10-10-10 22:22

Actually I think he sold the Inglis first and used the Inglis pictures for the Enfield...but whatever.

I don't like that "Grow Up" comment so it may be he'll just ignore the situation.

Good luck. Peter S.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 11-10-10 15:12

Received the following by email from Jon Skagfeld, whom I've known well for 35 years, addressed to Adam:

"I found it disturbing that you would misrepresent an item, i.e. the Bren, which you sold through MLU.

I then found out about the shenanigans that you purportedly pulled when you sold my
previously owned Chev 15 Cwt. You also had the audacity to show my picture of it, taken on my lawn, in front of my house, in order to show it for sale.

Then I start to wonder what misrepresentation you might display with regard to other of
your items up for sale in the MLU Forum.

I've now come to the conclusion that your actions indicate a person who cannot be trusted.

It's up to the Forum's owner/moderator for his action in this matter, but I'm filing a formal
request for you to be banned from MLU.

I do this for an altruistic purpose: I'd rather not see another member of this Forum get ripped
off in the same manner."

Unless Adam has an answer for all of this, there seems to no alternative but to remove his posting privileges on MLU. Adam, you have two days.


rob love 11-10-10 16:25

I bought the PIAT he had for sale on this forum, and was happy with it. No complaints with that deal.

The collecting community is a small one, and a good reputation is a valuable thing. Hard to believe someone would toss it away over a $1200 (or less) deal.

malcolm erik bogaert 11-10-10 20:18

Guys time to take stock..whilst this is without a doubt the best mv forum known to man(and there are some shockers)..its a forum and not a court of law...having been caught out myself many have to remember the old adage...BUYER BEWARE...hope this can be sorted peacefully...regards malcolm :cheers:

RichardT10829 11-10-10 21:09

not that i am a mod or even an admin, but i would politely suggest giving adame his two days then lock the thread to prevent the matter being dragged out ?

jeff davis 12-10-10 02:24

Bad Faith
Kick him out. this is the Best ww2 forum I have been on,Very helpful for all the Vehicles that I have worked on.
We do not see Big Mike anymore so what is keeping this guy on the site.
Dealing in bad faith is still Bad faith. The forum is not for Pricks to bilk fellow Members out of their Money.
Geoffd decision,Continue to keep the Forum Fair

Aidan 12-10-10 05:01

Here Here Jeff, Good show, Yes LETS keep it fair!


Harry Moon 12-10-10 19:31

From the original post
"For sale my extra Bren gun. CDN Inglis, great shape, good deact not butcherd. Comes with sling."

Just pointing out the obvious.

DanJahn 13-10-10 00:23

My thoughts
Hi group.

Just to relate a short story on the power of the group that makes up a forum.

A few years ago on another MV forum I bought what was supposed to be some 1100x20 tires (tyres). After paying up front for the tires and shipping they turned out to be 900x20 in size. The seller didn't see a big problem and also thought I shouldn't complain as I got a good deal. There were a few members that didn't feel the forum was the right place to bring the matter up but I strongly feel to this day that if it wasn't for the many forum members supporting me I wouldn't have got a refund eventually from the seller.

I know MLU forum member Guy and he is a good fellow.


Alex Blair (RIP) 13-10-10 02:20

Your word is your bond..
I sold manuals on MLU among other places for at least 10 years and always bent over backwards to satisfy my customers..who were all over the world..
I had a customer who didn't receive his manual in Pennsylvania..
I tracked it and it was across the border somewhere and after three weeks I had another one printed and sent courier..
The day after the second manual arrived the first one showed up He called me and I told him to keep it and give it to his dad, a WW 2 vet and tank commander.
I had another customer in England who after a few weeks notified me that one page was missing the parts manual..
I checked mine and it was in the original but they had missed it in the master copy so I had another page printed and punched for the proper bindings and had it air mailed to England.
No big deal..a round trip to the copy shop ..60 KM..and an special air mail to England..about $18.00,for one page, as I recall..and a day of frigging around..
BUT the customer got his complete manual..
and was happy..
But that is how you treat your customers if you want to have a good name in this hobby..we are too small and every one knows everyone ..OR someone who knows you..or him...or them..
Be honest..admit your mistakes..fix them..
Money you can get lots of ..Your good name....Only one of want to keep it..??Treat your customers with respect and honesty..
Then you can sleep at night and be welcome at any gather up ..and not have to duck and dodge and hide from some one you screwed..
End of rant..:remember :drunk: :support

malcolm erik bogaert 13-10-10 09:57

de-act bren
know what you mean..last xmas at the time of the very bad weather hear I sold a newish russian jeep to a company in London...the day of the first big blizzard young chap came up by train from London I collected him from the railway station fed him then waved him off...durring the blizzard he telephoned broken down 10 miles away..i went out in the blizzard and recovered him and the vehicle(electrics dead) offered him accomadation but he wanted to get home..battled throught the snow and got him to the station...ordered new alternator and power pack after 1 week he returned once more by train,collected him once again...another meal and away he went again...yes he broke down again at the very same snow was much worse and most roads where closed...recovered him again..returned the funds yet again and returned him to the station..we parted as friends and no hard feelings..I was lots of pounds out of pocket...but when you sell something it has to be spot on...fault was traced to a faulty electronic gizmo in the dizzy...vehicle eventualy sold but at a reduced price...result everybody happy except my wife and bank manager....regards malcolm :fry: :fry: :fry:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 13-10-10 15:40

Given we've not heard a word from Adam since the end of September, I have no choice but to suspend his posting rights on MLU. This is a shame, and it didn't have to be this way.


RichardT10829 13-10-10 16:13

Well i am dissapointed i honestly thought he would come on and sort the matter out, you have given him a chance Geoff, and it would appear that he is not willing to make amends.....did anyone buy his carrier he was selling ? i fear there may be issues with that vehicle too, given what has come to light with this thread and previous sales.

RichardT10829 13-10-10 16:24

Geoff, are you able to view (being an admin) when Adam was last on the may give us a clue on what sort of bloke he is, if he has been on here and not made an effort to put calm constructive input towards this matter ?

rob love 13-10-10 16:42


Originally Posted by RichardT10829 (Post 137349)
Geoff, are you able to view (being an admin) when Adam was last on the may give us a clue on what sort of bloke he is, if he has been on here and not made an effort to put calm constructive input towards this matter ?

Anybody can do that: Just click on his name and click the link to his public profile. It will show the last time he was on. He was last on late September.

When guys want to avoid being seen, they will log out and then view the site as a guest.

Hanno Spoelstra 13-10-10 16:52


Originally Posted by RichardT10829 (Post 137348)
i fear there may be issues with that vehicle too, given what has come to light with this thread and previous sales.

All, please do not speculate & keep it factual.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 13-10-10 18:48

Gentlemen, what's done is done. I'm closing this thread.

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