-   -   Jif in Australia (

Howard 23-03-07 06:28

And more...
1 Attachment(s)
And one of the local characters took us into a shed & showed Geoff a little bit of (non CMP) Canada in Ganmain. Because of it's location in the shed this is the best pic I could get.
It is a combine (for sowing crops) about 100 years old & in excellent condition. Made by Massey-Harris in Toronto, Canada.
And also check this out!

Keith Webb 23-03-07 08:08

Re: Kicking Back...

Originally posted by Howard
And in the evenings.... Kicking back & sucking in clean air.
You can get clean air in Eltham too :p

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 23-03-07 10:46

Ganmain to Yass
A busy couple of days in the magnificent company of Howard, Jo, and their great young lads. Tomorrow Jo's running me up to Yass to spend a few days being abused by the Hedges coven, then after that, who the bloody hell knows where. I remain surprised that so much time has gone by so quickly! Except for my kitties, I don' wanna go home... :eek:

Anyway, I'll be in touch sometime tomorrow. Karmen, teach Keefy everything he has to know... everyone, if there's something you need, by all means email me BUT COPY KARMEN. One of us will get it sorted.

Out for now.

Keith Webb 23-03-07 11:04

Re: Ganmain to Yass

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
A busy couple of days in the magnificent company of Howard, Jo, and their great young lads. Tomorrow Jo's running me up to Yass to spend a few days being abused by the Hedges coven, then after that, who the bloody hell knows where. I remain surprised that so much time has gone by so quickly! Except for my kitties, I don' wanna go home... :eek:

Anyway, I'll be in touch sometime tomorrow. Karmen, teach Keefy everything he has to know... everyone, if there's something you need, by all means email me BUT COPY KARMEN. One of us will get it sorted.

Out for now.

What a short message. That's what happens when you're on dialup. ;)

Vets Dottir 2nd 23-03-07 19:43

Re: Ganmain to Yass

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
A busy couple of days in the magnificent company of Howard, Jo, and their great young lads. Tomorrow Jo's running me up to Yass to spend a few days being abused by the Hedges coven, then after that, who the bloody hell knows where. I remain surprised that so much time has gone by so quickly! Except for my kitties, I don' wanna go home... :eek:
Good to hear a wee bittie something from yourself in the forum Master Ozzie Jif

... and ref Keefy's comment about "dialup" ... how well I remember that from before highspeed 24/7! Me appreciating having access to online AT ALL was what helped me accept the slowness and budgetting time ... grudgingly :D

... Meow meow ... TUNA ... meow meow ... MEOW T_U_N_A :D

I expect you'll have tons of memories, stories, and pictures to soothe your withdrawals from Australia and your phone bills will be going UP UP UP with calling all your new Australian buddies :D


Anyway, I'll be in touch sometime tomorrow. Karmen, teach Keefy everything he has to know... everyone, if there's something you need, by all means email me BUT COPY KARMEN. One of us will get it sorted.

Out for now.

I'll teach Keefy the bits of Admin stuff I know how to do, but I still don't know how to submit trouble tickets should the forum go down, therefore can't show him how to do that!!! If the forum goes down it will have to wait for Hanno or yourself to deal with it. :eek:

For the record to all, I can help you with access or login troubles like resetting/changing passwords for you, or email addresses, moving or deleting posts, sometimes I can help with posting photos by making them MLU acceptable size, and little things like this. Whatever I know how to do, I'll pass that "how to" onto Keefy as we go so he can do this stuff for you as well :cheers:

I know I don't have to say "enjoy yourself" ;)


Howard 23-03-07 22:56

Going, Going,
Master Sunray is now in the company of Ms Mud-puddle & en route to Yass. Geoff has promised to deliver a more detailed story of his adventures to date when at the Hedges' place.
Carmen, Jiffy is in good spirits if not a little tired. Stand by,
Cheers All

Vets Dottir 2nd 23-03-07 23:07

Re: Going, Going,

Originally posted by Howard
Master Sunray is now in the company of Ms Mud-puddle & en route to Yass. Geoff has promised to deliver a more detailed story of his adventures to date when at the Hedges' place.
Carmen, Jiffy is in good spirits if not a little tired. Stand by,
Cheers All

So, Chris (poor Chris gotta go home now) leaves Max, Kathy and Em today and Geoff arrives to them. Kathy and Max and Em ... will you all be having a holiday to recuperate after Corowa and all your foreign visitors have all gone home :D

I look forward to hearing all about the adventures, as we all do :)


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 24-03-07 04:37

Re: Going, Going,

Originally posted by Howard
Master Sunray is now in the company of Ms Mud-puddle & en route to Yass. Geoff has promised to deliver a more detailed story of his adventures to date when at the Hedges' place.
Carmen, Jiffy is in good spirits if not a little tired. Stand by,
Cheers All

Ms Mud-puddle and I have eloped... sorry Howard old-bean, but she's way to good for you... :p

OK, I lied, I'm at Max's now, he's off someplace getting thoroughly wet, I've had toast with vegemite for a late lunch and am enjoying a rare rain here. Have had a good chat with Kathy and now Em's home to abuse me some more. A glutton for punishment, I am... :D

More later, am here for a few days. :)


Vets Dottir 2nd 24-03-07 05:45

Howard, thanks for the update and I'm glad that Geoff was kind enough, like a good guest should be, to not abscond with Ms Mudpuddle :D Happy, I'm sure, will be very happy to see Geoff again and there's no way she would stand for Master Jif kidnapping any other female, and Jif would be too afraid to upset Happy, therefore his words about eloping with Ms Mudpuddle are all talk and no action.

I hope that Happy isn't aware of Jif's flirtation with Blond Lucy whilst at Corowa. Jif was a Bah-bah-bad boy and Happy :sheep: will surely :fry: him if she knows what shenanigans he has been up to as any good sheep worth her weight in precious Vegemite would do!


Ma Yappy

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 24-03-07 11:29

Re: Happy
Keefy, I hope this doesn't hurt too much, but we had Happy for supper tonight. A lot of fat and a bit stringy, but went down well with Kathy's excellent gravy and roast potatoes. I had two helpings and those two irritating little dogs got the rest. Washing it down with tea at present.

Don't think Happy was too 'happy' about it though, hell of a thing getting a live, overweight sheep onto the barbie. Ah well, live and learn... :D

Better not let Em see this, come to think of it... :eek:


Keith Webb 24-03-07 12:01

Re: Re: Happy

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Keefy, I hope this doesn't hurt too much, but we had Happy for supper tonight. A lot of fat and a bit stringy, but went down well with Kathy's excellent gravy and roast potatoes. I had two helpings and those two irritating little dogs got the rest. Washing it down with tea at present.

Don't think Happy was too 'happy' about it though, hell of a thing getting a live, overweight sheep onto the barbie. Ah well, live and learn... :D

Better not let Em see this, come to think of it... :eek:



Oh well, hope you enjoyed her. We had some great moments together.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 24-03-07 12:05

Re: Re: Re: Happy

Originally posted by Keith Webb

Oh well, hope you enjoyed her. We had some great moments together.

Well, she sure made ME 'happy'... :p ... maybe not as 'happy' as Lucy, but close... :D

:sheep: :sheep: :drunk:

Vets Dottir 2nd 24-03-07 22:03

Re: Re: Re: Re: Happy

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Well, she sure made ME 'happy'... :p ... maybe not as 'happy' as Lucy, but close... :D

:sheep: :sheep: :drunk:

Methinks all females makes you verra happy these days
:eek: :p :D (Have you been to those Sydney beaches yet? )

Okay, THAT was all verra cheeky ... I take it all back ... time for a :coffee and to check the daily news ...

Vets Dottir 2nd 24-03-07 22:41

Daylight Savings Times and opposite schedules:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 25-03-07 01:48

After coffee/tea, went out with Max this morning to cut willows along the riverbank for feed. It was most remarkable... the moment he fired up the chain saw, sheep and cows from miles around came running (and yelling)! I have some pics, will upload later this day.


PS: Still bloody cold out in the wind... my body only just got used to a 70C change in temperature, now it's totally confused! :eek:

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-03-07 08:10

Sounds fun all round :)


Max Hedges 25-03-07 09:26

Carrier Adventures
1 Attachment(s)
After we towed this beast out of bunker storage, put a battery in it and got it going, we just spent the last couple of hours herding sheep and cattle and generally regressing in age and maturity. More pics will follow in due course, but this is just to prove that I was there... :D

SUNRAY on Max's ID because I'm too lazy to change and have to shave before dinner...

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-03-07 09:30

Re: Carrier Adventures

Originally posted by Max Hedges
After we towed this beast out of bunker storage, put a battery in it and got it going, we just spent the last couple of hours herding sheep and cattle and generally regressing in age and maturity. More pics will follow in due course, but this is just to prove that I was there... :D

Oh, now seee there, I just KNEW his head would be in the clouds over there! :D

Max Hedges 25-03-07 09:34

1 Attachment(s)
Another one.... :p


Keith Webb 25-03-07 09:39

Bloody fantastic!
Ripper Bonza beaut!

Hope someone was running a video camera too...

Those pics are wonderful.

So Jif, what was the experience like?

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-03-07 10:03

I sure agree with Keith about the photos being wonderful :salute: but but but ... where are the COWS and SHEEP?

By the way, I've just had great fun a while ago bossing Keefy around the forum, telling him where to go, and what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. It don't get no better than that! ... OH JOY OH JOY :smoker: ... unfortunately :( he now has the power to POOF me out of MLU on whimsy ..... and I showed him how to do that :eek:

Keith Webb 25-03-07 11:24

The power is mine!

Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
he now has the power to POOF me out of MLU on whimsy ..... and I showed him how to do that :eek:
He-heh-heh... :devil:

By the way... NO POOFTAHS!


All Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you. Amen!
They sit down.
Fourth Bruce Any questions?
Second Bruce New Bruce - are you a pooftah?
Fourth Bruce Are you a pooftah?
Michael No!
Fourth Bruce No right, well gentlemen, I'll just remind you of the faculty rules: Rule one - no pooftahs. Rule two, no member of the faculty is to maltreat the Abbos in any way whatsoever - if there's anybody watching. Rule three - no pooftahs. Rule four - I don't want to catch anyone not drinking in their room after lights out. Rule five - no pooftahs. Rule six - there is no rule six! Rule seven - no pooftahs. That concludes the reading of the rules, Bruce.
First Bruce This here's the wattle - the emblem of our land. You can stick it in a bottle or you can hold it in your hand.
All Amen!
Fourth Bruce Gentlemen, at six o'clock I want every man-Bruce of you in the Sydney Harbour Bridge room to take a glass of sherry with the flying philosopher, Bruce, and I call upon you, padre, to close the meeting with a prayer.
First Bruce Oh Lord, we beseech thee etc. etc. etc., Amen.
All Amen!
First Bruce Right, let's get some Sheilas.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 25-03-07 12:17


Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
I sure agree with Keith about the photos being wonderful :salute: but but but ... where are the COWS and SHEEP?
The Kiwis haven't yet released the sheep into our custody...

zemsi 25-03-07 12:49

... excellent pics, Jif!

Try out Firefox, I used it on Max's PC. Should still be installed. So you won't have to log in and out every time because Firefox uses other Cookies than IE.

Enjoy the time in Yass!

zemsi 25-03-07 16:29

cutting willows
... bye the way, here you can see Max@work

Cutting Willows

PS Look out especially for the sophisticated safety equipment he wears.

Keith Webb 25-03-07 21:17

Re: cutting willows

Originally posted by zemsi
... bye the way, here you can see Max@work

Cutting Willows

PS Look out especially for the sophisticated safety equipment he wears.

That's just Yass style, Chris! Thanks for the link. :salute:

cliff 25-03-07 22:40

Re: cutting willows

Originally posted by zemsi
... bye the way, here you can see Max@work

Cutting Willows

PS Look out especially for the sophisticated safety equipment he wears.

I'm surprised to see Max with shoes on. Up here it is normally thongs or bare feet! :D

Cliff :)

Vets Dottir 2nd 25-03-07 23:33

The way you were standing below the cutting, didn't you get sawdust in your eyes Max? :eek:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 26-03-07 11:41

Spent a very pleasant evening with John Hedges and Fiona, and then today a guided tour of Canberra in the company of Fiona (including a walk through your new parliament building after an orientation from the tower on Black Mountain). I bought her a great lunch, following which I was escorted to the Australian War Memorial... about the latter, I am awed. Words fail me as to the job they have, and continue, to do at that place. Particularly moving was the Hall of Memory... I could not open my mouth as I would have burst into tears. I am only sorry I wasn't wearing my Digger hat, as I was unable to salute the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. That embarrassed the soldier in me, but I didn't know it was what it was before we arrived, else I would have been prepared (and dressed accordingly).

Suffice to say I shall visit that place again.

Tonight I am back with John and Fiona to give Max & Kathy a break; Mrs. Hedges Sr has prepared tea (supper for you heathens) and we shall be sitting down shortly (after John cleans himself up from a day on the farm). Order of march for John - beer, clean, eat. Say no more. :)

I should like to offer one more comment on all this... I have never seen anyone or any family work harder than those in the farming community here in Yass. All participate all day in their various functions, and all work seven days a week, almost literally dawn til dusk. I am filled with an admiration I cannot (yet) adequately describe. I shall in time, because their labours I am sure are echoed around the world by farmers everywhere, yet remain unappreciated by those of us who are the beneficiaries of their work. What you buy in the supermarket gets there only because of the tireless efforts of people like these.

I salute them, one and all.


Hanno Spoelstra 27-03-07 01:24

Re: Re: Re: Jif in Australia

Originally posted by Howard
Well, H, I guess we will see you 2009!? "Year of the CMP", then

Well, I might be able to hitch a ride with Swiss Chris as he seems to have set his sights on buying himself a CMP and drive it to Corowa.


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