-   -   Jif in Australia (

Hanno Spoelstra 27-03-07 01:28

Re: Roo

Originally posted by zemsi
... hmm, Roo is very yummi ;-) Here's a freshly "road kill".
Hmm, plenty of dead trucks to be found in the bush and fresh meat on the roadside. Maybe we should rename "Down Under" to "Other Way Around".

Other than that, I'm envious to see how one can still live off the land in your place.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 27-03-07 01:59

Back at Max's now, with John and Fiona both gone to work. Looks like I'm heading out to Lithgow on Thursday, timings and mode of transport yet to be confirmed. One possibility is via the rail link Goulburn/Sydney and then Sydney/Lithgow, the other involves some driving to meet in the middle. Will advise in due course.

Bright sunny morning here in Yass, temperature moderate (it's definitely autumn!) and little wind (for the first time in a couple of days). Max is off some place doing farmer-things, as is Em, but that's OK, a down-day once in a while is good. Walking about Canberra yesterday sure took a chunk out of me!

Anyway, Sydney for me Saturday or Sunday I expect, and on the aeroplane once again Tuesday 03 Apr. I can't believe it's all gone by this quickly! :(

Hanno, it would be great if you could make it down here for Corowa with Swiss Chris... methinks you'd be suitably impressed... :)

Howard 27-03-07 02:03

Re: Re: Re: Re: Jif in Australia

Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra

Well, I might be able to hitch a ride with Swiss Chris as he seems to have set his sights on buying himself a CMP and drive it to Corowa.


DO it, H!
You can help us bring our fleet to Corowa! Ganmain to Corowa is about 220km. I'll drive the F15, Tony in his F60L, Jo & kids in the Fairlane with comfy seats & air conditioning, so we need someone to bring Jo's F15A. Reckon you are up to the task?

Hanno Spoelstra 27-03-07 02:16

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Jif in Australia

Originally posted by Howard
so we need someone to bring Jo's F15A. Reckon you are up to the task?

I think a Cab 13 Ford is the best CMP of all, so that would fit the bill nicely, thanks!
2009 leaves enough time to plan ahead, hmm, let's start saving . . .
Bob, can you make me a T-shirt so I can get the wife accustomed to the idea?


Howard 27-03-07 02:30

Hanno's Visit
In all seriousness, accomodation is not a problem for 2009. We did it for Jiff & we can do it for you & Mrs Hanno. Start Saving. Now.

cliff 27-03-07 02:37

Hmmm might aim for then myself.....if I leave a month before I should just about be there on time in my trusty chair :D

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 27-03-07 10:49

Re: Carrier Adventures
1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Max Hedges
After we towed this beast out of bunker storage, put a battery in it and got it going, we just spent the last couple of hours herding sheep and cattle and generally regressing in age and maturity. More pics will follow in due course, but this is just to prove that I was there... :D
An example of Yass Sheep Herding (tm):

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 27-03-07 10:54

1 Attachment(s)
Device, motorized, stock herding, Mk1*:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 27-03-07 11:27

1 Attachment(s)
Feeding time at the willows. They came running from miles around the moment they heard the chainsaw start up...

Bob Moseley (RIP) 27-03-07 13:01

Advice To Hanno

Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
Bob, can you make me a T-shirt so I can get the wife accustomed to the idea?
Hello Hanno
You don't need a T-shirt, besides I only do caps.

Ok Hanno, the following is the beginning of the campaign for your 2009 Corowa visit. Firstly just slip these two lines into random conversations, not both at the same time, but teasers over time.

“Darling how would you like a second honeymoon?”
“Darling how would you like to visit an exotic place?”

Then you could also try the official approach. “Darling I have a duty to visit the Australian MLU members to keep them in line”.

Then there is the subliminal approach.

Learn Australian and speak it at home.
Start watching Australian films and documentaries.
Watch the Australian weather forecasts, especially in your winter.
Buy all of Keefy’s Corowa videos/DVDs and continually play them.

That should keep you going for now.

:teach: Bob :teach:

zemsi 27-03-07 14:03

tim tams
.... don't forget the other Aussie Icon: Tim Tams

Hanno Spoelstra 27-03-07 22:05

Re: Advice To Hanno

Originally posted by Bob Moseley
That should keep you going for now.
Yes, it should. Great tips, thanks!
Although I have a meat cap, I guess I will have to get one of yours to keep from burning. Just make sure to depict a Ford on your 2009 cap, thanks.


Hanno Spoelstra 27-03-07 22:52

Re: Hanno's Visit

Originally posted by Howard
In all seriousness, accomodation is not a problem for 2009. We did it for Jiff & we can do it for you & Mrs Hanno. Start Saving. Now.
HH, thanks for the offer, I hope by 2009 you have reconstructed the place from the "after Jiff effect" :D
I'll start saving right after the house move (due in two months).


Alex Blair (RIP) 28-03-07 01:25

Re: Re: Hanno's Visit

Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
HH, thanks for the offer, I hope by 2009 you have reconstructed the place from the "after Jiff effect" :D
I'll start saving right after the house move (due in two months).


Screwed yourself right out the door...well done..!!

:remember :support :drunk: :D

Vets Dottir 2nd 28-03-07 07:38

Re: Update

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Anyway, Sydney for me Saturday or Sunday I expect, and on the aeroplane once again
Hi Geoff,

I guess this means that you will NOT be making it as far as Brisbane and Gympie this visit then?



Vets Dottir 2nd 28-03-07 07:40

Re: Re: Hanno's Visit

Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
HH, thanks for the offer, I hope by 2009 you have reconstructed the place from the "after Jiff effect" :D
I'll start saving right after the house move (due in two months).


It should take until 2009 to empty just the ashtrays methinks? :devil:


Vets Dottir 2nd 28-03-07 07:43


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Feeding time at the willows. They came running from miles around the moment they heard the chainsaw start up...
I HATE YOU :o :(

No I don't ... :) ... just envious :D

Vets Dottir 2nd 28-03-07 07:45


Originally posted by cliff
Hmmm might aim for then myself.....if I leave a month before I should just about be there on time in my trusty chair :D
Hook your chair to the back of a CMP passing through and it'll tow you straight to Corowa :cheers: :drunk: :D

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-03-07 08:09

Re: Re: Update

Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
Hi Geoff,

I guess this means that you will NOT be making it as far as Brisbane and Gympie this visit then?



Naw, time will not permit, this trip. We'll get there, though; I do want to see Queensland.

Hooking up with Tony Smith at Lithgow tomorrow mid-afternoon for a few days, then onwards from there. On the aeroplane next Tuesday, with extreme regrets. This country, and it's people, are amazing. Now I know why Swiss Chris is hooked... and so am I.

BTW, loading hay bales for sale just after lunch, we uncovered a 3-foot long brown snake. Cute little thing, even if it is the second-deadliest snake in the world. Anyway, a broom and a sledge hammer made quick work of it, and now what's left is ant food (and Max had me standing by with the broom while he loaded the rest of the bales, alas, no more snakes). Pics will follow tonight... :D

Vets Dottir 2nd 28-03-07 08:15

Re: Re: Re: Update

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Pics will follow tonight... :D
Oh now THAT is nasty ... don't be GROSS :eek: :fry:


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-03-07 08:20

Re: Re: Re: Re: Update

Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
Oh now THAT is nasty ... don't be GROSS :eek: :fry:


Hey, at least it's not the big bloody spider Kathy made Max show me... I swear I lost a couple of years off my life right then and there... :bang:

BTW, Australian blue-tongued lizards are CUTE... unfortunately the dogs like them too. Oh yeah, and BTW, sheep are only slightly dumber than boxes of rocks, albeit only one step down in the food chain from cows.

What have I gotten myself into? :eek:

Vets Dottir 2nd 28-03-07 08:26

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Update

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Hey, at least it's not the big bloody spider Kathy made Max show me... I swear I lost a couple of years off my life right then and there... :bang:

BTW, Australian blue-tongued lizards are CUTE... unfortunately the dogs like them too. Oh yeah, and BTW, sheep are only slightly dumber than boxes of rocks, albeit only one step down in the food chain from cows.

What have I gotten myself into? :eek:

I like Kathy and Max a whole bunch. THEY know how to treat you :smoker: :D :p

Keith Webb 28-03-07 10:28


Pics will follow tonight...
Can't wait! :yappy:

Keith Webb 28-03-07 10:35

Jif in Melbourne
1 Attachment(s)
I meant to post this earlier, but here's Jif with my FGT.

Dinty 28-03-07 10:37

G'day All, Sitting here hanging out for them, and wot we will see when he get's mixed with TimTam Tony, are there any moderators at large :D :cheers: cheers Dennis :sheep:
Sorry Tony couldn't help myself it must be Ma's influence :fry: :fry: :D

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-03-07 14:31

Sorry you lot, but I'm over at John & Fiona's, and the pics are still in the digital camera at Max's. I'll get Em to download them tomorrow morning. It WAS a long nasty bastard of a snake. We were lucky.

Sleeping here tonight, back to Max's in the morning as Fiona goes off to work, then me to Tony in the afternoon.

BTW, John Hedges is STILL at work out in the fields; Fiona and I took him out his supper and tea, but he's not back yet. She's long retired, but he's still out there, somewhere. What did I tell you about these people?

I discussed this with Fiona tonight... to quote Joe Galloway in the movie WE WERE SOLDIERS, "I just don't know how to tell this story". And I don't. This has been one of the most remarkable experiences of my life, and for once, I am tongue-tied. I suppose I'll figure it out, but right now, I cannot emote satisfactorily the effect all of this - and these people - has had upon me. And it ain't quite over yet.... sheesh....

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 28-03-07 14:36

Btw, late this afternoon Em got some video of me driving the F15A and Max and I playing silly-buggers with both that and the carrier over one of the berms around a dam. Do me a favour and cut out the bit where I demonstrated what the Ford 'crunchbox' is? I figured it out after that... :o

Bob Moseley (RIP) 28-03-07 15:21

Hello Jif
Do you remember our conversation at Corowa when I said we Aussies are merely a family that you created. You categorically disputed that. If what I said wasn't true then you would have been tramping around the country by yourself, in fact you probably wouldn't even have come. The treatment you have received here in Oz is just our way of thanking you for providing a forum and a gathering of experts worldwide that we can avail ourselves of. And we are not unique as I am sure that no matter which MLU country you visit you would get the same treatment.

Thank you for what you have created.

:cheers: Bob

Alex Blair (RIP) 28-03-07 16:33

Re: Family

Originally posted by Bob Moseley
Hello Jif
Do you remember our conversation at Corowa when I said we Aussies are merely a family that you created. You categorically disputed that. If what I said wasn't true then you would have been tramping around the country by yourself, in fact you probably wouldn't even have come. The treatment you have received here in Oz is just our way of thanking you for providing a forum and a gathering of experts worldwide that we can avail ourselves of. And we are not unique as I am sure that no matter which MLU country you visit you would get the same treatment.

Thank you for what you have created.

:cheers: Bob

You are absolutely right to say that Jif has brought us all together and a wonderful ,dedicated job he has done at great personal expense in time,money and dedicated spirit..
I would also like to bring to everyones attention the same dedication that Australia's own Rod Diery has contributed to the family in knowledge ,time and money ...
And there are too many others that have added to the family,but Rod stands out in my mind as the "CMP MEISTER"...
Here is Rods site..

:drunk: :remember :support :kangaroo

Bob Moseley (RIP) 28-03-07 23:50

Rod Diery
Hello Alex
I agree with you about Rod. Whilst we have the overt, in your face Keefy with his vast knowledge, he could almost come within my Salesman class, we have Rod as the Quiet Achiever. I know you lurk around the place Rod, it would be nice to see more input from you.

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