-   -   Jif in Australia (

Tony Smith 31-03-07 00:57

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
TONY: Those are wonderful photos of scenery and Geoff :)


OK, then, here's another:

Vets Dottir 2nd 31-03-07 02:18

Wicked scenery! It seems like no matter what part of Australia I see online or in books, its all gorgeous and amazing lands. I brought library books home with lots of photos of Australia (my favorites were in a hardcover huge book with glorious photos of Oz, National Neographic of course as their photos are generally amazing.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 31-03-07 02:19

Re: In reflection....

Originally posted by Pedr you've been here for nearly a month Jiffy.
Travelled a few miles,
Spent a short stint in one of our Hospitals,
Saw our premier military event for the year,
Worked and lived on a real farm,
Chased our native fauna and livestock,
Saw some of our sights,
Droolled over our excessive quantities of Blitzes,
Eaten our tucker,
Drunk our grog,
Smoked our durries and had a natter with some of our sheilas....

What is your opinion of this sunburnt country now mate??
What did you learn or what didn't you know before you came?,
What did you find?,
What did you like?,
What didn't you like?,
How do you feel? ( health wise )
What can we do to improve things here in our country? ( in your eyes )

Just interested to know what you thought?

We've / I've enjoyed your visit...sad to see you go...glad you came over anyway....looking forward to seeing you back here again, and hoping next time you might be able to stay a while longer. ( maybe for good )




Sorry mate, I'm pissed as hell. I spent an hour this morning typing out a long response then accidently hit CTRL-A instead of SHIFT-A and lost the whole lot. Note to self - pay attention to the stupid keyboard.

I WILL respond in due course, but Tony's having me out of here shortly.

Suffice only to say (for the moment) that this country and its people has had a profound effect upon me. When I get back to Toronto a scant few days from now, I will be a different man than he who left a month ago. I'm not sure where this is going to lead me, but suffice to say, it will to be someplace other (either in my head or otherwise) than I ever in my wildest dreams envisaged. I thank you all for that. It is a gift I can never repay.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 31-03-07 13:05

Here's the drill ref me -- leaving for Sydney tomorrow approx 1230 Local. Will be staying at a motel close to the aerodrome Sunday and probably Monday night, so will NOT have internet access. If you need something regards the forum, contact Karmen, Keefy or Hanno and one of them will do their best to fix you up.

It's 2103 Local right now, I WILL check in before I leave tomorrow.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 01-04-07 02:48

Re: Finalized

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Here's the drill ref me -- leaving for Sydney tomorrow approx 1230 Local. Will be staying at a motel close to the aerodrome Sunday and probably Monday night, so will NOT have internet access. If you need something regards the forum, contact Karmen, Keefy or Hanno and one of them will do their best to fix you up.

It's 2103 Local right now, I WILL check in before I leave tomorrow.


1043 Local right now, will be out of here NLT 1200 methinks. Tony will be available on his cell after that, and he'll pass on the info as to where I'll be, sometime around tea tonight. Cheerio you lot, it's been a pleasure and a privilege I shall never forget.


Vets Dottir 2nd 01-04-07 03:43

Re: Re: Finalized

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
1043 Local right now, will be out of here NLT 1200 methinks. Tony will be available on his cell after that, and he'll pass on the info as to where I'll be, sometime around tea tonight. Cheerio you lot, it's been a pleasure and a privilege I shall never forget.


So, I expect all of your clothes have been turfed and your luggage now is full of Blitz Bitz, Vegemite, and Tim Tams ... and nicotine patch for your long flights home. I seriously think that severe nicotine withdrawal on your flights TO Oz was partly responsible for your crash landing arrival so patch yourself up for flying home ... Tasha and Spike will want your fully awake 100% attentions as soon as you open the door at home :)


Max Hedges 01-04-07 11:54

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who's a cheeky boy now?

Max Hedges 01-04-07 11:56

taken by Geoff
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this is where Geoff sat and smelt the flowers

Max Hedges 01-04-07 11:58

another one
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this is our front driveway

Max Hedges 01-04-07 12:01

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Geoff looking for parts

Keith Webb 01-04-07 12:57

What he's really thinking...
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The truth...

Vets Dottir 2nd 01-04-07 13:03

Re: photo

Originally posted by Max Hedges
who's a cheeky boy now?
YIKES :eek: ... I know that look! :D

Rod Diery 01-04-07 14:31

Re: Re: Family

Originally posted by Alex Blair
You are absolutely right to say that Jif has brought us all together and a wonderful ,dedicated job he has done at great personal expense in time,money and dedicated spirit..
I would also like to bring to everyones attention the same dedication that Australia's own Rod Diery has contributed to the family in knowledge ,time and money ...
And there are too many others that have added to the family,but Rod stands out in my mind as the "CMP MEISTER"...
Here is Rods site..

:drunk: :remember :support :kangaroo

Bloody hell, steady on you blokes! I am flattered that you think that I have such great knowledge about all things Blitz but I am just a gatherer of information from others who are much more knowledgeable than me. I was just clever enough or lucky enough to know how to put it all together in a website. I would feel much more confortable if you gave due credit to the real CMP experts like Brian Gough, Keith Webb, Mike Cecil, Hanno Spoelstra and so on and so on..................... They are the wells of information that I tapped.

Cheers (humbly)

Tony Smith 01-04-07 14:47

Re: Finalized
1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Here's the drill ref me -- leaving for Sydney tomorrow approx 1230 Local. Will be staying at a motel close to the aerodrome Sunday and probably Monday night, so will NOT have internet access.
It's 2103 Local right now, I WILL check in before I leave tomorrow.


Geoff, is indeed at a Formule1 Motel out by the Airstrip tonight, having arrived safe in the Big Smoke. Geoff was all keen to visit Katoomba and meet the Three Sisters, but was crestfallen when I told him it was just a rocky cliff formation. APRIL FOOL!~
I don't know how to tell you this, Geoff, if you haven't discovered it already, but the hotel DOES have Internet in the lobby.

Tony Smith 01-04-07 14:49

1 Attachment(s)
Some Japanese tourists were kept out of the frame of this pic by a deftly weilded stick:

Vets Dottir 2nd 01-04-07 21:51

It's good to see that the wooden cane made it through customs and works for fending off those annoying tourists :D ... and that Jif got to wear his Digger hat while wandering from the land from whence it came :drunk: (He just had to come over and thank you in person Tim Tam Tony!)

I guess that now the end of the month visit is nigh, that Jif shall have to wash of the tip of his cane, shake the Oz dust off his Digger hat, and give his shoes a good wash to clear off some of the Aussie land, cow, sheep, and kangaroo bits before they'll let him back in his homeland door ... too bad ... elst I would have him bring me a container of Australian land and pebbles, but I guess he wouldn't have room for that anyways, not with all the Blitz bits :rolleyes

Well ... a couple more sleeps is it?


Alex Blair (RIP) 02-04-07 00:33

Stop Shakin' that bloody stick..!!!

Originally posted by Tony Smith
Some Japanese tourists were kept out of the frame of this pic by a deftly weilded stick:
Look what you did now by shakin' that bloody stick...

A TSUNAMI alert has been issued for parts of the Pacific - including Australia - after a strong earthquake near the Solomon Islands.

The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 7.8, jolted the South Pacific Ocean at 6.40am (AEST).

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has issued a tsunami warning for Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Nauru, Chuuk, New Caledonia, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Australia, Indonesia, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Marshall Island.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology's National Meteorological and Oceanographic Centre said Queensland's Barrier Reef Islands and Willis Island in the Coral Sea could be affected.

Any tsunami could hit Willis Island at 8.30am and Cooktown in far north Queensland about 9.30am.

People have been warned to move out of the water and away from low lying foreshore areas and then listen for further advice from state emergency service authorities.

But the bureau said the warning was based on the earthquake and it was not known if a tsunami was generated.

Today's quake was centred about 350kms west-north-west of the Solomons capital Honiara at a depth of 10km.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

Japan's Meteorological Agency said it was looking into the possibility of tidal waves hitting the Japanese archipelago after the quake.

With Reuters and AAP

Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 01:03

CTV just said it was 8.1 magnitude. It struck about 2 1/2 hrs ago.

Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 01:24

A tsunami did hit the Solomon Islands :(


Massive quake triggers tsunami in Solomon Islands
Updated Sun. Apr. 1 2007 7:18 PM ET News Staff

A tsunami wave several metres high reportedly crashed into the west coast of the Solomon Islands after a massive earthquake struck Monday morning local time.

A tsunami alert for the South Pacific states was issued after the quake --with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 -- struck 45 kilometres off the coast of the Solomon Islands at 7:39 a.m. local time on Monday.

Police in the capital, Honiara, say authorities in the western town of Gizo have reported a wave several metres high crashing ashore, shortly before communication lines with the region were cut.

The U.S. Geological Center said the earthquake struck at 7:39 a.m. local time, Monday -- about 10 kms. beneath the sea floor. The epicenter was 345 kilometres from Honiara.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu has issued a tsunami warning for Hawaii, although there was no immediate threat to the U.S. state. Some coastal areas could experience unusual currents and changes in sea levels, the center said on its Web site.

Meanwhile, Japan's Meteorological Agency is looking into the possibility of tidal waves hitting the Japanese archipelago, Kyodo news agency said.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage in Japan.

Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 01:35

Master Sunray ... now see what your "I don't wanna leave Oz" jumping up and down temper tantrum has done ... caused earthquakes and tsunamis.! :D

Sounds like Northern Australia will be okay, but other places not so good ... :(


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 02-04-07 02:07

Nothing felt here, but I suspect a lot of the coastal areas in the Solomons may be buggered.

Anyway, off to find an ATM right now, then on to Mosman if I can navigate my way there in time for lunch!

Will check in later. Out of here for the International Terminal by about 1000H tomorrow, then back to my kittens. What an adventure THIS has been!

Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 02:23

I hope you find your way and enjoy your lunch ...

Now the whole East Coast of Australia warned ... it was mentioned on TV that a tsunami can run about the speed of a jet! Thats travelling ...


AUTHORITIES have issued tsunami warnings for the entire east coast of Australia with residents being warned to avoid the coast - and get to high ground if the tide suddenly goes out,,,00.html

Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 09:32

Some updates:


MORE than 15 people have been reported killed in the Solomon Islands near the epicentre of an earthquake that triggered today's tsunami.

"Reports have come in that more than 15 people died, just around Gizo, but with the other islands I cannot tell you," Western Province Premier Alex Lokopio said to Radio New Zealand.

He did not provide any further details of the deaths but said there was a desperate need for emergency supplies in the affected area following the tsunami, which followed an earthquake of at least 8.1 magnitude centred under the sea just 45km from Gizo.

"What we desperately need now is water, tents, and food because almost 3000-4000 people are now living on the hill at Gizo," Mr Lokopio said.

Solomons Prime Minister Manesseh Sogavare earlier said the unconfirmed death toll was six, but said he expected that to rise.

Mr Lokopio said residents of Gizo were still fearful as aftershocks continued to rock the area.

He said there was no warning of the tsunami which hit just minutes after the area was rocked by the initial quake at 7.40am (6.40am AEST).

"There wasn't any warning (of the tsunami). This was a very sad thing because the warning was the earth tremors. It shook us very, very strongly and we were frightened," he said.

"All of a sudden the sea was rising up so all the people living around the coastal area, they ran up on the hill."

He said most of the government buildings and businesses in the town were destroyed, along with houses in low-lying areas.

Millions of dollars would be needed to repair the damage caused by the tsunami and quake, Mr Lokopio said.

Australia alerted

Tsunami alerts were issued for the south Pacific, with Australia's eastern seaboard warned of possible impending deadly waves. None materialised and the warnings have been downgraded, with officials saying normal activity can resume at sea and on beaches "with caution".

There was chaos in far north Queensland early today when the tsunami alerts were first issued, with traffic jams building in Cairns as motorists sought higher ground (more).

Beaches in NSW and Queensland were closed for a period earlier after Bureau of Meteorology officials said that while there "may not be a massive wall of water" about to hit the east coast, conditions could remain dangerous through the day.

As a precaution ferry services were cancelled on Sydney Harbour this morning but resumed in the after the tsunami risk was assessed as over.

Chaos in the Solomons Islands

Locals in Gizo are trying to form emergency teams to organise supplies.

Dive shop owner and 22-year Gizo resident Danny Kennedy described the devastation to as aftershocks kept coming each minute this morning.

"Sometime about 7.50am things just started shaking," Mr Kennedy said. "It lasted about 90 seconds and I was pitched around from side to side.

"I'm here now and everything is broken inside the house. Both our boats have been pitched up about 40m from where they were moored in the evening.

"There was maybe a two to three metre wave but that was quite a force.

"It just swept through town. There's dugout canoes left in the streets."

Mr Kennedy said older-style houses built on struts had all been destroyed and from an initial survey of the damage he estimated there would be up to 3000 people homeless.

"People are walking around dazed - the town is in a complete panic now.

"Our biggest problem now is food and water. We are trying to mobilize tins of food and bottles of water to a location where we can distribute it evenly." (More
By Will Temple
April 02, 2007 11:33am
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THOUSANDS are feared homeless and witnesses have described panic on streets in the Solomon Islands town worst-hit by this morning's earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

Locals in Gizo are trying to form emergency teams to organise supplies following the 8.1-magnitude earthquake, which triggered a tsunami alerts along Australia's east coast (more).

Dive shop owner and 22-year Gizo resident Danny Kennedy described the devastation to as the aftershocks kept coming each minute this morning.

"Sometime about 7.50am things just started shaking," Mr Kennedy said. "It lasted about 90 seconds and I was pitched around from side to side.

"I'm here now and everything is broken inside the house. Both our boats have been pitched up about 40m from where they were moored in the evening.

"There was maybe a two to three metre wave but that was quite a force.

"It just swept through town. There's dugout canoes left in the streets."

Mr Kennedy said he had just come back from town looking for water because his tanks had been shattered and all power was off.

He said the older style houses built on struts had all been destroyed and from an initial survey of the damage he estimated there would be up to 3000 people homeless.

"The village communities to the north of us there's not a lot left," he said.

"People are walking around dazed - the town is in a complete panic now.

"Our biggest problem now is food and water. We are trying to mobilize tins of food and bottles of water to a location where we can distribute it evenly."

Earlier, Mr Kennedy's daughter Judith, 20, saw the quake hit the town from their home getting ready to go to work

"The water came up to the town when the big earthquake hit and then everything went down," she said. "The water all drained away. Downtown is a big mess - lots of houses went down.

"It's a fine day here but it's very dry and the sea is very low. The water has drained away."

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 02-04-07 10:40

Good-Bye, you lot
Well, it's 1835 Local and I'm trekking to the airport at 1000H tomorrow. Hard to believe that this is done. No, I do NOT want to leave. I've been made at home here and it means more than you know. I FEEL at home here. Yes, I want to be in familiar surroundings again, and yes, I want to see my kittens again, but I feel I'm losing something in the process. Does that make any sense?

I'll have a lot more to say in the next few days. But in the interim -- thank you all.


Keith Webb 02-04-07 11:57

No worries, Geoff
Hope you have an uneventful (and possibly restful) trip home.

It's been great to have you here.

Pedr 02-04-07 16:36

Ooroo Mate
1 Attachment(s)
Glad you've had a good visit,

Have a safe and uneventful trip home.

Catch you on the otherside ( of the plane trip )

Ooroo Cobber


Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 20:58

Gorgeous image Pedr :smoker:

Well, Geoff to be at the airport in a few hours and enroute home again while visions of his visit dance in his head, arriving home late tomorrow evening ... what a visit he has had too! :cheers:

Another first in his life ... Australia and Aussie MLU-ers! Oh the stories he'll be telling us (I hope :) )


Vets Dottir 2nd 02-04-07 22:58

This is what its like here today:
1°C Overcast.
Light flurries.
Feels Like -4°C

This in Sydney:
Currently +19
Late thunder
Min: 17°C Max: 25°C

This in Toronto:
Partly cloudy

Sydney wins! :)

Keith Webb 03-04-07 03:11

Or at least if on schedule he's departed our golden shores and is just over an hour into his return flight, no doubt with plenty to reflect on.

Vets Dottir 2nd 03-04-07 03:38


Originally posted by Keith Webb
Or at least if on schedule he's departed our golden shores and is just over an hour into his return flight, no doubt with plenty to reflect on.
So no calls that he missed his plane, eh? :D The man has a lot of sweet memories to play over on his long flights. Nice :)

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