-   -   Corowa 2009 -'Year of the Amphibian & Year of the Blitz 2' (

Justin Pollard 23-03-09 10:01


Originally Posted by Bob McNeill (Post 111349)
Good run home, 3 fuel stops, 11 hours and lost a fuel cap the chain clip let it fall off. Need to attend a club event this w/end, so thats 5 w/ends in a row the lawn has missed out on a hair cut, we,ve had a light frost this week so not long left to pick the tomatoes, turn the heater on after ANZAC day.

Hello Bob,
So that was you that i passed on the way home,i was in the Land Rover Workshop with the white crosses on the guards.
Took me 10 hours to get home,I was happy to hit the green maggot that night!.


Howard 23-03-09 11:19

Sleeping Beauty

Originally Posted by zemsi (Post 111342)
... spotted at Ball Park :drunk:

IDENTIFIED: Ganmain Tony.
Not exactly known for his staying power.

Keith Webb 24-03-09 11:54

Hugh Davis on the way home...

Looks like the legendary transporter picked up a couple of hitch hikers.


Keith Webb 24-03-09 11:57

He took home Steve's C15A and in a border raid the C60S I swapped for the 2C1 body.

And since then he has returned on yet another border raid for a C60X and bow front trailer. He and Steve brought over a donated load of hay for our bushfire appeal. :thup2:

lynx42 24-03-09 12:19

COROWA - 30 from the President KVE Inc

This years Corowa exceeded all expectations. 197 vehicles and 1 warbird. Whilst we didn't make the magical 200, it was a great success.

My thanks go to Jan and her team of helpers, Maureen, Barbara, Carol, Dave and Maggie, Sarah and all the others at the Site Office. (I know it's dangerous to list names as I'm sure to miss many, so I'll stop there and thank all those who helped at the Site Office.) To Dutchy and his helpers, Thank You all also. To all those others who helped in any small way, I thank you as well. We cannot do Corowa without your help.

We have an amazing team to make Corowa the great week that it is. My thanks to my Committee for all your hard work and thank you all again for all you do.

Thanks also to all those who attended, be it with a vehicle or not. To our overseas visitors, thank you for coming. (They were from Switzerland, New Zealand and others.)

From pushbikes to main battle tamks, they were there. It was great to see so many Blitzes in one place. 43(?) This was also the year of the Amphibian and we were ably supported by both the Puckapunyal and Bandiana Museums. Also I must mention John Belfield (and Bill) who brought along their LVT4 'Water-buffalo" which thrilled the assembled crowds. Restored, 'as found' or in their working clothes, we didn't mind. Just so long as they were there. Many parts and ideas were swapped. Every item was admired. Names were fitted to faces. Laughter was abound.

Thanks to Maurice Wilson for opening his property to us on Thursday. This will be an ongoing event in the future. Dusty tracks on the way in and ultra slippery on the way out. No-one minded the rain as there had only been 6mm so far for the year. We soon changed that.

The Shire of Corowa gave us a Civic Reception at the RSL which was well attended. The school children were very interested in our display on Wednesday and the crowds in the Main Street on Saturday were amazing.

The Rally Badges/Dash plates were well received. Something also for the future.

There are many stories to come out of Corowa-30. Keep them coming folks, also your Photos.

Once again, Thank you all.

Rick Cove
President KVE Inc.

Hanno Spoelstra 24-03-09 15:09

My, my, my, looks you all had a lot fun.

I have to hand it to you, Australian friends: you all know how to organise and enjoy a good HMV show!

Here's hoping our neutral European representative behaved properly. And of course he was taking that beautiful F15 with him to Switzerland. They should have at least one example of a proper truck with an engine running like a Swiss watch.

A big hand for Keith for restoring that truck in record time. Well done! :thup2: :thup2:

Hope to make it down to Corowa one day. . .


lynx42 25-03-09 06:52

You will be made more than welcome when you come to Australia.

I will be looking out for you at Normandy 2009. We will have to make a time and place to meet.

Corowa for the next few years will be as follows:

2010 The Year of the Jeep.
2011 The Year of the British and European Vehicle
2012 The Year of the 6X6 (anything with 3 driven axles)
2013 The Year of the Trailer and Towed Equiptment.

So please put these themes in you diary for future planning.

Howard 25-03-09 12:51


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 111527)
My, my, my, looks you all had a lot fun...
...Hope to make it down to Corowa one day. . .


"Told you, didn't I!?"

Jan Thompson 27-03-09 14:34

I have just received a copy of the Corowa Free Press which was put out on Wednesday 18th March. There are 2 pages of great photos and a number of them have MLU members in them. There is a great photo of Sidney & Errol Holgate, Rick Cove, Ian Grieve, Tim Scriven and Bob Moseley with his dog.

Other coverage was done by Jeep Action Magazine, Truckin Life and Owner Driver magazine.

Jan Thompson 28-03-09 12:48

lost prescription glasses
I received a phone call from Michael Bishop from Queensland. He was staying at Ball Park Caravan Park and on either Saturday night at the auction of Sunday lost his prescription glasses.They were in a black vinyl case with 2 liquid paper marks on the flap. If you know where they are please phone Michael on 0428 117282.

At the Corowa airport in 2008 a large bunch of keys were found. A couple of months later I received a call regarding some lost keys and was able to put the person in contact with Tabitha at the airport.

Tony Smith 01-04-09 05:56


Originally Posted by lynx42 (Post 111571)
You will be made more than welcome when you come to Australia.

Corowa for the next few years will be as follows:

2010 The Year of the Jeep.

So please put these themes in you diary for future planning.

What are the actual dates for next year? Diary wants to know. :p

Keith Webb 01-04-09 06:02

Year of
Hanno, after Corowa you could do the same as Chris and experience "Year of the Sheep" in Yass which of course is every year there.:p

Not only that it's perpetual Year of the Blitz, Carrier and Jeep there too.

hrpearce 01-04-09 08:00

Tony it's March 8th. to 14th.

lynx42 01-04-09 09:31

What were you doing up at MIDNIGHT and on the NET ??
Thanks for your prompt reply to Tony's enquiry.

Keith Webb 01-04-09 09:37


Originally Posted by lynx42 (Post 111878)
What were you doing up at MIDNIGHT and on the NET ??
Thanks for your prompt reply to Tony's enquiry.

Time stamp says 1700 to me. :confused :confused

lynx42 01-04-09 10:59

My screen says 00.00 for Robert.
1.36 for me, so what happening?

PS. Got the DVD' for Richard F. today.

lynx42 01-04-09 11:00

Now Roberts says 17.00 :confused :confused :confused :confused

Tony Smith 01-04-09 14:25


Originally Posted by lynx42 (Post 111878)
What were you doing up at MIDNIGHT and on the NET ??


Originally Posted by Keith Webb
Time stamp says 1700 to me. :confused

This is one the very original Gremlins with the Forum which has been making intermittent appearances since 2003. Good to see he's still around.

Douglas Greville 08-04-09 12:58

Corowa 2009

I have finished my article about this year's Corowa. When it comes to Blitzs my knowledge runs out at "short Blitz, long Blitz". So could someone who knows them apart please have a look and I.d the variants and email me? You can reference to the pictures by right clicking which will give the actual picture name (number.jpg).

Keep in mind this is not a photo record, just Corowa as I did it.


Jan Thompson 08-04-09 13:40

Hi Doug,
A nice report. I would suggest you ask Keith Webb for the correct details on the Blitzes. Also it was the 30th Year and not 30th Anniversary.
It was good to finally meet, even if it was briefly.

Douglas Greville 09-04-09 07:29

Corowa 2009

Thanks for that. I have emailed Keith.

By the time we had finished with the Sabre you had gone.


Bob McNeill 15-04-09 12:09

Very nice report in the latest issue of Owner Driver [195 ] about Corowa check it out

Jan Thompson 01-05-09 00:26

The May edition of Truckin Life has a story on Corowa 2009 written by Martin Grant. It should be in your newsagent now.

Paul Handel from Pucka has put some information on Corowa 2008 and Corowa 2009 on the web.The link is:

Ben Hemmings has updated the website and included an Entry Form for 2010. Take a look at We already have a number of pre-registered vehicles. With the theme being 'Year of the Jeep' how many are we likely to get? We are looking at an easy way to slot them into groups such as Ford, Willys etc. Looking for your suggestions.

Jan Thompson 11-07-09 04:21

Magazine Reports 2009
Th July edition of Jeep Action Australia has 6 pages on Corowa 2009. There are a lot of photos taken by Jacko who attended this event along with Michael Bowen, the editor of the magazine.

A new magazine released in the UK last month called The Pathfinder Magazine also has an article with lots of photos.

I like to keep a copy of articles and put them on the noticeboards at Corowa so if you have any other articles pertaining to the event over the past 30 please send me a copy.

Keith Webb 04-03-10 10:27

2009 DVD will be available at the event
Here's a short sampler:


With some favourites from our ranks. :cheers:

Sydneymver 04-03-10 10:54

Looks good Keith,

I better tyre black the jeep so it looks good on camera

Bruce McCann
section 8

zemsi 04-03-10 17:05

... excellent filming Keith :note:

I especially like the bangs of the Water Buffalo. She was really loud on her first setting sail.


Hanno Spoelstra 23-11-18 15:17


Originally Posted by Jan Thompson (Post 111223)
Here is the official vehicle list. Thanks to Keith Webb for correctly identifying each Blitz. We were told of 41 Blitz trucks in the parade but we have 43 entered. Perhaps 2 didn't go in the parade.

Amongst the Canadian Military Pattern vehicles (Blitzes) were:

Hugh Thompson: 1945 Ford F60S Ambulance No2

Here's a short story about the owner and his truck: Hugh rescues an ambulance


Richard Farrant 04-12-18 00:40

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 256013)
Here's a short story about the owner and his truck: Hugh rescues an ambulance


Here is a photo of Hugh's ambulance at Corowa

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