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Hanno Spoelstra 09-11-16 15:06

Market-Garden 2019 XXX Corps re-enactment
Found this on Facebook. Just posting here for your info. Reportedly, this tour is being organised by a new management team.


Market-Garden 2019 XXX Corps re enactment

Operation Market Garden will be commemorated by a proposal in 2019 by another British led commemorative convoy. This will be joined by authentic American airborne re enactors at appropriate points on the route to make this an authentic re creation of some scenes from XXX Corp’s operation.
The basis of this convoy will be the same as 2014 and it will consist of British WWII vehicles and vehicles that were used by XXX Corps on the drive up from Lommel to Arnhem. Lessons learnt from 2014 have been discussed with the powers that be and we are looking forward to another historic event with fervor. This will be undertaken with a maximum of two convoys split up for the first two days, after which one large convoy will proceed further north.
At the moment, talks have taken place with some key players who are interested to see the proposal progressed further.
As our dear veterans are now reaching a significant advancement in their years, this will possibly be the last time we will have the opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to them for their considerable sacrifices that they made for our freedom today;
So if you are British infantry re enactors or a vehicle owner and you have your own authentic equipment and you would like to be considered for the next 2019 Operation Garden then please contact us now by e mail at and as soon as we have further information etc this will be forward on to you for your perusal.
For the moment, we are looking at 120 vehicles plus but until we gauge the amount of interest we will be unable at this moment in time to say how big the convoy will be. This “operation” will need to be run as a military operation and we believe that armed with the lessons learnt from the past event that this will be an even better event in 2019.
So, if you are interested, then just send an e mail to and we will be in touch as soon as we have further information available. Please bear in mind that the opportunities now for large convoys are few and far between, we are fortunate in that we enjoy a great deal of support in The Netherlands and we would hope that new and old friends alike will join us on this adventure following in the footsteps of XXX Corps.

Hanno Spoelstra 09-11-16 15:07

Read more about the 2014 event here:

XXX Corps event: Liberation Task Force

Hanno Spoelstra 13-11-16 15:39

Just received the message below from Gerald D Przenislawski and I am passing this on here.

If you have a serious interest to join, please contact him and post your interest here. I found the previous event in 2014 unforgettable and I plan to be there in 2019.

I think many of the MLU members who were there in 2014 will join again also. Please post here so we can gauge interest among MLU'ers!


Dear All,

Market-Garden 2019 XXX Corps re enactment

Operation Market Garden will be commemorated by a proposal in 2019 by another British led commemorative convoy. This will be joined by authentic American airborne re enactors at appropriate points on the route to make this an authentic re creation of some scenes from XXX Corp’s operation.
The basis of this convoy will be the same as 2014 and it will consist of British WWII vehicles and vehicles that were used by XXX Corps on the drive up from Lommel to Arnhem. Lessons learnt from 2014 have been discussed with the powers that be and we are looking forward to another historic event with fervor. This will be undertaken with a maximum of two convoys split up for the first two days, after which one large convoy will proceed further north.
At the moment, talks have taken place with some key players who are interested to see the proposal progressed further.
As our dear veterans are now reaching a significant advancement in their years, this will possibly be the last time we will have the opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to them for their considerable sacrifices that they made for our freedom today;
So if you are British infantry re enactors or a vehicle owner and you have your own authentic equipment and you would like to be considered for the next 2019 Operation Garden then please contact us now by e mail at and as soon as we have further information etc this will be forward on to you for your perusal.
For the moment, we are looking at 120 vehicles plus but until we gauge the amount of interest we will be unable at this moment in time to say how big the convoy will be. This “operation” will need to be run as a military operation and we believe that armed with the lessons learnt from the past event that this will be an even better event in 2019.
So, if you are interested, then just send an e mail to and we will be in touch as soon as we have further information available. Please bear in mind that the opportunities now for large convoys are few and far between, we are fortunate in that we enjoy a great deal of support in The Netherlands and we would hope that new and old friends alike will join us on this adventure following in the footsteps of XXX Corps.

Should you have any friends that missed the last tour and you think they might be interested then please pass this on.

Serious inquiries only please.

kind regards
Gerald D Przenislawski


RichardT10829 14-11-16 09:09

Absolute no brainer..... I will be there !!

Lynn Eades 14-11-16 10:08

With another carrier Richard? :)

RichardT10829 14-11-16 15:58

unfortunately no, even if one was to arrive on my door step tomorrow I would not have time to get it where I wanted it before the event.

besides I have a Cromwell ARV to drive for the event.

Tim Bell 14-11-16 18:24

Hope to have the Firefly there.


tankbarrell 14-11-16 18:30


Originally Posted by RichardT10829 (Post 231046)
unfortunately no, even if one was to arrive on my door step tomorrow I would not have time to get it where I wanted it before the event.

besides I have a Cromwell ARV to drive for the event.

No heavy steel tracks allowed last time, is that likely to change for the next? Or will it just be offroad?

Alex van de Wetering 16-11-16 22:37

Excellent! I can't wait.

I still have fond memories of the 2014 event....Watching the tanks startup in the morning on a middle of a Valkenswaard shopping street was a sight to see!
Also quite unique was that several vehicles were repainted and appropriately marked just for this event.


Chris Collins 17-11-16 11:02

I had a ball with the PIB last time, I would love to be able to once more.

RichardT10829 17-11-16 14:21


Originally Posted by tankbarrell (Post 231054)
No heavy steel tracks allowed last time, is that likely to change for the next? Or will it just be offroad?

Its a Secret...

but something is in hand...... it will be there, and it will be on the road.

Mike Gurr 13-06-17 22:12

Only just noticed this post, I did the 2014 event on a motorcycle, 2019 will be in the carrier for definite! One not to be missed.

svdwal 20-06-17 15:51


Originally Posted by Chris Collins (Post 231122)
I had a ball with the PIB last time, I would love to be able to once more.

You're more than welcome to join the PIB once again for 2019 Chris!

Lang 23-06-17 05:16

We are coming to the 2019 D-Day and buying a vehicle "of some sort" in Europe. Unfortunately we will be on another project in September.

If anyone wants to do Market Garden and not Normandy get in touch with me and we may be able to work out a type that suits us both. I will buy it, get Green Card, Registration etc and the new owner can take it over drive away and then sell or ship it home if a non-Euro resident (I suppose all British will be non-Euro residents by then!)


Tim Bell 23-06-17 11:42


Originally Posted by Lang (Post 239327)
(I suppose all British will be non-Euro residents by then!)

Probably... and will be banned from taking Military Vehicles to France without completing 12 months of complex paperwork to the French Police, Customs, Department of the interior etc... exactly what will be unclear until after Brexit has happened.

Perhaps I should buy a Jeep in France now while there is still time!

Hanno Spoelstra 03-11-17 16:01

Update from the organisation:


The News page on the main website has been updated and the 'Garden '75' bulletin updated with more information!

Andy Mitchell 03-11-17 18:16

definitely going !

Mike Kelly 05-11-17 11:01

flying firelfly

Originally Posted by Tim Bell (Post 231053)
Hope to have the Firefly there.

When I read this I thought a "Fairey Firefly" That would be impressive :)

Tim Bell 05-11-17 12:00


Originally Posted by Mike Kelly (Post 244333)
When I read this I thought a "Fairey Firefly" That would be impressive :)

Unlikely to get this one flying!

Hanno Spoelstra 17-02-18 08:40

1 Attachment(s)
Update from the organisation:

Dear All,

Just a brief update to let you all know that things are progressing with the Netherlands tour for 2019.

Meetings are taking place (as you read this) with a number of towns on the route. The reaction from all of the towns thus far has been totally positive and in one case an excited "yes please" was received.

All next week talks will be ongoing with the various police departments involved and the outline route is now nearing completion. Once this has been completed it will be submitted to the authorities for their perusal and comments.
We are delighted at the response of all of the participants and it is fundamental to note that there are 440 persons interested in participating. There being some 175 vehicles registered which does not include the Dutch army collection for the moment.

As things are now progressing, it would be appreciated if you could spread the word with the attached pdf poster.
We are still awaiting the ferry costings and until we have a reply from all of the ferry operators, there is little that can be done with regard to the costings for the moment.

This morning we were informed that the town of Valkenswaard will be permitting us to occupy the main market square in front of the church, which will give us the opportunity for a comparison photograph as per the photo taken in 1944.

Meanwhile for those of you that have ongoing restoration projects, we wish you well.

Kind regards
Garden 75 team.
Attachment 98026

Hanno Spoelstra 26-08-18 12:33

1 Attachment(s)
Local newspaper publishes a heads-up for next year’s “Garden 75” event organized by Liberation Task Force.

Attachment 101776

tyler1 07-03-19 10:32

Hi, planing on registering the OYD for Market Garden 2019:

Having never participated in a overseas event. I was wondering if there are any groups/convoys heading over from the UK that we could join/tag along with.

Does anyone know if there are there any plans to travel to Arnhem? As I cant see anything mentioned on the organizers site. It seems a shame to make the trip without visiting Arnhem.

We’re based in Cambridgeshire

Any advice is welcome.



Hanno Spoelstra 07-03-19 11:35

Hello Tyler,

"OMG 2019" is another event, it is not the same as the "Garden 75" event organised by Liberation Task Force ( I know there are many British participants coming over for Garden 75.

It may be best to contact the organisers of OMG 2019 via ?

Re. taking a ferry, I would take the Harwich to Hook of Holland as it would save you a lot of driving.



Originally Posted by tyler1 (Post 258956)
Hi, planing on registering the OYD for Market Garden 2019:

Having never participated in a overseas event. I was wondering if there are any groups/convoys heading over from the UK that we could join/tag along with.

Does anyone know if there are there any plans to travel to Arnhem? As I cant see anything mentioned on the organizers site. It seems a shame to make the trip without visiting Arnhem.

We’re based in Cambridgeshire it seems ferry from Dover to Calais/Dunkirk main / best bet.

Any advice is welcome.



Alex van de Wetering 07-03-19 11:41


It's a bit confusing, but please note that "Garden 75" (Liberation Task Force) and "OMG2019" are two different events.

OMG2019 has the finish in Nijmegen, but I presume Garden 75 will join the Ginkel Heath airborne remembrance, just like in 2014. In 2014 some of the vehicles from the Liberation task force also registered for the annual "race to the bridge" event, which does go to Oosterbeek and Arnhem Bridge.


tyler1 07-03-19 12:21

Thanks for the reply's.

Quite a few people have now pointed me in the direction of "Garden 75" LTF which upon reading does seem the better option.

So I've just registered on the LTF "Garden 75" website, Hoping I'm not too late.

Is the annual "race to the bridge" event, which does go to Oosterbeek and Arnhem Bridge on this year?

Alex van de Wetering 07-03-19 12:53


The race to the Bridge is organised by the ABWO, Airborne Battle Wheels Oosterbeek. You will find their website and contact info here:


Hanno Spoelstra 02-08-19 23:53

Update on itinerary:


XXX Corps re enactment 2019 (75th anniversary)
This is to update you all on the itinerary for the tour for September. We have spent a considerable amount of time on the routing and the permits. The planning of such an event is both time consuming and at times complex. There are times when those involved in the planning seriously questioned their sanity. That aside, what we see coming together now is something quite remarkable and frankly, it will be a privilege to be part of it. If at times things seem to be chaotic, it is because events like this one often seem to be, but in fact are running smoothly but due to the volume of vehicles and personnel it takes time to get things done. This is the army way; hurry up and wait! If at times you feel like you are waiting for ages, then we respectfully suggest you brew up. In undertaking this remarkable tour many of you will have already been in Normandy. We were privileged to of been responsible for over 400 vehicles on the beach at Arromanches and the spectacular parade in Bayeux for which there were just over 300 vehicle in attendance. Meanwhile all of the planning for XXX Corps was ongoing.

Monday 16th: Deployment of units to Lommel & Bergeijk. Crossing of Joe’s bridge, then convoy up to Valkenswaard for overnight stay in town center and Wilhemina park. There will be street entertainment and the whole town will be given over to a liberation atmosphere. Thousands of spectators are expected both in Lommel and Valkenswaard. This will be a remarkable occasion as the convoy arrival will be the only movement into the town center which will be closed off for XXX Corps.

Tuesday 17th: Units move out and will travel on the following route: Valkenswaard- Aalst, Waalre- Eindhoven – Son en Breugle Additionally; Valkenswaard, Heeze, Leende, Geldrop, Mierlo, Mierlohout, Stiphout, Gerwen, Nuenen, Eindhoven and Son en Breugle

Wednesday 18th: Deploy to Sint Odenroede, Veghel, Gemert, Boekel, Zeeland, Grave, Overasselt, Nederasselt, Mook and finally onto to Groesbeek

Thursday 19th: Official ceremony at OSS, Groesbeek camp open to public with school visits and media.

Friday 20th: Display in Beek.

Saturday 21st: Static Display on Camp. Meet & greet public. Ceremony in nearby town for unveiling of new monument.

Sunday 22nd: Static Display on camp. Meet & greet public and preparations for redeployment to respective countries.

Hanno Spoelstra 08-09-19 20:54

Roll call
2 Attachment(s)
O.k. people, later this week the British participants will start moving out and cross the channel by ferry to arrive in Holland next weekend.

So who of us will be there? Would be great to meet up with MLU members somewhere during the week.

To name a few: Paul Clark will be there with his C15; Marc van Aalderen with his Universal Carrier w/6-pdr AT gun; Sjoerd van de Wal with his Morris C8; Martin IJdo with his freshly restored Hillman Tilly. Andy Mitchell has his F30 back on the road. Paul Visser will take his Fox, Austin 10, Carrier mk1, Inter Halftrack and M7 priest. And Shaun Hindle is coming over with a large group with 6 vehicles. I heard Jordan Baker is joining him.

Any other MLU-ers from Canada or elsewhere teaming up with the British?

I will be driving my F15A. Hope to meet you there!


Attachment 109025 Attachment 109024

Richard Hughes 09-09-19 14:02

I will be there with my QL from Friday. I was getting K6 Gantry out for it but had a few unexpected issues.

nicholas dunford 09-09-19 18:17

we will be there with the bedford MWR

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