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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 04-05-05 18:42

Ottawa This Weekend
Who's going to be where and when? Methinks I'll be on the road eff tomorrow at 1200H, staying in Navan with a friend who used to live in this neck o' the woods but now works at DND HQ.

Time to get this show on the road.

Alex Blair (RIP) 04-05-05 19:09

Re: Ottawa This Weekend

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Who's going to be where and when? Methinks I'll be on the road eff tomorrow at 1200H, staying in Navan with a friend who used to live in this neck o' the woods but now works at DND HQ.

Time to get this show on the road.

Have a great time..
I'll be in Georgetown at a family thingie...through no fault of my own...Grrrrrrrrr!!!!
Take lots of pix to post ..

Garry Shipton (RIP) 04-05-05 20:08

Are you taking Peter Pan's sister,Frying Pan?Hook up with Marc and his green beast.Maybe give the pixie a ride of her life.

Stewart Loy 05-05-05 01:11

Re: Question>

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Hook up with Marc and his green beast.

I'll have a Carrier at the event by afternoon Thursday.

You and the missus drop by and we'll give you a ride. Perhaps a surprise too ...;)


Jon Skagfeld 05-05-05 01:18

Re: Re: Question>

Originally posted by Stewart Loy

I'll have a Carrier at the event by afternoon Thursday.

You and the missus drop by and we'll give you a ride. Perhaps a surprise too ...;)


BTW, Stewart: tonight's the night that CBC should be offering the program which, hopefully, will show off your Carrier. :salute:

Garry Shipton (RIP) 05-05-05 06:20

Small World!!
Watched the Liberation of Holland and saw both Stew and the carrier in about three nanoo seconds.Also,Jim Wilkinson of the Black Watch being interviewed-Have known him for all these years and it takes the program to find out about his experiences.

Vets Dottir 05-05-05 07:20

Re: Question>

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Are you taking Peter Pan's sister,Frying Pan?Hook up with Marc and his green beast.Maybe give the pixie a ride of her life.
Hmmm ... Peter pan, Frying Pan ... I like that :D :smoker: :drunk:

Well ... I know I'd love to be there ...

(Scratch that SHAD for me Garry ;) )

Ma :yappy:

Vets Dottir 05-05-05 07:35

Re: Re: Question>

Originally posted by Stewart Loy

I'll have a Carrier at the event by afternoon Thursday.

You and the missus drop by and we'll give you a ride. Perhaps a surprise too ...;)


Surprize? Hmmm ... I wonder what I'll be missing? :confused: I know I'll certainly be sad to miss a ride in your carrier Stewart. Maybe one day soon hey? I'd love to attend some of the events. Have been watching some of the coverage on TV and watching movies regards the Holland liberation ... G has been teaching me a lot for sure. As have all of you in here.

I tell you all, listening to the Dutch people who remember, and listening and watching the vets speak, is powerful stuff. Those Dutch kids, and their parents and grandparents who instilled the history and the respecting appreciation, are an inspiration ... which I hope many Canadians will pick up on, and carry on here at home with our kids ... better late than never, I say.


Michael Dorosh 05-05-05 14:36

In Ottawa
I will be at the period encampment at Remic Rapids from Fri to Sun:

From the event co-ordinator:

Hi Folks
Finally some news, I have our camp ground, exhibit area, and battlefield.
The site is on the Ottawa River, 1.7 kilometers West of the New Canadian War Museum. The site is opposite Rivenue Canada called Tunney's Pasture. It is on National Capital Commission property at the Remic Rapids lookout on
the Ottawa River Parkway. It has woods, cover, picnic tables, paved access road and the parliment buildings can be sen in the distance. While in this location we will be treated to a light show every night which consists of 2
battreies of search lights. We will also be in the flight path of the Lancaster bomber and the Spitfire. You will really love this site. It is on high ground, great access to the public and yet you feel that you are in the country. There is a paved bicycle path wide enough for a platoon of
troops 3 ranks deep and in walking distance of the new Canadian War Museum.
The program will be ambitious:
1- Show and tell to 810 students with 1 battle on the Friday 6 May.

2- Show and tell to the vets and public with a major engagement on the
7 May
3- The NationalCeremony & Victory parade on Sunday the 8 May.
As of now there

2,500 vets registered, and they are expecting 50,000 people to watch
the parade

Vets Dottir 05-05-05 16:33

Re: Re: Re: Question>

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
BTW, Stewart: tonight's the night that CBC should be offering the program which, hopefully, will show off your Carrier. :salute:
Hey JON ... will you and Lady Skagfeld be in Ottawa too? It would be great to see you there.

I MUST go now, because the "surprize" Master Stewart Carrier-Man hinted about is driving Old :drunk: Sunray-Jifferoo :devil: nuts ... he's gotta find out what it is (and so do I! :D )

NOTE TO SELF: Don't forget to pack cast iron skillet frying pan in case I need to take offensively aggressive action to defend me wee bittie self ... leave brother Peter Pan at home with Tom and Rupert ... can't take him anywhere :rolleyes: and Tom and Rupert aren't very social. and must stand on guard for WE, in our abcence, anyways.

:smoker: Ma :yappy:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 05-05-05 20:59

One way or another, we'll find you there, Mike. You too Stewart. Me and a few "friends" will be getting pissed up at Darcy McGee's on the corner of Elgin and Sparks on Saturday at 1800 if all else fails. Feel free to join us. But I'll try to find you Friday. You know what I look like, except I have longish white hair now... :eek:

Stewart Loy 06-05-05 00:59


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
. You know what I look like, except I have longish white hair now... :eek:

You looked like David Suzuki the last time I saw you in Acton at the OMVA show ( I am not a big DS fan ).

Look for me near the Universal Carriers.

I need you to give Hanno a message also.



Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 06-05-05 01:56


Originally posted by Stewart Loy

You looked like David Suzuki the last time I saw you in Acton at the OMVA show ( I am not a big DS fan ).

Look for me near the Universal Carriers.

I need you to give Hanno a message also.



You old bugger! I don't know Ottawa worth a shit (it's full of Simple Servants and politicians) so tell me where the hell to find you. You cell phone number would be a good start (PM or email me).

Alex Blair (RIP) 06-05-05 04:45


Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
You old bugger! I don't know Ottawa worth a shit (it's full of Simple Servants and politicians) so tell me where the hell to find you. You cell phone number would be a good start (PM or email me).
They are parked at the camp ground on the river about a mile west of the New War Museum..He will be there at 05:30 FRiday morning with the coffee..
Follow the parkway past the Museum west and you will run right into it..

All the troops and machines are tented out at the river.. read it right..05:30 hrs...Friday morning...dress of the day...

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 06-05-05 17:18

Alex et al,

I'm on the road shortly, will be in Ottawa this aft. Please PM me your phone numbers/cell numbers/girlfriends' phone numbers so we can touch base when I get there.


Vets Dottir 06-05-05 18:05

Hey folks ...
:teach: Heads up you-all ... best to don your armour and weapons of self-defence, as useless as all that will be against Pixie-BWitch Ma :yappy: 's cast iron skillet frying pan, because this wee bittie Missie will descend upon Ottawa TODAY and for a few days (that should be enough days to get you all) !!! :eek:

:smoker: :cheers: from Ma :yappy:

PS: I'm looking forward to this whole experience of Military events and people and meeting faces to go with the MLU names after all this time... bout time, eh?

servicepub (RIP) 09-05-05 23:33

Geoff and Karmen - was nice to see you at the event; sorry I missed the piss-up - sunstroke! Glad you both got a carrier ride out of it. Just logging on from Service Pulications, can't write more...see you next time?

Mike (logged in from SP)

Max Hedges 10-05-05 01:17

Re: Hey folks ...

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
PS: I'm looking forward to this whole experience of Military events and people and meeting faces to go with the MLU names after all this time... bout time, eh?
Did anyone take a camera, to this event, and take photos of the faces to match the MLU names?


Vets Dottir 10-05-05 04:56


Originally posted by servicepub
Geoff and Karmen - was nice to see you at the event; sorry I missed the piss-up - sunstroke! Glad you both got a carrier ride out of it. Just logging on from Service Pulications, can't write more...see you next time?

Mike (logged in from SP)

MIKE ... Hi there. It really was great to meet you and some others ... my mind absolutely reels with the whole experience in Ottawa ... I'll talk lots about it tomorrow, after a good nights sleep, as will Geoff, I'm sure. We arrived back home late this afternoon, totally wiped out, and have had computer struggles, so those two combined things mean we'll tell all tomorrow ... and there's much to tell.

MAX ..... we didn't have a camera :bang: until we were downtown waiting for the ceremonies to end and so we could begin/do the parade part. I ran looking for one, found a disposable one, and snapped away ... running out before the end of the parade ... :rolleyes: ... as soon as the ones I did take are developed, I hope to get them scanned and posted in here ... I hope others took some too.

Sorry I don't have posts for you-all tonite ... and I hope others took photos and can post them in here.

STEWART and MARY LOY ... :salute: :cheers: :note: ... I'll be emailing you specially of course ... after I catch some sleep ;)

Night folks ... tired Karmen

Stewart Loy 10-05-05 13:21

Parade Preparation
1 Attachment(s)

Here is the only picture that I could figure out how to squish down small enough to post.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 10-05-05 13:36

Re: Parade Preparation

Originally posted by Stewart Loy

Here is the only picture that I could figure out how to squish down small enough to post.



I can squish 'em down for you if you wish. Email me the pics!


PS: We'll have to make arrangements to retrieve the crap we left in your T-16 and you absconded with! :D

All: More later on our remarkable experience, but actually expected to go to work today... :eek:

chris vickery 10-05-05 14:23

C'mon Stewart, fess up. Did Geoff mention you had a T16 or am I misreading this? Last time I checked it was a MK2 universal carrier.

Stewart Loy 10-05-05 15:15

Busy Winter

I was busy over the winter out in the garage.

I now must choose which Carrier that I take to events - the MkII* must compete with the T-16.

I still love the MkII*, but the T-16 has so much extra power and those steering bars free up so much extra room in the drivers area that it is a real treat to drive. There is also room for extra veterans in the parades with the stretched version.

The down side is that now I need a 6-pounder AT gun to tow. I just about had one up in Ottawa, but the Swords and Plowshares guy saw me take it, and made me promise to give it back after the parade.




Garry Shipton (RIP) 10-05-05 15:16

Was GWB wearing a slouch bush cap & a blazer with a Canadian flag in his breast pocket,sitting behind the commander's position on the left side front?And were you wearing what looks like a brown blazer & sunglasses,behind the driver(Stewart,while yapping to a vet in the right side rear of the carrier??If so,got you on my tape of the parade

Stewart Loy 10-05-05 15:22

That sounds like us.

During one of the many halts, we talked to many veterans and families.

One of the vets who rode in the Carrier was Mr. Ernie Pain who had his Africa Star on this jacket from his Navy service.

We were the lead armoured vehicle, right behind a truck pulling the Bofors AA gun, behind 3 staff cars. The 6-pounder was a last minute pick-up on Wellington St.


Vets Dottir 10-05-05 15:38

Re: Parade

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Was GWB wearing a slouch bush cap & a blazer with a Canadian flag in his breast pocket,sitting behind the commander's position on the left side front?And were you wearing what looks like a brown blazer & sunglasses,behind the driver(Stewart,while yapping to a vet in the right side rear of the carrier??If so,got you on my tape of the parade

Yes Garry ... and what will I have to do to be able to see this too? :D I'm the only one, it appears, who didn't see the news parts that showed us... I was wearing my regular glasses, not sunglasses, and my brown suit with a poppy and Mr. Ernie Pain (mentioned by Stewart) was on my side with me. He was so wonderful ... sad that his ship went down taking many soldiers :(:(:(

We're also on page 5 of MAY 9th Toronto Sun ... lower right corner ... you can see my back, but there is a wonderful shot of Mr. Ernie Pain receiving a flag from that young boy in the helmet. Mr. Pain , just as the boy was going to walk away, knocked on the helmet and told the boy ... "I like your hat (or was it helmet?)"

STEWART ... what can I say ... your invitation and welcoming me aboard for that whole experience is totally unforgettable for me. I can't thank you enough. the way ... yes ... the sweater and jacket are mine :bang: and :rolleyes: ... but more important to me is that I believe I left a pad of paper and pen in the carrier with Rebecca's contact information ... did you find that? If you just send me the information in a pm or email, that would be great. I have to send Rebecca copies of a couple of photos I took of her. She looked so great!

Now ... I really must go find some cream for my face, which is sun and windburned and swollen (I had no hat to wear)

:salute: Karmen

My mind is just SO full of everything and everyone I saw and heard

Garry Shipton (RIP) 10-05-05 16:07

Thought it looked like you!!Confused!!
Saw Stewart,then saw the carrier towing the gun,got confused,Stew doesn't own a gun.But then,is that Geoff(pause the film)It is him,then gee,that woman in the back yapping,could it be her??Standing??No,wait a moment,she's short.Now she looks briefly at the camera then turns her head to the vet and keeps on yapping!Gotta be her.Here Shad,come look at the yapster on TV.Unforetuneately,I have parts of the parade taped,but I"ve been taping"Canada's War in Color"over parts of the Apeldoorn parade.
By the way,nice T-16 Stewart.

charlie fitton 10-05-05 16:31

Re: Small World!!
Watched the Liberation of Holland and saw both Stew and the carrier in about three nanoo seconds.[/B][/QUOTE]

Gawd - will it never end?

Last year my carrier and less than perfect visage get credited to PERRY KITSON in Convoy magazine, now my 15 seconds of movie fame goes to STEWART....

Garry Shipton (RIP) 10-05-05 16:36

Sorry Charlie!!
Right documentary,wrong name.

Stewart Loy 12-05-05 00:30

Re: Re: Small World!!

Gawd - will it never end?

Last year my carrier and less than perfect visage get credited to PERRY KITSON in Convoy magazine, now my 15 seconds of movie fame goes to STEWART....


I suggest that you, Perry, and I have a picture taken with our Carriers this weekend in Goderich for the VE events. This may clear things up.

I am sure that your adoring fans will appreciate being able to tell which one is which. They may also stop bothering me in the malls looking for your autograph.

See you on the coast.



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