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Hanno Spoelstra 19-04-11 12:00

Support Maple Leaf Up 2.0
Dear members,

As pointed out before, the transition to the new URL of this forum has now been succesfully completed. Some small issues have been ironed out and the forum currently has a much higher availablity & reliability. An upgrade to the latest version of the software the MLU Forum uses is planned in the near future. Thanks go out to the MLU Admin Team making this possible, not in the least place Geoff's son Shawn who takes care of the technical back-end of the website.

But apart from the time the volunteers spend on keeping Maple Leaf Up & running, we need financial support as well. We have bills to pay for hosting the website and software license fees. Therefore we ask you for your continued support for Maple Leaf Up. After many years on a "free" forum, we have been in operation since 2003 in this format and we plan to continue doing so for many more years to come!

Here's hoping for you continued support. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Hanno Spoelstra

PS: We have chosen to use PayPal as the medium to accept donations. Although there are costs involved, this is the best medium available to accept donations from our global community. If you cannot donate through PayPal, please contact me to discuss other possibilities.

zemsi 19-04-11 18:08

Hi Hanno

The Donation Link in Euros is in Dutch. Can you change that please?

What about posting an IBAN/Swift Number for a bank account as EUR wire transfers inside the European SEPA area a without any bank cost.


Alex Blair (RIP) 19-04-11 20:28

Canadian Payments..
I always pay cash...
Can We send Sean cash by mail here in Canada..??It is a lot cheaper to pay Sean here in Canada..
Or do we have to pay you ..??
I will send this duplicate posting to you by e-mail.
Further why not have European and British MLU'ers pay you...Canadian's and Americans pay Sean and Anzacs pay Keith..
Saves a hell of a lot of exchange expenses..You three should have identical access to the account to pay bills or account for the cash to each other and to the members..and it gives credence to honesty on the site that there would never be any question of "Getting Ripped off" by MLUers or administration..


horsa 19-04-11 20:59

Just kicked $20CAD over. via PayPal. Not a lot but if even a small percentage of the members do a similar donation, it should cover the basic fees.

Keep up the good work, its very much appreciated.

Alex Blair (RIP) 19-04-11 21:07

V Bullitin up date..
V Bulletin just released this news release and I don't know if has any interest here but I will post it..


Apr 19, 2011 15:00 ET
vBulletin Launches vBulletin Mobile Suite to Propel Online Forums Into the App Ecosystem

vBulletin Community Operators Get Custom-Branded iPhone and Android Apps for Just $99

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - April 19, 2011) - vBulletin today launched vBulletin Mobile Suite, an all-new mobile solution that enables vBulletin forum operators to easily offer their users custom-branded iPhone and Android apps.

"Forum operators have been vocal in telling us they want a mobile option that lets them break their communities away from the desktop and take advantage of the mobile explosion," said Fabian Schonholz, Vice President of Technology at vBulletin. "We think vBulletin Mobile Suite is the simplest way ever for forum operators to go wireless and have a solid presence in the app space."

Comprehensive web-based customization allows forum operators to maintain the unique character, functionality, and comfort of their existing vBulletin web presence in their iPhone and Android apps. vBulletin handles development work and packages apps for submission to the iTunes and Android marketplaces.

"Not only does vBulletin Mobile Suite allow forum operators to get a customized set of apps without compromises to branding or usability, it allows them to do so at a fraction of the price of hiring a dedicated app developer," added Schonholz.


vBulletin Mobile Suite breaks new ground in the forum-to-app space in a number of ways:

Custom Styles: Customizable logo and mobile skin provides ample look-and-feel options.
Mobile Ads: Best-of-breed mobile ad integration increases revenue potential.
User-Friendly Interface: Simple, efficient UI allows users to quickly view and post messages.
Moderation Tools: Multifunctional moderation capabilities enable swift community management from mobile devices.

See these and more features in action at

vBulletin Mobile Suite currently supports vBulletin Forum Classic (version 3.7.x to 3.8.x & 4.1.2+) and vBulletin Publishing Suite (version 4.1.2+) software, and supports Apple iOS 3.1.3+ (iPad, iPod touch, & iPhone 3 & 4) and Android operating systems (OS 1.6+).


vBulletin Mobile Suite is currently available for the special introductory price of $99. The price is all-inclusive; there are no cost-adding options to the product.

For more information and to purchase vBulletin Mobile Suite, visit

About vBulletin

vBulletin ( is the world leader in forum and community publishing software. Customers have created vibrant communities for over 10 years on vBulletin's stable and mature platform. Developed with security, powerful administration features and speed in mind, it serves over 70,000 online communities with an international team. vBulletin is a division of Internet Brands, Inc.

Adrian Harris
(310) 280 4582

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hrpearce 19-04-11 22:13

OK just sent a donation hope it's enough. Hanno keep us updated on amount needed as the volunteers running MLU shouldn't be out of pocket as their time input is highly valuable. :cheers:

chris vickery 20-04-11 00:16

Hanno, as I passed on to Geoff a couple years ago I will pass on to you...
I am willing to undertake the fundraising effort towards MLU through sales of T shirts and hats at various mv events here in Ontario Canada as well as online sales... I am even willing to front the costs of such endeavours and only ask a 50/50 split on profits to cover my investment and time to do so.
All I need is the OK...
I post this here as an open message to all who enjoy and view MLU. :)

Bob Carriere 20-04-11 01:15

More than willing to support.....
Thanks for all the hard work Hanno.

I firmly beleive that the money collecting process should be driven by the needs of MLU, namely to keep the process simple and central for the volunteer administrators. Paypal maybe Hi tech but basically allows senders to forward any kind of international currency for eventual conversion and with trackable records.

Forwarding cash or MO or cheques, or other means should not be refused but it must be realized that it will complicate the process for the admin.

Hanno..... would it be too much to ask for a suggested contribution amount.... not a binding amount or your out .....but a suggestions.

Thanks for all the efforts..... my PayPal coming up.....

Bob C.

Little Jo 20-04-11 02:08


I think the PayPal idea is a good one, so very easy to use and safe. I have donated $20.00 Canadian, I hope that is enough. Keep up the good work.


Tony Van Rhoda
AKA: Little Jo

r.morrison 20-04-11 04:55

Come on boys.......
Hanno: Many many thanks to you and the Volunteers who have carried on the Geoff's Torch. Having volunteerd much of my time along with the CMRS here in Vancouver, I think some of us are aware of just what it takes to keeping the machinery oiled, so that we all can enjoy the ride.
Please accept my donation of $100.00 via paypal. :salute:

Mike Baker 20-04-11 09:03

Just sent another $20. If we can all afford to collect green-painted trucks, we can all afford to keep this forum going.



Pete Ashby 20-04-11 10:37


some in the pot for starters :thup:


gordon 20-04-11 13:09

Duly done
I had to guess though as it's all Dutch to me ...

Gordon :fry:

Hanno Spoelstra 20-04-11 14:49

Hi Chris,


Originally Posted by zemsi (Post 145954)
The Donation Link in Euros is in Dutch. Can you change that please?

Done. It should have generated a code in English, but apparently the combination Euros and English is a no go :rolleyes


What about posting an IBAN/Swift Number for a bank account as EUR wire transfers inside the European SEPA area a without any bank cost.
Transferring funds via PayPal are without any cost for the people who make donations. PayPal takes a percentage from the donation for handling the payment, but it is worth it compared to the handling of separate bank transfers.

Again, if anyone is unable to use PayPal, contact me to work out other options.


Hanno Spoelstra 20-04-11 14:54


Originally Posted by Alex Blair (Post 145957)
I always pay cash...
Can We send Sean cash by mail here in Canada..??It is a lot cheaper to pay Sean here in Canada..
Or do we have to pay you ..??
I will send this duplicate posting to you by e-mail.
Further why not have European and British MLU'ers pay you...Canadian's and Americans pay Sean and Anzacs pay Keith..
Saves a hell of a lot of exchange expenses..You three should have identical access to the account to pay bills or account for the cash to each other and to the members..and it gives credence to honesty on the site that there would never be any question of "Getting Ripped off" by MLUers or administration..


Have replied to your e-mail, we will work something out for you as a long serving member and supporter. :salute:

But PayPal is a global platform, so one does not need to have local representatives in each country to go around the membership with a tin money box - dude, it's all about electronics these days! :D


Hanno Spoelstra 20-04-11 15:07


Originally Posted by chris vickery (Post 145969)
Hanno, as I passed on to Geoff a couple years ago I will pass on to you...
I am willing to undertake the fundraising effort towards MLU through sales of T shirts and hats at various mv events here in Ontario Canada as well as online sales... I am even willing to front the costs of such endeavours and only ask a 50/50 split on profits to cover my investment and time to do so.
All I need is the OK...
I post this here as an open message to all who enjoy and view MLU. :)


As discussed in the past, I think that trying to serve the global MLU community from a central point is not going to work. Having shirts, caps, mugs, CMP repro parts, dashboards and WHY, shipped from e.g. Holland to Canada is not worth the hassle and cost. Much better to source these accoutrements close to where they are sold. Saves on transportation costs and allows adjustment fo local taste and sizes.

So, in principle I am fine with MLU members using our logos as long as it is done to promote this website and its values and part of the profit is used for the upkeep of this website. Contact me to make arrangements, please.


Hanno Spoelstra 20-04-11 15:17


Originally Posted by Bob Carriere (Post 145976)
Hanno..... would it be too much to ask for a suggested contribution amount.... not a binding amount or your out .....but a suggestions.


I have always stated members should compare it with taking out a subscription to any of the leading HMV magazines. Personally I feel the value of MLU is many times higher than any of the printed publications (aside from bookshelf with Wheels & Tracks magazines!).

But I think you agree we should work on the basis of how each member values this website and decide how much he/she can/want to pay: "donate what you can spare". That said, CAD20 seems to be an amount most members opt for. I don't mind the size of the amount, as long as the collective donations cover our costs.


Hanno Spoelstra 20-04-11 15:19

To all who have donated so far - THANK YOU! :salute:

Best regards,

Alex Blair (RIP) 20-04-11 16:49


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 146008)
Have replied to your e-mail, we will work something out for you as a long serving member and supporter. :salute:

But PayPal is a global platform, so one does not need to have local representatives in each country to go around the membership with a tin money box - dude, it's all about electronics these days! :D

I am up on all the electronic world wonders but have dealt cash through the mails for years..
Was out to the bank and post office and mailed out $20.00 to Shawn already ..then came back and got your e-mail and this posting..
If Shawn needs beer to lubricate his throat while he slaves away over a hot laptop,while zapping curmudgeons and whackos that are infesting our MLU FORUM..Then he will need some cash...The Beer store doesn't take Pay Pal..
We want to cover ALL our expenses and if beer is an expense for us then it is money well spent.. :note: :teach: :drunk: :salute: :cheers:

servicepub (RIP) 20-04-11 17:58


Originally Posted by Alex Blair (Post 146014)
We want to cover ALL our expenses and if beer is an expense for us then it is money well.

I have always considered beer to be an allowable business expense...unfortunately, Revenue Canada doesn't agree. :cheers:

Alex Blair (RIP) 20-04-11 20:07


Originally Posted by servicepub (Post 146016)
I have always considered beer to be an allowable business expense...unfortunately, Revenue Canada doesn't agree. :cheers:

It is so obvious that you have never attended my classes on creative accounting....
No wonder you are still a poor working slob...
You put beer receipts,listed as "Medical alcohol" under "Medical expenses"...

:drunk: :cheers: :teach:

(Actually you put it under "Entertainment" as a legit office expense,same as if you bought a client lunch)

Hanno Spoelstra 25-07-11 11:29


After an initial burst of donations they went down to a trickle. One recent example is MLU member and fellow countryman Henk Minne who recently reached a certain age and made a donation of the number of years he has attained in Euro's . . . no, one does not ask a gentleman about his age. But well received it was!

As many members do not frequent this website on a daily basis, I am posting here again to bring this subject back to your attention. If you enjoy this forum, please donate what you can! As long as we can keep this forum running from donations, we do not have to switch to subscriptions or even worse, advertising. . .

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
MLU Administrator

servicepub (RIP) 25-07-11 20:13


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 150469)
After an initial burst of donations they went down to a trickle. One recent example is MLU member and fellow countryman Henk Minne who recently reached a certain age and made a donation of the number of years he has attained in Euro's . . . no, one does not ask a gentleman about his age. But well received it was!

As many members do not frequent this website on a daily basis, I am posting here again to bring this subject back to your attention. If you enjoy this forum, please donate what you can! As long as we can keep this forum running from donations, we do not have to switch to subscriptions or even worse, advertising. . .

Thanks in advance!

To what address can I paypal a donation?

Grant Bowker 25-07-11 21:14

The link "to donate in Canadian dollars" in the first post of this thread is a link to PayPal.

servicepub (RIP) 25-07-11 21:47


Originally Posted by Grant Bowker (Post 150497)
The link "to donate in Canadian dollars" in the first post of this thread is a link to PayPal.

True, but wasn't sure that this may not have changed when the site went under new 'management' following Niner's passing.

Alex Blair (RIP) 25-07-11 22:06


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 150469)
After an initial burst of donations they went down to a trickle. One recent example is MLU member and fellow countryman Henk Minne who recently reached a certain age and made a donation of the number of years he has attained in Euro's . . . no, one does not ask a gentleman about his age. But well received it was!

As many members do not frequent this website on a daily basis, I am posting here again to bring this subject back to your attention. If you enjoy this forum, please donate what you can! As long as we can keep this forum running from donations, we do not have to switch to subscriptions or even worse, advertising. . .

Thanks in advance!

I think the administration is doing an excellent job on the enhanced MLU forum..THe bugs seem to be getting worked out and for you and the others is a labour of love..(I assume)..
But not knowing anything aboout present days web page costs,may I be crass enough to ask just approximatelywhat it costs to run MLU forum for a year..???

I'm sure I will be shocked at the costs but as the first member after Sean and Jif,I have been a monitary supporter from day one and will continue to be..But curiosity has me ,as I am sure others are interested to know also..
Anyway I will continue on with my contributions yearly..or more often if required..

:drunk: :salute: :support:remember

Hanno Spoelstra 25-07-11 22:24


Originally Posted by Alex Blair (Post 150502)
I think the administration is doing an excellent job on the enhanced MLU forum..THe bugs seem to be getting worked out and for you and the others is a labour of love..(I assume)..
But not knowing anything aboout present days web page costs,may I be crass enough to ask just approximatelywhat it costs to run MLU forum for a year..???


I do not think it is appropriate to post the numbers here, but if the other donors indicate a need for it I will make up an annual settlement and send it out to those who have donated time and/or money.




Originally Posted by Alex Blair (Post 146019)
It is so obvious that you have never attended my classes on creative accounting....
No wonder you are still a poor working slob...
You put beer receipts,listed as "Medical alcohol" under "Medical expenses"...

:drunk: :cheers: :teach:

(Actually you put it under "Entertainment" as a legit office expense,same as if you bought a client lunch)

I propose to plan a "shareholders" meeting in Canada and sqaunder the remaining proceeds in you know where (your favourite bar). That way we are assured you will continue to donate and maybe even rustle up an old manual you have hidden in the closet :D

Hanno Spoelstra 25-07-11 22:34


Originally Posted by servicepub (Post 150500)
True, but wasn't sure that this may not have changed when the site went under new 'management' following Niner's passing.


Both links at the top of this thread direct you to a PayPal webpage pre-formatted to donate an amount in EUR or CAD into the account I set up specifically for Maple Leaf Up. Donations are used solely for the upkeep of this forum.

As stated before, we have chosen to use PayPal as the medium to accept donations. Although there are costs involved, this is the best medium available to accept donations from our global community. If you cannot donate through PayPal, please contact me to discuss other possibilities.

Thanks & regards,

Alex Blair (RIP) 27-07-11 00:14


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 150504)
I propose to plan a "shareholders" meeting in Canada and sqaunder the remaining proceeds in you know where (your favourite bar). That way we are assured you will continue to donate and maybe even rustle up an old manual you have hidden in the closet :D

Agreed,,..By the time we fly you..Keith and the rest of the admin moderators into Ottawa for our meeting ,we will all have to throw in an extra grand or two but rest assure it will be money well spent..
:note: :drunk: :salute: :cheers:

Marc van Aalderen 29-07-11 21:11

Hanno and team,

I really should pay more attention to the other subjects than just the Carrier forum..... :doh:

Anyway, donation on it's way.

Keep up the good work and thank you for all your efforts in bringing and keeping so many people from all over the world together. :note:


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