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Keith Webb 22-10-14 11:04

Winter around the world
1 Attachment(s)
From Bits and pieces. It was an unseasonably warm day here in Melbourne but I suppose you Canadians are looking forward to some snow.

hrpearce 22-10-14 11:48

Slow day at work Keith?

Hanno Spoelstra 02-11-14 09:17

Yesterday, 1st November, official temperature in the Netherlands reached a record of 18.5 degree Celsius (the record for the month of November stands at 18.7 degrees on 3rd November 2005).

Obligatory WW2 content: the previous record for 1st November was set in 1943 at 17.3 degrees :coffee


Barry Churcher 02-11-14 13:57

We got snow in Castleton yesterday but thank goodness it didn't last the day. Lots of ice on the bird feeder this morning.

Brian Gough 05-02-15 14:30

Dashing Through the Snow - Railroading in Canada
The east coast of Canada (and the northern US) is currently being buried in snow. Here is a Youtube link that shows that:

The video was shot at Salisbury, New Brunswick on Feb 3, 2015.


Stefan Leegwater 05-02-15 16:39

We are Lucky to live here!


maple_leaf_eh 05-02-15 20:20

where to live
I am comforted by the thought that anything strong enough to survive Canadian winters is either prey and a predator. All those nuisances like flies, poisonous snakes, spiders and annoying small creatures that other countries suffer with, don't live through our cold and snow. Whatever does emerge in spring is really worth avoiding (bears, wolverines, coyotes, bison, etc), or worth shooting and stuffing.

rob love 06-02-15 00:17

Well not quite right Terry. We live in about as cold & crappy an area as you will find in Canada. Long and very cold winters (but it's dry cold if that makes any difference at -35.). Yet every spring the mosquitos are back in droves.

We don't have it that bad here in Shilo mind you. The nearest water is many miles away, and it is so dry and hot in the summer here they don't stand much of a chance. But it is not the winter that kills the little buggers off.

Did you notice the in Brian's tube video, the number of oil tank cars in that train. The environmentalists fight so we can't have the pipelines we need, so instead there are trains two miles long hauling across the country. Doesn't quite make sense.

Darrell Zinck 06-02-15 02:53

Hi Stefan

Oh...I don't know; I could say the very same thing. ;)

Salisbury...Phhhhttt. Downright Balmy there compared to us!! :D


Harry Moon 07-02-15 01:43

if it wasn't raining I would cut the grass! :smoker:

Bob Carriere 07-02-15 03:58

You gotta cut it.....
....if you want to smoke it!!!!!

At least you can see it flow down to the Ocean here we have to shovel or blow it...

Harry........You know what you get if you cross a Polar Bear with a..... can't say it here....but you get the best snowblower in town.....

Don't worry in 3 months it will all be gone and replaced with mud!!!!


Darrell Zinck 16-02-15 03:05

1 Attachment(s)

So this is what we woke to. Double wide drive with a turnaround with my l'il 24" snow blower made for a long day. :D

Either 20-30cm snowstorms (5 in 2 weeks) or -35 windchill......3 months?! I won't last!! Luckily I'm off to Winnipeg in a week!:ergh:


chris vickery 16-02-15 03:32

Pretty bad Darrell when a vacation to Winnipeg in February is better than staying at home in New Brunswick.
Glad I left town on Friday...Although here tonight in North Bay is -35c without the windchill.
Put another log on the fire and top up my glass with some winter warmer.

rob love 16-02-15 04:01

Hasn't snowed that bad there Darrel. Not only can you still clearly see the roof of the shed, but you can even see part of the car. Around these parts we call that fall.

Every day I look at the weather forecast and everyday it is below average. The above average winters are far and few between. I would like to know how they figure the average high here should be -5 these days, and in reality the best we will hope for is the -14 scheduled for later in the week. Even that is just the carrot they dangle so we stay here.

There seem to be a few on here who like to exaggerate their present temperatures to make them seem worse than they really are. So here, to shed light on the real truth of the matter, are links to some of the Canadians on this thread.

For those from Manitoba:

For those from North Bay Ontario (We only dream of those temps right now Chris) :

For those from the tropics of Ottawa:

From those in the Southern Ontario area, where they do not know what that electric cord sticking out from their grill is for:

From the tropical Island of New Brunswick:

And last, from the displaced Brits in British Columbia (may your umbrellas break):

chris vickery 16-02-15 04:10

Well not to dispute you Rob, I took the temp off of my outside thermometer about an hour ago at -35c.
There was an interesting discussion on North Bay radio a couple weeks ago when residents were disputing advertised temperatures; Local radio was indicating -22 when in fact it was -30 as proven by various callers who reported in to the radio station. I was headed south towards Toronto and my truck was indicating -30c while the radio was insisting that is was -22c according to Environment Canada.

Jordan Baker 16-02-15 04:46


. From those in the Southern Ontario area, where they do not know what that electric cord sticking out from their grill is for:
Well I guess that explains why the shop light never worked when I plugged it into that I thought it was three boxes of bad bulbs. Live and learn I guess..........

rob love 16-02-15 05:44


Originally Posted by chris vickery (Post 206094)
Well not to dispute you Rob, I took the temp off of my outside thermometer about an hour ago at -35c.
There was an interesting discussion on North Bay radio a couple weeks ago when residents were disputing advertised temperatures; Local radio was indicating -22 when in fact it was -30 as proven by various callers who reported in to the radio station. I was headed south towards Toronto and my truck was indicating -30c while the radio was insisting that is was -22c according to Environment Canada.

Are you saying the government of Canada would not report the weather correctly, just to fool people into continually inhabiting what could otherwise be barren wasteland, just to prevent the land from being claimed by the imperialistic Russians?

hrpearce 16-02-15 08:12


Originally Posted by rob love (Post 206097)
Are you saying the government of Canada would not report the weather correctly, just to fool people into continually inhabiting what could otherwise be barren wasteland, just to prevent the land from being claimed by the imperialistic Russians?

No Rob, they have to prove to us that global warming is a major threat.

Jon Skagfeld 16-02-15 18:00

-27 C last night here near Owen Sound.

Heat pumps and auxiliary baseboard heaters just keeping up.

Don't particularly want to even open up my next hydro bill!

Frank v R 18-02-15 18:35

John , can you say wood stove , great heat, my last oil bill was $133.00,

Barry Churcher 18-02-15 19:53

How come the guy with the worst weather never comments here? Gordon says that -40 :eek: is just another cool day in Yellowknife.

rob love 18-02-15 23:59

Maybe he is too busy trying to stay warm to be able to surf the net.

It was -33 this morning, and despite being plugged in and the battery charger on it, the Dodge Diesel did not even think of starting. Luckily it warmed up to -20 this afternoon, and the truck is now running as I type this. I have to move it into the quonset as they are predicting -35 tonight with a windchill down to -45. Normals should be -7 high and low of -17.

I think it is going to be a very brisk walk to the quonset in the morning.

Jes Andersen 19-02-15 04:54

Winter? What Winter!
Watching the evening weather, I have to send my sympathies to all of you in the east. Here on Vancouver Island, the crocuses and snowdrops are about done, and its been a mild winter so far. Not enough snow on the mountains, so already concerns about the runoff and stream levels later when the salmon come home to spawn. Ski hills all done, and fruit trees are in serious bud already. My neighbour was going to cut his lawn today, but the response he got from the rest of us sent him back inside. Sooner or later, it will be spring out east too. Just not yet. :(


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