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Tim Sullivan 21-07-05 15:14

Benefits of MVPA/OMVA etc. membership???
Hey All,

Just thought I'd finally get around to asking, but what exactly are the benefits of being a member of the various MV vehicle organizations out there? I can understand networking with other MV enthusiasts, but in this age of the internet, is that really a good reason anymore? Sure you can get their publications, but again, with the 'net I don't see the benefits as well. I've looked thru Supply Line and the like, and they seem to be more of the print versions of the websites I already have bookmarked, or print versions of how tos or articles that are answered on a monthly basis on several of the online forums out there....

I've never joined in my scant years of MV ownership, but know many that have bought a membership as soon as they get their vehicles. I'm just wondering if there is a benefit that I don't know about? Cheaper sources of veh. insurance, discounts somewhere? Aside from belonging, what is the draw?

No slight against anyone that is a member, this isn't a rant against the groups either, it's just that I've never actually seen what the membership dues actually pay for...


Robert Dabkowski 22-07-05 06:07

OMVA Membership Benefits
Tim, as OMVA membership secretary, let me lay it out for you.

Your $25 annual dues give you membership in a province wide organization of 210 like minded individuals. With more in Quebec, New York state and Europe. With an all Canadian, national club to follow next year.

You'll receive 4 issues of our CMP club magazine each year with access to its free want/sale ads, MV events listing and articles on MV history and restorations. And Ontario vendors who might or might not advertize in US publications.

You also get free admission to three annual MV events, our spring Acton parts fleamarket, the Summer Show usually held in Oshawa and a Fall Meet which is intended to float to a different area of the province each year. Our local representatives will also be organizing local convoy/cruise nights in the Ottawa, Niagara, Acton, Kingston, Toronto and London areas for a more "hands on" club feel.

Should you or your local OMVA group care to organize an MV meet/parade/BBQ/cruise then you can rely on the OMVA's event insurance to provide liability protection.

Yes, you can indeed contact many of these same people on various internet sites, including MLU and the OMVA's own BUT you will find that many of our older, experienced, veteran members do NOT have internet access and can only be contacted via the OMVA. Where else will you hear those first hand accounts of how your MV was really used ? If you want to restore your truck all alone then rely on internet contacts for the cold, hard facts. If you want some company/help/appreciation of your efforts and places to display your handyworks, then join the OMVA !

Robert Dabkowski (OMVA Membership)

chris vickery 22-07-05 15:13

Tim ,I concur with Robert, as much of the information that is exchanged is simply not on the Net.
Often times, ads especially are only found in the publications.
I suppose that for myself, I quest for knowledge and try to utilize as many forms of media as possible, including the net, variuos forums and most published magazines.
You must ask yourself whether you find these excellent resources valuable or not. Due to the fact that we are a small but dedicated few, we should pool our knowledge. Many of the organizations have non paid volunteers who spend a great amount of time and work and can use as much support as possible to make them a worthwhile venture for those involved.
No offense intended, but, if a person has the money to be playing with these toys, surely a few bucks for joining a group or two is not out of line...

Gunner 25-07-05 18:47

Membership in MV Organisations
One of the greatest, intangible, benefits of membership in such 'clubs' is the credibility they endow on us as a group.

On your own, you are the nutball down the road who owns a 'tank'/'jeep'/'big ugly noisy rust bucket that scares the neighbours' (pick the most suitable discription). As a group, we are regarded as main stream antique vehicle collectors who have a preference for olive drab and dog turd brown.

Insurance companies are more willing to include our strange looking vehicles on their lists of low risk antiques, we enjoy the synergy of having a voice for antique vehicles in political circles; for example, it wasn't a lone dog that convinced the Province of Ontario to have historic vehicle plates and more recently, to allow the registration of 'year of manufacture' plates... it was the collective voice of the clubs.

Along with the benefits ably listed by RobDab, I consider the intangibles well worth the cost of a round of beer for my buds!:cheers:

:teach: ends!

Cheers! Mike

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