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Greg 16-12-07 21:58

Great White North
As I sit here at work, watching the snow come down. I alot of people driving giving me a bit of job security. Over 30 cm has come down around fire station #21 in Ottawa. We can just get through the main roads here with the fire pump. Just finished a call and I barely was able to back the pump into the staion.
Where is a good C60 when you need one.


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 16-12-07 22:30

Re: Great White North

Originally posted by Greg
As I sit here at work, watching the snow come down. I alot of people driving giving me a bit of job security. Over 30 cm has come down around fire station #21 in Ottawa. We can just get through the main roads here with the fire pump. Just finished a call and I barely was able to back the pump into the staion.
Where is a good C60 when you need one.

LMAO! All the flirty ones are down in Oz, where do you think? :(

We're having fun here too, Greg... at least the streetcars are still running. Dunno why they bother, there's no one on them except the drivers, but there ya go... :D

Jon Skagfeld 16-12-07 23:27

About 50 cm snow here in Snowin' Sound.

Used snow blower twice today...more to follow, wait, out. :D

Bruce Parker, who visited this weekend, left this AM at 0645 hrs. It took him 8 hours to get home!!! :( But we had a good time. :cheers: :drunk: :teach: :no4: :note: )

Ahhhh...a Canadian winter.

Go to Hell, Keith, Bob, Max, Euan, etc. :kangaroo :kangaroo :devil:

Bruce Parker (RIP) 16-12-07 23:56

"It took him 8 hours to get home!!!"

True enough, but the first four were to sober up.

Jon doesn't keep a lock on his beer fridge or nothin' !!! THEN Bettty plies me with red wine that went so well with her gourmet Italian dinner.

Great hosts, a wonderful time....AND we solved all the world's problems again.

Rookie 17-12-07 01:07

great white north
Weather is a bugger isn,t it. I spent yesterday on the beach surfcasting as it was too hot to be in the male bonding area to work on the truck although we did force ourselves to go into there to the beer fridge later

I have a water truck arriving tomorrow as we have almost run our of water

Merry Xmas from the great brown south


Rookie (sunburnt)

Snowtractor 17-12-07 01:32

B-E-A-utiful here...
Lovely day here, sunny, warm -2, no wind worked the last 15 hours on a watermain break. Nice day though.
Not enough snow here to even start my tractor this year :(

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 17-12-07 02:02

Re: B-E-A-utiful here...

Originally posted by Snowtractor
Lovely day here, sunny, warm -2, no wind worked the last 15 hours on a watermain break. Nice day though.
Not enough snow here to even start my tractor this year :(

You'll get yours yet, you miserable prick! :p

cletrac (RIP) 17-12-07 04:05

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Here's the fire truck you need when it snows.

cletrac (RIP) 17-12-07 04:08

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Or this one in its better days

cletrac (RIP) 17-12-07 04:10

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One more.

cletrac (RIP) 17-12-07 04:18

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I might as well include this one too. Some of those old farmers got quite creative building these rural fire trucks.

Max Hedges 17-12-07 05:10

notv a bad day at Yass
a little nippy for this time of year
I'v been cuttin hay, Em's shiftin some cows and Kathy's paintin the out side of the house..... temp is only 23 c
Max :thup:

Vets Dottir 2nd 17-12-07 05:14

Re: notv a bad day at Yass

Originally posted by Max Hedges
a little nippy for this time of year ... temp is only 23 c
Max :thup:

Buffalo robes and mukluks on the way to you folks :drunk:

Keith Webb 17-12-07 05:17

Re: not a bad day at Yass

Originally posted by Max Hedges
a little nippy for this time of year
I'v been cuttin hay, Em's shiftin some cows and Kathy's paintin the out side of the house..... temp is only 23 c
Max :thup:

Although it's sunny with hardly a cloud in the sky we're shivering away at only PLUS 21 down here in Melbourne. :teach: :kangaroo :D

Daniel Treasure 17-12-07 05:29

Will swap anyone with our 35C an thunder storms. we been sittin on out fire truck for the last 2 days lookin for those little white puffs of smoke an I dont meen from the exhaust of my blitz. but we had 10ml of the wet stuff so we relaxin now. poor barsteds at moora 200km south of us had 87ml and they havnt finished harvest yet. U just cant please us bitching farmers!

Daniel Treasure 17-12-07 05:32

P.S. What is snow? :D

cliff 17-12-07 06:13

bit nippy here in Queensland too at 26C...oh hang on a minute we have the air con on....(goes outside and checks).......Back again 30C and 85% humidity outside so no wonder Kathie has the aircon on! :D

Rookie 17-12-07 07:28

Great white north
To cliff and the other ANZAC"s

Its a hard life in the antipodes isn,t it. The temp has just dropped a bit but we doen,t have "the western wave" like you Queenslanders do. I was in Camoweal (nth of Mt Isa) last year and was like a human fan with the flies.

Oh well I guess I had better get out the dictionary to find what muckluks are (already guessed) and put on the clean shorts for the BBQ (Paua) abalone to you northern types, venison and wild pork. God life is hard I better have another cold beer and look at the truck. Having a battle trying to find a long reach 1 1/8" 3/4 "drive socket for the final wheel bolts. Life is hell


Vets Dottir 2nd 17-12-07 10:43

A few pics of what the weather has been doing East of me ... like Toronto and other easterly places ...

In BC ... well, snow in BC parts too. Lots of it. Even some snow jams around Prince George (far NW of here) caused/causing floodings. The ice jams were 6 km the news story had said, but smaller now as breaking up. Bad news for the locals with the floods.

ICE STORMS in the USA have been deadly and horrible :(

happy mediums don't exist whe it comes to the weather methinks. too much, too little ... a little more "just right" would be nice :bang: :D

Tony Smith 17-12-07 12:03


Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
About 50 cm snow here in Snowin' Sound.

Ahhhh...a Canadian winter.

Go to Hell, Keith, Bob, Max, Euan, etc. :kangaroo :kangaroo :devil:

When Hell freezes over! :mad: (Oh, sounds like it has! :thup: )

Vets Dottir 2nd 17-12-07 12:14


Originally posted by Tony Smith
When Hell freezes over! :mad: (Oh, sounds like it has! :thup: )
Hmmmm ... no wonder things feel like hell if we're in hell then, eh? :thup: :D

Greg 17-12-07 13:57

I just got home from my 24 hour sunday at the station. I had to park the car at the end of the laneway and climb over the snowbank and walk through the above the knee snow to get to the house(400'). Then dig my way in the front door.
For those of you in the south who don't know what snow is, too bad.
If living in Canada means putting up with a little snow, so be it.
It is worth it to live in this great country.
I will have a fun day with the kids who have a snow day from school.
I hope all have a good time in the snow, if you can't drop your pants and sit in a snow bank.

Cheers, :cheers:

RHClarke 17-12-07 15:36

Monday at the Barn
...wasn't supposed to happen, but...

Bob and Joyce put on their annual Rotters Dinner at the Hammond Palace. Grant joined me and my family to sup at the Duke's. It was a great evening with fine food, good wine and outstanding company. We really did not notice the 35 cm of snow that fell...

At dinners end, Grant had difficulty leaving with his 4WD truck (no, he wasn't drinking), so we stayed overnight. This morning it was a calm -15oC. Bob got the tractor and cleared the laneways of his and his neighbour's homes. Joyce headed out to work around 7:00 and we followed suit (after Bob pulled my vehicle out of the snowbank (a new tradition?).

I was pleasantly surprised to see our road cleared, but not so surprised at the four foot plough drift left in the driveway.

I hate this global warming crap!

David_Hayward (RIP) 17-12-07 18:10

Wow, it's going to be cold tonight! -2C, with some frost on our cars. Phew! However, we might also get some drizzle with snow on hills. Terrible weather this...this morning I had to wear a jacket! Max is about 3 C during the day though I have seen 7 lately.

Any idea what this Scottish critter is please?

David_Hayward (RIP) 17-12-07 18:14

Snow-blower mystery
1 Attachment(s)
Any ideas please?

David_Hayward (RIP) 17-12-07 18:16

And another
1 Attachment(s)

David_Hayward (RIP) 17-12-07 18:17

And you had better have one of these!
1 Attachment(s)

David_Hayward (RIP) 17-12-07 18:18

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Don't get mangled! This is an English snow blower

David_Hayward (RIP) 17-12-07 18:22

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English again

Snowtractor 17-12-07 19:17

Re: Re: B-E-A-utiful here...

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
You'll get yours yet, you miserable prick! :p


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