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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 20-08-07 12:42

Welcome to The Gun Park!
After repeated whinging by such notable ingrates as our own Major Mike ('Gunner') Calnan, herewith, a place for your musings! During the course of the day, I shall transfer various arty-specific topics elsewhere into this realm.

Have-at-you, Cannoncockers! :D


Brad Mills 20-08-07 14:23

Well its about time! Well done Gunner!!!

RHClarke 20-08-07 18:47

Gunners don't whinge. We snivel. Being an honourary Gunner yerself, you otta know this. I welcome this addition to our worthy forum. Now we can tell Gunner lies (or stories) in a central location. FFE!

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 20-08-07 19:14

Re: Whinging?

Originally posted by RHClarke
Gunners don't whinge. We snivel. Being an honourary Gunner yerself, you otta know this. I welcome this addition to our worthy forum. Now we can tell Gunner lies (or stories) in a central location. FFE!
Oh WAHHHH!!! :whinge

C'mon, let's see some of those Knee Drills! :p

Gunner 20-08-07 19:57

Kneeling Gun Drill
Firstly a big thanks to Geoff for finally caving in and giving us a Gun Park to put all our artillery in! :salute:

For those that didn't get Master Ballington-Spin's reference to "knee drills", he was introduced to kneeling gun drill this past weekend at the BBBBBBBBBB (well it was good enough to rate at least 10 'B's! :p ) event in Hammond. Jiff did an excellent job dispite aching old bones and grit filled joints, resulting in a satisfying "BOOM" and his being annointed into the ranks of Honourary Gunner (with all the priviledges apertaining thereto! :drunk: ) For photographic evidence see the BB2 After Action Report in the Events Forum.

I'm looking forward to all sorts of interesting stone-thrower discussions here so have at her!


:remember :support

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 21-08-07 00:07

Re: Kneeling Gun Drill

Originally posted by Gunner

[Heard from somewhere down the line:] Can't, sir! The GPO ACK is drunk again!



Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 21-08-07 00:45

Re: Kneeling Gun Drill

Originally posted by Gunner
..... his being annointed into the ranks of Honourary Gunner (with all the priviledges apertaining thereto! :drunk: )
Damn, just occurred to me... am I now obligated to take down my Armoured Corps pips and at least put up Infantry pips? And change over to a khaki beret with requisite insignia? :doh:

Bloody good thing I have two battledress jackets (which still fit my lithe, sveldt 156-lb ...... oops, better stop there... :eek: :D )... do I need a riding crop or a pointed stick? This is dizzying... :note:

Gunner 21-08-07 22:53

Long Bofors string
Hi Geoff:

I know you are moving artillery topics here as time permits... I just wanted to remind you of the fascinating thread started by Stellan.

:cheers: Mike

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 21-08-07 23:25

Re: Long Bofors string

Originally posted by Gunner
Hi Geoff:

I know you are moving artillery topics here as time permits... I just wanted to remind you of the fascinating thread started by Stefan Brolund.

:cheers: Mike


I'm kind of busy at the moment ... can you find that thread and any others for that matter? Post the urls here and I'll take care of it.

Gunner 22-08-07 19:50

Glad to help!
I start surfing in the evenings and any I find shall be listed here as directed!

Sah! :D

:cheers: Mike

Gunner 23-08-07 02:27

Gun Park Threads
Hi Geoff:

Here are some threads I recommend moving to the gun park. In cases where it was a truck thread I based my recommendation on whether the discussion focussed on the use of the truck as a gun tractor or SP carriage versus straight forward softskin discussion of thr trucks mechanical, etc.

These two threads say they have already been moved but don't show up in the Gun Park... some tech glitch that is way beyond my luddite computer skills!

I'll keep surfing!

:cheers: Mike

Lynx45 23-08-07 05:11

Kudos to Sunray, excellent idea and I for one will be lurking in this area quite a lot

Thanks again

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 23-08-07 12:02

Re: Gun Park Threads

Originally posted by Gunner
Hi Geoff:

Here are some threads I recommend moving to the gun park. In cases where it was a truck thread I based my recommendation on whether the discussion focussed on the use of the truck as a gun tractor or SP carriage versus straight forward softskin discussion of thr trucks mechanical, etc.........

You just like to see me work, that's it, isn't it?! :no4:

I've moved most, copied a copy and left a couple others - for the moment. Beyond that, all I can say is that...


Blackpowder44 (RIP) 28-02-09 20:48

Lets hear it for the 6mile snipers.John

MrBNaylor 27-03-10 17:07

WW2 23rd Field Regiment RCA 4th Canadian Arm. Div.
I would like to say chapter one in regards to the 23rd Field Regiment's contribution in the Normandy Campaign is finished. Lots of live footage of Sexton S.P's along with other footage during the Battle of Normandy. Preserving Canada's Rule during WW2.

Hope you enjoy it,

Here's the link !!

Bryan Naylor

Tiger Moth Enterprises 03-05-11 16:12

Always good to see the insightful words of Mike Calnan! He is a gunner par excellence and it is an honour to know him (and see him occasionally at events such as the recent 30 Field Cannon Ball).
I hesitate to say that I knew him as a pup -but as Baden Editor of Der Kanadier when his father was in Germany with our Gunner contingent I got in trouble by publishing what I considered to be a funny photo (just two air force guys passing a 12 volt battery from one to another) with the caption "B Battery Changes Hands" during the active posting season of (about) 1972 when the paper was full of such grin and grip photos.
I was actually invited for tea with the Commander 4CMBG before MY boss Col Arnie Bauer stepped in and pointed out that as a pilot and HIS man I was not part of THAT chain of command and would continue to publish what I wished.
I had already had one memorable earlier tea with an Air Force MGen who conspicuously failed to congratulate me on my low level night antics over London Ontario -and had been looking forward to comparing it to the hospitality of an Army BGen -or was he just a full Colonel? -but it was not to be!
I was also lucky enough to serve the guns of 30 Field with Mike when that fine regiment allowed me to command its 1 battery after I retired from the Air Force. I was honoured indeed.

Hi Mike!

Keep up the good work!


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