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maple_leaf_eh 16-08-17 05:45

1st Hussars and Holy Roller & Perry Kitson

jdmcm 16-08-17 06:10

Fantastic Perry! Would sure be great to see Holy Roller roll once more! Good work!


Hanno Spoelstra 16-08-17 09:13

Good to see preservation work in progress. Well done, Perry!

Darrell Zinck 16-08-17 12:27


Thanks for that link. Great story. Good job, Perry. :)

My Holy Roller story starts about an hour before the regiment was to do a D-Day commemorative parade on a Sunday morning there in the park. I was their Transport NCO Reg Force Cadre at the time. Living in St Thomas and having a wife and 1 year old in tow, I arrived early in my parade best. The first thing I saw was that we were the absolute first at the park. Second, I saw the tank had been graffiti'd with anti-war slogans and other mind numbing tripe. Third, was the CO arriving and me watching the Co's eyes bug out. "MCpl, fix that!!" was screamed at me and I was off like a shot. Looking and feeling rather uncomfortable in DEU1A standing at the hardware store on Adelaide, I secured a few cans of flat green spray paint and raced back to the park. By then a group of Hussars had arrived and relieved me of my purchases, covered the offending scrawls and the parade carried on.

I still can see the size of the Joe Murray's eyes in my mind.


Robert Bergeron 25-08-17 16:12

Well done Perry !


Perry Kitson 27-09-17 00:56

It is now up to the city and the regimental association to decide how far they want to go to preserve this tank. I am pushing for a full restoration to running.

I am trying to shrink down some photo's of the interior that I took to post here. Hopefully in a couple of days.


Bruce Parker (RIP) 27-09-17 02:17


Originally Posted by Perry Kitson (Post 243064)
It is now up to the city and the regimental association to decide how far they want to go to preserve this tank. I am pushing for a full restoration to running. .


Wouldn't that be spectacular. I'm sure the regimental association would be all for it but I bet the city will want to spend their municipal cash on more metal trees or a new safe injection site or something. Regardless, you're the guy to make it happen if it's at all possible.

Perry Kitson 27-09-17 22:35

4 Attachment(s)
A few photo's from the interior of Holy Roller in London's Victoria Park. An early M4A2, direct vision, S.N. 7606. It has sat here since June, 1950.

Perry Kitson 27-09-17 22:41

3 Attachment(s)
A couple more...

David Dunlop 29-09-17 01:19

What a beauty that would be to restore as a 'living' memorial!


David Dunlop 29-09-17 01:26

While I think of it. Any known crew members still alive?


James P 30-09-17 14:38

Super stuff, lets see the tank given a full rebuild to running condition.

jdmcm 04-10-17 05:23


I have amassed quite a collection of Sherman parts over the last twenty years, I would be moe than happy to help the restoration of a Holy Roller any way I can if you get permission to get the old steed up and running...can't think of a better legacy


Wayne Hingley 04-10-17 05:30


Originally Posted by jdmcm (Post 243290)

I have amassed quite a collection of Sherman parts over the last twenty years, I would be moe than happy to help the restoration of a Holy Roller any way I can if you get permission to get the old steed up and running...can't think of a better legacy


WOW... It would be awesome to see this all come together!! Good luck with pushing for a green light Perry.

Perry Kitson 04-10-17 18:30

Thanks for the offer John. I hope your health issue is sorted quickly with favourable results for you and your family.
The fate of Holy Roller now rests with the regiment and the city. I have been pushing to see it removed from the park and placed indoors as a "last" option, full restoration being the goal. Some in the regiment are firm in their belief that it is a monument and should stay as such. My argument is that it is slowly rusting away where it sits, and that as a living memorial, it will be around for future generations.
This tank landed on D-Day, and was the only tank of the regiment to make it all the way through the war. The First Hussars landed with 61 Shermans, and after the first 6 days of fighting, had 62 tanks knocked out, having received 33 replacement tanks on June 9/10.

A veteran by the name of Art Boyle, who was once the driver of Holy Roller, still makes it out to the annual D-Day parade the regiment holds.

David Dunlop 04-10-17 19:15


I know you probably have a whole list of items on your plate in addition to what you are attempting to accomplish with Holy Roller. If the agreement of the Regiment was unanimous for restoration, do you feel the project would get a major boost?

My thought would be to feel out Art Boyle on the project. Show him all the photos of what Holy Roller looks like inside today. Explain to him that what is seen on the outside today is just a mask, hiding the neglect and decay inside the vehicle. The very insides where he and his crew mates worked and lived and it is difficult to understand how some in the Regiment can claim they respect what the crews of Holy Roller did, while clearly showing no respect or understanding at all of where they did it.

If Art is in agreement, then a presentation of those photos, along with Art, if possible, should be made to the Regiment, point blank telling those that don't get it that they need to rethink their position. I would give the Regiment the courtesy of that meeting alone, and if their response was not satisfactory, take it to the local media. November 11th is just around the corner. Its an opportune time, if it can be pulled together.


Gordon Yeo 04-10-17 19:58

To David's point

David might be onto some thing about November 11 coming up. My first November 11 parade, with the Legion pipe band, was in 1970 and I watched the event diminish in attendance and interest until Afghanistan. That being the first major event where Canada saw the effects of war since Korea, it re-invigorated the publics interest in Remembrance. Could this be the time to use public opinion to help move the project along. Maybe some new and different buttons need pushing?


r.morrison 08-10-17 05:42

"Tell you what ya' do kid".....
Well, one of the best Canadian Articles I've seen on this forum in a while. So Perry, you tell the regiment....and the city.....and that Premier you got there, to help out financially and convince the public to get it up and running. Start a fund drive. Let me be the first to throw in $100.00 to get the ball rolling. John's parts alone are priceless!!! Showtime! Robert :thup2:

Darrell Zinck 09-10-17 03:50

1 Attachment(s)

Restoration aside, I met Art a number of times long ago and am sure he'd be approachable. MM winner for shooting Panthers. 1H has a gunnery trophy named after him. :cool:

I discovered that he was a pre-war RC Dragoon and passed some nice mounted photos onto the Regiment one time. :)

I once asked him about Le Mesnil-Patry. He said "Yeah, we walked back from that." :salute:


Hanno Spoelstra 23-02-20 22:04

How many Fisher built tanks are still around?

Re. your question "how many Fisher built tanks are still around, as monuments or runners", please refer to the following links:

Fisher-built M4A2's:

Fisher built M4A3's:

Surviving M4A2's:

Let me know if this is of any help, else I will look for further info.


Hanno Spoelstra 07-03-20 12:56


chris vickery 07-03-20 18:14

That’s great and hope the project goes well. Hopefully it doesn’t end up mired down in red tape or committees that don’t cooperate when it comes down to things like money....
Speaking of money, the price tag for the restoration mentioned in the article tags it’s at $500k plus. Sounds like a lot to me, especially considering the fact that they want to use as much volunteer labour as possible and donations from various sources.
As for the engine, well, I am certain that this has been abridge crossed before. Are they wanting an exact restoration or is this something that could have a couple Detroit’s put into it at a fraction of the cost?

David Herbert 07-03-20 19:25


Originally Posted by chris vickery (Post 267328)
Are they wanting an exact restoration or is this something that could have a couple Detroit’s put into it at a fraction of the cost?

Luckily this is a GM built Sherman M4A2 which was built new with a pair of GM Detroit 6-71s ! It is even possible to hot rod it by fitting later four valve heads and better breathing cylinder liners from later engines.


Hanno Spoelstra 21-05-20 13:42

The story continues:

“ 'Holy Roller' tank restoration plan takes aim at City Hall”

Ed Storey 21-05-20 15:09

I look forward to the day when, like the Lancaster bombers which were once perched on plinths across Canada, that these historic vehicles get pulled from the parks and are given the proper indoor storage and display they so rightfully deserve. Putting money into refurbish these vehicles only to park them outside is a waste of resources and time, 120K would certainly go a long way to providing a proper shelter for this historic vehicle.

Hanno Spoelstra 26-06-20 21:55

RIP Phil Cockburn
1 Attachment(s)
Phil Cockburn, London's last armoured soldier to survive D-Day passes away:

One could say “Holy Roller” is now the last D-Day survivor in London... When old soldiers fade away, it is important to preserve their equipment as a reminder of their deeds.


London's last armoured soldier to survive D-Day passes away
Sean Irvine CTV News London Reporter / Anchor
Published Friday, April 17, 2020 9:46AM

LONDON, ONT -- The Forest CIty's last living connection to the armoured regiments of D-Day has passed away.

Attachment 114780

Phil Cockburn was just a few months short of his 98th birthday.
Born July 26, 1922, he was on the beach at Juno as Canadians fought on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
He was a gunner for the London based First Hussars.
CTV News reporter Sean Irvine interviewed him extensively for two separate special features in 2004 and 2019.
In 2004, Phil revealed how fearful he was that his D-Day floating tank would not even make it to shore. Several other tanks sank in the rough seas around him.
Yet, the worst was still to come. Landing at the “Mike Red” section of Juno he was quickly in heavy action, and stunned by the scene around him.
“You wondered, is it real?”
Still his tank crew fired one of the first decisive shots of armour that morning, taking out a German position in a church tower.
“It was pretty rough, pretty scary,” he told Irvine in 2019.
Phil witnessed first hand the loss of life on D-Day, and expressed the mental and physical pain he still feels in both interviews.
When speaking of the friends he lost, he stated the bond he shares with them will never be forgotten, “They are like brothers. June 6 [is] a date I will never, ever forget.”
Phil died peacefully Thursday, his son Ray Cockburn tells CTV News.
However, he added his father “fought right until the end.”
First Hussars retired lieutenant colonel Joe Murray calls Cockburn the last of the greatest generation, adding he had signed up at just 17.
In later life, Ray says his father's “reason for living” was the young cadets he would frequently speak to.
“He would talk for hours, and the look on their faces, you could tell they were soaking in every word.”
In 2004, asked what we, as Canadians, could do to best remember those lost on the Juno Beach, he responded through tears and visual physical pain at the recollection.
“If [Canadians] are going to be in Europe, if they could just take a little time to see some these burial places. I think that would probably honour those men.”

James P 26-06-20 22:31


Originally Posted by Ed Storey (Post 269731)
I look forward to the day when, like the Lancaster bombers which were once perched on plinths across Canada, that these historic vehicles get pulled from the parks and are given the proper indoor storage and display they so rightfully deserve. Putting money into refurbish these vehicles only to park them outside is a waste of resources and time, 120K would certainly go a long way to providing a proper shelter for this historic vehicle.

Amen brother, amen.

James P 26-06-20 22:43


Originally Posted by Hanno Spoelstra (Post 270499)
Phil Cockburn, London's last armoured soldier to survive D-Day passes away:

One could say “Holy Roller” is now the last D-Day survivor in London... When old soldiers fade away, it is important to preserve their equipment as a reminder of their deeds.

Attachment 114780

I came to the same conclusion about 25 years ago that as the ranks of old boys who answered duties call and served in whatever role to defend, protect and liberate the oppressed diminish the equipment will be the only direct link back to that period. It is, at least for myself, something much more then a "return on investment" or "property" in that the equipment, small arms and vehicles are history with a value that DOES NOT have a dollar sign attached. Each and every artifact of that period will grow in importance and continue the telling of the story that these men and women as they pass on and cannot tell to future generations.

Hanno Spoelstra 06-03-21 19:24

“Holy Roller craft beer launched to raise money for tank's restoration“

dcrfan 07-03-21 09:07

I don't know how I've missed this thread all these years. I've visited this tank many times over the years when visiting London for an international AFV conference. I'm glad the decay is being halted and it can become a true memorial to all those mounted soldiers. It would be great for people to see be able to seen inside in the future.


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