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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 01-07-04 04:00

Upgrade Coming Up
Can't say when, but within 24 hours. The Forum will be down at that time.

BTW, we lost a few recent members and a few hundred posts, but at least we saved most of it. I'm bloody exhausted.

If your [new] registration is no longer valid, email me. The missing posts you'll just have to recreate. Drive on.

Best I can do, chaps. What a pain in the arse.


Mark W. Tonner 01-07-04 04:15

Re: Recovery from Hack
A job well done Geoff! We may have lost a lot, but we are still here and functional, and being the family that we are, we will "PRESS ON!"


Stellan Bojerud (RIP) 01-07-04 06:06

Recovery from Hack
Well done!

Quote Charles De Gaulle:
"We have lost a battle - but not the war".

Quote Hillaire Bellock:
"What ever happens,
we have got,
the Maxim-gun,
and they have not!"

Best greetings,


Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 01-07-04 12:25

I WILL be taking the forum down off and on today to backup and upgrade to a safer version; please have patience, it's for the best!

Snowtractor 01-07-04 12:30

Okay... I get it, the site was hacked. I would like to introduce them to northern mosquitoes for a night, or two if they survived the first night.
Take it down as long as you need,Geoff, I think you know we all stand behind you...or beside you after beer and chillie night.

Hanno Spoelstra 01-07-04 12:43


Was this a dedicated hack attack or was this something done by a virus, worm or similiar?

Anyhow, thanks for your damage control! Will refrain from posting until after the upgrade, will look if I have some recent threads archived on my PC.

:cheers: :cheers:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 01-07-04 13:35

Re: Hanno
A dedicated and malicious hack attack, Hanno. He deleted 2/3 of our threads and posts as well as all our forum identifiers, before posting a page claiming credit. Apparently, it's 'going around'... although he wasn't one of them, there's a Saudi group hacking U.S. based forums as well.

I've a spike bayonet and a good sharp Fairbairn-Sykes here I could find some useful employment for... :)

The upcoming upgrade will at least seal some security holes since identified.

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 01-07-04 13:38

Re: Okay...

Originally posted by Snowtractor I get it, the site was hacked. I would like to introduce them to northern mosquitoes for a night, or two if they survived the first night.
Strip him naked, cut his Achilles tendons, and dump him in your bush up there. Yeah, that's the ticket... :D

Mark W. Tonner 01-07-04 15:32

Re: Hacker

Is there any way of back tracking or finding the S.O.B.'s where abouts, or is that impossible. I saw the screen yesterday and I don't understand what we here on the forum have to do with the two countries he mentioned, and the Arabic scrolling words...give me a break :mad: I can think of a few other ways to deal with this low life..........&%#$!! - CENSORED....:mad:

Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) 01-07-04 16:22

Re: Mark
It was a coordinated attack against dozens (if not hundreds) of western-based forums, originating out of Saudi Arabia. They're out to undermine our social infrastructure, and there's nothing we can do to stop them, except build up software resources. It was a very sophisticated operation.


Mark W. Tonner 01-07-04 16:37

Re: Re: Mark

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
It was a coordinated attack against dozens (if not hundreds) of western-based forums, originating out of Saudi Arabia. They're out to undermine our social infrastructure, and there's nothing we can do to stop them, except build up software resources. It was a very sophisticated operation.
Thanks Geoff, interesting, were any of your other forums effected?

Snowtractor 02-07-04 04:50

One would think ...
...the old saying " Do unto others as though wouldst have done to you" would have some impression. Imagine if all the north american teen hackers started attacking Saudi Arabian computer systems or any other originating country.

Vets Dottir 03-07-04 18:21

Awesome to save some
G... was very happy to find the MLU accessable again. And now I understand the strange little PM I just opened... much is now missing from the forum hey? (not one word I could say would express my TRUE feelings about this hack-attack bs) I checked my thread of course, woinderful to see it still there. Wonderful... as for everything else lost for everyone else???... speechless in Winterpeg :(

Well done Geoff.


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