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kevinT 13-11-05 19:55

Crusader Gun Tractor
Just as a follow up to the question below.
Was the Crusader Gun Tractor used by Canadian anti - tank regiments?



klambie 13-11-05 21:29

Re: Crusader
I know 6 A/Tk used a few. Do a search for 'crusader' on all the forums, there have been quite a number of threads on this and related.

Philp 04-10-08 16:27

Crusader gun tower
:note:Can anyone provide me with a photograph which I can use for my site

John OReilly 18-10-10 04:18

Crusader Gun Tractor
For reasons best understood by only fellow modelers I've taken it in my head to sctatch-build a Crusader GT for my 17pdr(1/35th).The last major scratch-build I did was a 35th scale Sexton and now I remember why(lol).I've searched all sites and sources I can find on the web and have come up with scant little information.After expending in excess of 40 hours I'm hoping someone on here can either point me in the right direction or provide me with some pics/drawings.TIA,John

Ivor Ramsden 18-10-10 13:55

Accurate Armour do a conversion kit for the Italeri Crusader. Like you, I couldn't find much information on the web but AA seem to have done a nice job.

John OReilly 18-10-10 17:04

Crusader Gun Tractor
Thanks Ivor,I'm aware of AA's Crusader.It was getting their 17pdr that got me started.Wish now I had done it backwards considering Bronco's release of the 17pdr.John

Ivor Ramsden 19-10-10 23:14

There were some 1/76 plans in Military Modelling (I think) many years back. I don't know how good they are but I can try to dig them out. I think they were drawn by Geoff Futter whose plans are usually pretty accurate.

The Tank Museum might have stowage diagrams.

Let me know if you want me to look for the plans. I can email them to you.

erikjan_eskes 20-10-10 17:14

Crusader Gun Tractor

I've just uploaded some Crusader Gun Tractor photos taken at the Overloon Museum; you can find them here:

As I've taken them myself, I'm sure I don't mind....:wacko:


Erik Jan

John OReilly 20-10-10 20:55

Crusader GT info
Thanks Ivor,I'd truly appreciate that.I reaize it might be a bit of effort on your part so you have my gratitude.

Ivor Ramsden 23-10-10 10:44

John, I've got a stack of stuff on gun tractors for you. Let me have your email address and I'll send it on.

John OReilly 29-10-10 03:00

Crusader GT
Thanks Ivor.My email is:
Replace the "at" and insert @

Ivor Ramsden 29-10-10 22:34

It's on its way.

Alan McGuinness 30-10-10 20:24

There are some glimpses here:

John OReilly 31-10-10 20:51

Thanks Alan
Nice film from Normandy.Every bit helps.John

tomdekruijff 10-11-10 17:14

crusader gun tractor
1 Attachment(s)
Hello John,
I'm also thinking of scratch build this one and just found the next link:
I have some pics i took at overloon of the one there and can mail them if you want them.
I also have some images from the AA kit.
cheers, Tom
ps, if you got any i haven't i like acopy of them :)

tomdekruijff 11-11-10 10:50

crusader gun tractor
Hi Ivor,

Is it possible that you mail me the same info you gave John?
mail adress is: t.r.dekruijff"at" you know what to do with the "at"
Thanks in advance.

cheers, Tom


Ivor Ramsden 13-11-10 18:41

Hi Tom,

It's on its way.

chrisgrove 29-11-10 23:23

Ken Jones drew two views of the Crusader Gun Tractor (left side and plan) in Military Modelling of March 1976, in a rather strange scale of about 1/57 (fit to page I guess). John Church drerw a complete set of plans in 1/76 as his plan No 62, obtainable I think from BW Models in UK,


John OReilly 01-12-10 00:58

Thanks Chris,I'll chech it out.

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