Thread: New view
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Old 20-06-08, 04:35
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,225
Default I had heard you guys were having a drought.....

....looks very wet to me.....

Must be nice to build and not have to worry about installing 6 inches of insulation and worrying about snow load on the roof......

....but the view is very nice......

As any of you used the spray cans of brake cleaners..... in Canada it is sold to cleanup/degrease in brake jobs..... content is a (safe) derivative of the old carbon tetrachloride...... you spray a wasp or any other flying insect.... and they instantly go into overdrive...flying flat out straight for about 8 feet..... then drop dead with a thud to the ground .... it is so much fun the boys at the barn are now looking for opportunities to perfect there aim.... and remember the spray is suppose to be safe....

wonder what it would do to them mean spiders!!!! maybe will spray Jiff and see if he speeds up...

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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