Thread: Another trip
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Old 06-07-08, 00:07
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
M38A1 CDN3
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Owen Sound ON
Posts: 2,190

Keith: You'll probably cross paths with my perambulations in North Carolina.

In 2002, I spent 3 weeks there...military stuff, so I won't bore you with details.

However, if you're going to Charlotte, perhaps you'll find yourself near Raleigh-Durham Airport. Maybe you'll find yourself out by Ashville.

There's a ring road near the capital city. Close to there is a suburb known as Cary.

The locals identify that suburb as "City Awash with Re-located Yankees".

Don't forget that North Carolina is a southern state!!!

You might also run across a local plant known as kudzu. It'll be interesting to read your reaction to this green thingy...(you will see it).

Have a good time in Fiji, and say hello to Gauguin for me. Don't forget to bring Tim Tams to trade with the natives!.

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