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Old 07-09-08, 23:30
Big D Big D is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Posts: 659
Default Lewis machine-gun plans/sketches/technical drawings

Hi Bob,

I thought I’d sent you a follow up message saying that I’d confirmed buying the Swanpool carrier. Obviously I didn’t so apologies for that.

Your comments about the restoration costs between the two I looked at were spot on. The condition of the Swanpool carrier was that good and there was little that had to be done to it, so I couldn’t resist in the end.

As far as the story board goes – Denise (understandably) wasn’t prepared to let that go at this stage. I only briefly looked at it so am not sure about the run numbers. I will see if she will take some photographs of the relevant parts of the story board. Hopefully that might fill in the gaps so will come back to you on that.


Hi Tony,

I live in Dunedin and am a member of the NZAAA. I have previously spoken to the guy in Christchurch who does the replica firearms. Rod Woods is his name. In fact I have one of his Browning .30 cals on my Willys jeep. I wasn’t aware of him doing the Lewis gun replicas but I did email him and hopefully will hear back.

You could well be right about the number of Lewis guns here in NZ. To be honest, I hadn’t even considered what Peter Jackson has at Omaka. I was discussing it with a few collectors here (some of whom have been collecting for 50 years) and between them they could only think of three in the whole country in private collector’s hands. Again, we didn’t consider what Mr Jackson had though.

Like you say, it is probably worth me writing to Omaka and seeing what they could do.


Last edited by Big D; 07-09-08 at 23:58. Reason: wrong name used
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