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Old 07-08-09, 18:01
bird_dog36 bird_dog36 is offline
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Default Looking for CMHQ Report No. 59

Hi, I'm currently doing research about my grandfather who was part of the 4th Medium Regt. RCA during WWII. And by reading his letters I discovered he arrived in England on November 21th 1941, probably within the 7 LAA/57 Bty RCA at this time. He probably crossed from Canada to England with Convoy TC-15. That's the reason why I would like to get CHMQ Report No. 59 in which I'll find informations about this convoy and continue farther researches.

So if somebody have a PDF copy of it, it would be much appreciated.



CMHQ Report

Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Winter, 1941-42. Part III: Growth of Canadian Military Force in the United Kingdom, September 1941 - January 1942.

Report #: 59
Date of Publication: Jan 29 1942
Author: Stacey, C.P.
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