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Old 17-11-09, 15:49
rob love rob love is online now
carrier mech
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Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
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Originally Posted by mcafee View Post
The previous owner resprayed the truck about 15 years ago. I have photos of when it left service, and it was indeed painted in 2 tone camo. After some further hunting around, the back left corner has been repaired, in one of the old photos of it,you can see where she took a bit of a hit. I know it was still in service in 83, as there is an overhaul tag on the block from Sept. 83. The previous owner bought it from the first civy owner, and thought it was sold of from the arm in 86 or so.
86 is about right for the disposal. Doubtful that an 83 engine would still be around to surplus as new in 86, as there was a shelf life and a warranty involved in the rebuilt engines. There were complete engine assys sold off after the jeeps were gone, the rebuilder back then was Bennet and Hanson if I recall. The price of the complete rebuild engines was $2700 or so, just about the same price as the complete Cdn2 jeep just 20 years earlier.

I didn't have a chance to check on it today, but I will give it a shot tomorrow. The mirrors may have been a bit of a throw off as to the dates of release, particularly if the previous restorer was aiming for an earlier look. Personally, I did not like the fender mounted mirrors, and unless you put a third brace on them, they shook so bad they were useless anyway. I notice in a photo you show on another site, it does not have the HUGE turn signal flasher assembly which was original on the Cdn2. It was a box about 8X8inches on the firewall which contained a bunch of relays I think. I worked on the jeeps from 1978 until they were disposed of in 86, and most of those original signal units were long gone. The lack of it in your photo could indicate that the signal arm on it now may have also been a retrofit by the previous owner, back to the commercial type.
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