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Old 25-02-10, 07:41
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Jordan Baker Jordan Baker is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4,027

Mike, I'll have fun with you too. Just think how much fun we can have with making up more names for common equipment. Maybe I'll start calling my Bren Gun Mk1 a "Bren sniper machine gun" cause Ive heard somewhere (possibly the net, (thats internet, for those those that get hung up on such formalities) that they were really acurate and could could possibly or perhaps or even just maybe have been used to snipe with. Wow think how cool we will be when we show up at an event in uniform with our Bren sniper machine gun and Bren sniper machine gun bras.

Im not sure I can fully trust that latest set of pictures since they weren't written by a certain person. Oh wait, im also an author(Metal Craft Mag)(don't remember what pages or month cause I don't tell people with every chance I have but I do think you can still BUY SOME FROM ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED) so let me climb up on my soap box. Actualy I'll use my Bren Gun Carrier (oh yah forgot, we are calling things by thier real name now, Universal Carrier Mk1*, just a sec forgot im now calling it "Bren sniper machine gun carrier) Now everyone will know what im talking about cause I said so (repeat part about being an author), still have some MetalCraft Mags to sell with my article in it by the way.

WOW I sure said alot with out being rude or high and mighty, obnoxious im still pondering that one. Mike, If I could High Five you over the internet I'd be doing it right now.

Ed, G.F.Y, in regards to your ability to continualy post pictures and quote line for line in verbatim from the manuals., Its oh so hopeful to eveyone out there. I don't really no what I'd do with out you. Oh wait a sec, I know, spend more time on other forums that I used to go to but for some reason that I can't quite put my finger on no longer do. If you're wondering about the G.F.Y. no I didn't mean that one, I ment the other one... but heck everyone can decide on their own since its a democracy

For everyone else out there, I'll continue to do my best at helping to answer your questions on anything carrier/CMP or whatever else and quite happily too. Let me do the googling or looking up in my books. So ask away I seem to have time since Im no longer writing books. But I did write one article for a magazine in case anyone cares.

Before I finish I do want to appologize for adding yet another post that has nothing to do with Utility Pouches, aka Bren Gun Bra's or the one I really like, Bren sniper machine gun Bren bra (I made that last one up by my loansome)

Happy hunting

PFC Baker, published author (in case your wondering about the PFC, it is my rank that I have earned (Private F (normal 4 letter word + ing) Civilian))
Jordan Baker
RHLI Museum,
Otter LRC
C15A-Wire3, 1944
Willys MB, 1942
10cwt Canadian trailer
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