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Old 02-03-10, 21:51
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Default Whoops

Originally Posted by rob love View Post
Hey Derk.
Apparently RHClarke is unfamiliar with the Prairie command by laws regarding such incursions from non-residents into Prairie command territories. The territory includes a territorial shelf into the unwanted (by Ontario) Northern Ontario, and also includes Manitoba, all of Saskatchewan and any vehicles currently unclaimed in Alberta. For purposes of the Prairie Command mapping division, the Northern Ontario claim extends from the Manitoba border to the Western edge of the Ontario town of Marathon, Ontario.
While incursions by non-residents into this territory are possible, they must first apply to the Prairie Command "non-resident cultural theft" committee for thorough study and prior approval (which is rarely to never granted) before even viewing photographs of any military pattern vehicle located within our claimed territories. If the truck that Mr. Clarke has his desires on is the truck that we think he is talking about, that truck is specifically listed in the "not for export" list. Collaborator Mark will have to be dealt harshly with at the local level for passing on MD10 cultural secrets.
Had I known...Oh, well it looks like I stepped into it big time. I searched the internet for the application form, but found nothing resembling the aforementioned procedure. I think they are trying to make this a difficult evolution, but having worked in Quebec as an Ontario resident, it shouldn't be too hard for me to meet any challenges posed by the Prairedog Commandos...

Just for the record, my spy and collaborator is my lil bro who lives in the Republic of Manitobah...I hope Mark escaped the tar and feathers...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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