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Old 02-03-10, 22:27
rob love rob love is offline
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Originally Posted by RHClarke View Post
Had I known...Oh, well it looks like I stepped into it big time. I searched the internet for the application form, but found nothing resembling the aforementioned procedure. I think they are trying to make this a difficult evolution, but having worked in Quebec as an Ontario resident, it shouldn't be too hard for me to meet any challenges posed by the Prairedog Commandos...

Just for the record, my spy and collaborator is my lil bro who lives in the Republic of Manitobah...I hope Mark escaped the tar and feathers...
The application for such a vandalism on Prairie Command potential assets is actually well outlined in the double secret sub-constitution.

The applications for "non-resident cultural theft" are only handed out at the scheduled meetings of that particular committee. Meetings take place on every 29th day of Feb at the end of each applicable millenium. The applicant's request is made, and the decision is rendered at the next scheduled meeting of aforementioned committee. The applicant must be present at both meetings.

While your "brother", if he does in fact exist, and is a natural born resident of Manitoba, would have a valid claim on such a truck, he still cannot export it without the approval of the prairie command.

Prairie command is incorporated in Manitoba as a non-profit group, and as such, our bylaws are accepted by the Manitoba government and would have to be duly enforced.
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