Thread: Market survey
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Old 12-08-10, 23:49
Grant Bowker Grant Bowker is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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I have mixed feelings about the physical / digital questions.

Having seen many digital formats come and go, I have serious doubts about the suitability of digital for archival purposes. On the other hand, the negatives from Boer war period can still be viewed using nothing more complex than a light source. Yes, you do have to make mental adjustments for positive to negative, maybe for left to right but as long as there is light (and they don't degrade) the image can be viewed.
Another issue with the digital world, I am continually frustrated using computer help files because my mind doesn't always come up with the maker's term for a concept. I can browse a book and find a similar looking subject and then see where it leads.

On the other hand, it is nice to be able to blow-up, crop and otherwise manipulate digital images.

In the case of this project I wonder whether a mixture of the 2 formats is possible. The full project, text and images, as hard copy with a "bonus" CD of the images. Having only part of the project digital would reduce the number of unauthorized reproductions going into circulation and having the CD of images would let people use images to illustrate points or ask questions (assuming you don't mind the way people have used photos from the "Factory Photos" CD on the forum).
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