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Old 12-10-10, 11:47
Blackpowder44 (RIP) Blackpowder44 (RIP) is offline
John Forsey
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Lyme Regis, England
Posts: 109
Thumbs up Jeep info.

Another tip for you to consider. In ths spring of this year my son filled up his diesel van with £50 worth of petrol. This was drained out and I descided to try running my jeep on it. Jeep ran perfectly, some smoke and diesel smell until the engine became hot. The advantage of using this mix is- upper cylinder bore is lubricated by unburnt diesel, fuel costs nothing from your friendly garage, valve stems also lubricated. Downside, If your jeep is left standing for a couple of days the petrol in the carb evaporates and when starting the diesel/petrol mix will create a smoke screen until again the engine heats up.Last but not least, check your oil level on the dip stick. A certain ammount of diesel will not be burnt up in the firing process and will find its way down into the sump, thereby thinning the oil in the sump and you will find the level on the dipstick rising. Time to drain out the oil and replace. I have done about 1200 miles before changing the oil and I consider this to be cheap motoring. Do not be put off trying this because as long as you are aware of the sump oil thinning you wont come to any harm, happy jeeping., forgot to mention, you also get better compression because of the diesel residue sitting on top of the pistons.
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