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Old 12-12-10, 09:29
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default Seeking interest in production of 9.00 x 16 tyres

Ad found on MilWeb:
9.00 x 16 NDSM tyres for British rims.I am contemplating commissioning a production batch of the above. These tyres will have "British" (ie flat) bead angle, are of good quality (I have driven a set for several thousand miles on my Humber 8cwt) look and drive the the part. They are non "E"marked which means they are legal only on pre 1980 vehicles. I have a minimum order to reach to make it worth commissioning the production. Price will be between £110 and £135 per tyre and I will be asking for half the price up front with the order and delivery will probably take three months with the balance due on collection. Delivery will be available (if wanted) at between £10 and £25 per order in the UK. If you are interested on the above basis please register your interest by emailing me If I receive enough interest I will send full details and an order form before Christmas.
16 November '10
Tobin Jones
You can reach Tobin Jones via his MLU profile
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