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Old 26-10-12, 16:33
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Originally Posted by rob love View Post
I was looking at the auction pieces last night, and after reviewing the few Canadian pieces, I would hope that anyone thinking of bidding will invest in a plane ticket, as opposed to bidding online. There seem to be a few anomalies on some of the vehicles. Even so, it is still one of the more impressive collections that has been offered for sale on this side of the pond in a while.
While it is a vast collection, with a number of unique pieces, I'd say "buyer beware". I noticed when it was still at the Victory Musem at Arlon, Belgium, that a lot of the "restorations" are very crude & inaccurate. Some vehicles were bought restored and are better, though many of them seem to not have seen any service since they were put in the museum in Belgium. I even spotted a vehicle which still has the mud splattering from what must have been it's last outing at a show in the UK decades ago...

Here's the link to the catalogue:

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