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Old 10-11-12, 04:14
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default ON the "to do" list....

HI Alex

I have never...yet.... taken a shock absorber totally apart for fear of destroying it...... but how else can I learn.....

I am not sure the shaft mechanism would withstand the pressure of a hydraulic press or heavy pounding to instal the arm. and it might not be necessary....... if the arm was heated hot to dull red and the shock assembly cooled in crush ice it should slip on......

My probelm as always been trying to remove tha rm from the shaft. If I was guaranteed to be able to find a repacement seal that would fit the shaft then heating the arm around the shaft/hole area should get it to move.... but were do you find the seal....... need to destroy one to understand if it can be repaired.......

Will add to my "to do" list for the next rainy day....

To Cletrac.......... problem is the arm is small and rounded fingers from a puller usually slips...... would need the bolt on pulley device to allow the fingers to graps properly...... but there is very little room.....

Does any one out there have an answer..... has anyone removed the shaock arm from a shock absorber....????

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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