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Old 30-03-03, 02:24
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
In Vino Veritas
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Northern ALberta
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Default In general

To no one in particular but I think we are all grown up enough to know there is never any cut and dried reason for a single action, in this case the war in Iraq. There is a collage of reasons, oil being a minor one in my opinion. But I have a question to put to you all. If your neighbour yelled over the hedge ,everyday, to you, that he was going to kill you and your children and family , by one means or another...what would you do? I would call the cops first and formost, in this case I would have to say that the U.N. fits that roll. They talk to your neighbour and say 'don't do that" and leave the situation alone. YOur neighbour continues to abuse his family and threaten yours until one of your children is killed by a friend of his, sept 11th makes reasonable substitution here. The police still do nothing , and though the hard proof may be lacking your neighbour told his friend to harm you there is lots of circumstantial evidence. At what point , with the police flatly stating they aren't going to do anything, are you going to take action.
The US has been threatened verbally for years , and has gone to the UN repeatedly to try to find a diplomatic solution. I am very surprised they put up with what they did and waited this long seeing as how they are the world's super power. Sure they don't save every country from dictators , but should they never start?
Keep your stick on the ice boys and keep up the good work.
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