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Old 25-04-13, 00:05
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Robin Craig Robin Craig is offline
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Default 3rd May 2013 Ottawa Tulip Festival Parade

Dear All,

Any and all persons in Allied vehicles or aged cars (like last year) are invited to participate, see details below.

A couple of "notes".

1 Don't blame myself or the Festival for the late invite, there is a negligent 3rd party who will remain nameless.

2 Any queries either post them into this thread or email me directly. Dont PM me.

3 I will be handing out forms for tax receipts for participants on site.

Commemorative Cavalcade of Classics

May 3rd, 11am - 1pm

Vintage cars get the 18-day Canadian Tulip Festival moving with an eye-catching sojourn from Dows Lake to Tulip Plaza at Ottawa City Hall, in the spirit of the celebrations in the streets of the capital that greeted the end of the Second World War and set the stage for the Canadian Tulip Festival 60 years ago. Once at City Hall, swing will be in the air at Tulip Plaza, courtesy of veteran local jazzers The Jivewires. Dignitaries and local celebrities will be on board some vehicles to greet onlookers. Complimentary bar and food for participating vehicle drivers,


11:00hrs Vintage vehicles congregate into formation at HMCS Carleton at Dow's Lake, military vehicles in front.

11:30hrs Cavalcade departs HMCS Carleton with police escort up Queen Elisabeth Drive to arrive at Festival Plaza, City Hall, for noon, vehicles remain on display during opening ceremony.

12:00hrs Opening ceremony including the Dutch Ambassador, the Mayor, Minister of Veterans Affairs, & Ministers from the Ontario government.

13:00hrs Vehicles depart individually on their own time

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