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Old 25-06-13, 05:01
maple_leaf_eh maple_leaf_eh is online now
Terry Warner
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Shouting at clouds
Posts: 3,088

Originally Posted by servicepub View Post
The initial stink was caused by an unknown person attending the dinner wearing a uniform of a Captain, RCN. This idividual had no ribbons and was ubnknown to any of the other guests. When asked to identify himself he admitted that he was an 'admirer' of the Navy and dressed the part in honour of the RCN. The memo that followed was to address that particular transgression but it also caught up a couple of retired Navy types in Mess Dress who had not obtained DHH approval.
So if the problem is one fashion-statement, why the H3LL is the rest of the country suffering? Sounds like a very cowardly way of administering discipline. The bum should have been frog marched out to the street on the balls of his feet.
Terry Warner

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