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Old 20-09-13, 23:58
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Power supplies.

Hi David

Yes I have stumbled on two RCA 110v. power supplies, look good, claimed to be working ..but never tried them yet.

I also have the CPP 12/24 volts more recent power supplies.

All my time is tied up on firewood and prep for the coming Winter but should fine some spare time when it gets colder outside.

Will do a visual inspection of the insides and gently blow any dust away before any live power is applied.

I played with them when I was a kid in the 50s...... my dad bought a truck load which was dumped very unceremoniously in our back yard...... literaly dumped from a sand truck........ I remember the argument he had with my dear Mom.......they use to sell for $25 as is or running for $75........ my dad repaired radios/tv in his spare time.....

Transport Canada used to have guys on the road with plain grey American motors station wagon with a loop antenna on the roof.......Mr. Tibeault was one of them who visited my dad's place quite often.....used to pump my dad for leads on who had bought them..... they use to inteferre with civvy taxi and Hull concrete truck dispatchers radios of the time...... and C42 made black zebra bars on channel 13 just right when they scored a goal all you had to do was key the mike...... also had a nice daughter ....Betty....I had the hots for....

Sorry we got rid of all his tube testers..... but I still have the device Dad made out of the rotary transformer from the 19 power supplies.... he used the output to burn his initials on his tools.....VAC with all 3 letters overlapped..... I still have his Halicrafter SX99 receiver and separate speaker enclosure.

Ah for the good old days.

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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