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Old 22-09-13, 18:06
Bruce MacMillan Bruce MacMillan is offline
a Canuck/Brit in Blighty
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Hell Fire Corner, Kent UK
Posts: 705
Default variac.....

Hi Bob,

The variac I use is a variable transformer complete with AC power cord & socket. I plug the WS19 AC supply into the socket and the cord into a 240-120 stepdown xfmr. Remember the UK is 240V not 120V.

As the supply is actually rated for 110VAC I slowly turn up the voltage to 110VAC. This only takes about 5 seconds but it eliminates the instant on inrush current to the primary. Without going into a whole lot of electronic theory this has worked for me for years.

These variable transformers can be had from dealers like Electrosonic, Digikey or Mouser.

Here's a thought for you guys in Ontario that have get togethers. Why not have a 19 set workshop where people can learn & have a hands on experience. Mr Parker, Mr Skagfeld??
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