Thread: Heads Up: CMPs for sale in Holland
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Old 11-10-13, 14:09
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Originally Posted by svdwal View Post
Invasion star is indeed a bit strange, but it will get a repaint anyway to get it more authentic for Western Europe.
Hello Sjoerd,

It is a nice truck, and fully restored as far as I know. I cannot give you a valuation as you know "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "an object is worth what a fool will pay". Now let me state for the record this truck is a beaut and you are no fool!

If you study the threads and pictures on this forum, you will notice relatively few Cab 11 and Cab 12 CMPs were used in NW Europe, and 8-cwt trucks were no longer used by frontline units. So chances this type of CMP was used in NW Europe are very slim. That's possibly why the owner painted it Light Stone, as the 8-cwt class of vehicle was extensively used during the desert war. In my opinion, if you paint over the Allied invasion star, one will have a very good representation of what this type of truck looked like during WW2. Plus it makes a nice change in seeing mainly olive drab vehicles at shows!

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