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Old 04-04-03, 23:07
Alexander Borgia
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Humour?

I'm glad you can find humour in the recovery of a British soldier's body.

---the humour was in the statement about the purpose of wearing the suit. Not the recovery of the body. The factof the the matter is that there have been quite a few unecessary deaths throughout this war, and it will only get worse from here.

I can assure you that I, as a British subject, would not be making flippant asides if it were a Canadian soldier lying dead in his vehicle.

----I wouldn't be offended if you had. Put it down to cultural differences. While I respect people from the UK, my ancestry in Canada dates back to the 1600s so I have no connection to Europe.

And I'm glad that you can conveniently ignore the fact that ALL British servicemen in the region were, at the time, wearing NBC suits to protect themselves from the threat of Iraqi NBC attack, and not, as the Guardian (the most notorious left wing rag in this country, but they're entitled to their opinion) so slyly twisted the story for its own, anti-American agenda.

---- duh! it was the quote I found funny, not the fact that the invaders have to protect themself against attacks. Keep in mind that there still is no evidence of any wmds in Iraq, and in fact, this invasion is no longer being touted as a warrantless search, but now it is touted as a "daisy-cutter liberation" - okay, I added the daisy cutter part

In this you clearly agree with me - they all have their own agenda and The Guardian has never made any secret of its agenda.

---the same could be said about Global in Canada - Izzy Asper has made that clear.
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