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Old 26-02-14, 13:54
maple_leaf_eh maple_leaf_eh is offline
Terry Warner
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Shouting at clouds
Posts: 3,093
Default legal rights apply to everyone

One of the most unappreciated differences between Canada and the US is the so-called Miranda Rights given to persons detained by American cops. They have to be read their rights. In Canada the cops read the person a caution which allows just one phone call and offers very little individual protection.

There is case law that allows the cops to interrogate continuously without a lawyer present. Statements and confessions are accepted by the courts which have an odourous taint of intimidation and coertion. People go to jail for years for their flippant remarks, and are freed only after strenuous work by outsiders to have their cases reviewed. Some wrongful conviction settlements have been tens of millions of dollars.

The average biker is different than Joe-Blow Sixpack. They have lawyers on retainer, so when the cops break down the doors of a clubhouse or catch some Harley Davidson motorcycle with loud pipes, the guys get first class legal advice. Their probably even have "conduct after capture" training designed to counter police investigation techniques.

During the Alberta floods the Canadian Forces was 'called out' to assist the civil authoritites. The cops used some of their rubber assault boats to get to some isolated houses, and borrowed heavy picket fence post thumpers to break the doors. Apparently, when the army found out what their guys and kit were being used for, cooperation was abruptly withdrawn.

WRT Rob's RCMP acquaintance running to tell his story, that sounds like an internal story line that satisfies someone's need for rationalizing their actions. The thin blue line can close ranks tightly when it is challenged.
Terry Warner

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