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Old 07-03-14, 03:47
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
GM Fox I
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Location: SW Ontario, Canada
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I've been watching and remaining silent on this topic but there are a few items in your comments that warrant rebuttal. First, you avoid the contradiction that those who use illegal firearms to do criminal acts often get less severe penalties than 'paper' firearms offenses based on improper storage or classification. Why is that? Second, that officers getting no 'satisfaction' out of kicking doors down is irrelevant. The fact is they did and it becomes more a question of why. I couldn't care less how they felt when doing it.

Originally Posted by guyvapeur View Post
There is a similar thread on another forum I read that talks about High River, Alberta. Most subscribers are in the United States and far removed from Canadian laws and practises. I choose not to interfere with their choice of topics or their views relating to their home turf.
I have just come upon this thread and it makes me sick. Rob Love pulled out but I will step in if only for this one line.
Never in my 30 year career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police did I once even get a whiff of directive that would say I should be targeting gun owners.
Then again 17 years in Northern Alberta did not afford me much of a chance to meet any real gun owner....Bull.............I met them all..... and yes there were refusals for ownership when the local decided a 44 magnum was what was need for the gun club he had not yet joined.
There is talks about rights..... Miranda and so on. Bull............I have seen more than enough cases thrown out of court because police had not jumped through every loop and fence the courts, the community and their own administration had put in their way. A list of lawyers was available at every detachment so that we could advise a suspect as to whom could be called. There is no such thing in my experience as to the one phone call. In simple terms, the subject must be afforded the right to retain counsel.....I can think of one case where the court ruled the police had driven by a phone booth thus denying the accused the right to make a phone call ASAP....Case dismissed.
I don't have a full account of what happened at High River but I can say without a doubt the Officer kicking in doors was not getting any satisfaction out of this task.
I will gladly await the findings of any inquiry and see what Sun News has to report when it is all over.
Now I await the tide of rebuttal.
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