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Old 12-10-04, 20:47
Richard Notton
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Richard

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Steel tape is fine, Milud, ours is an approximation based upon estimated and averaged dimensions seen on a number of similar signs in piccies.
I did intend to do that today but "other" things have stolen the time and its now too late, too dark and truly a wet and miserable night.
No, it's not the simplistic leaf of modern day, but the intricate (31-point?) leaf of yesteryear. Perhaps someone (Bruce?) can clarify, as I've just had a BF regarding the actual number.
I had packed the digital camerapicckennschnappenngerät in the car but as above. I'll do one of the leaf itself as a complete frame.
Now THAT makes me laugh! I can well imagine the exchange, having heard several similar to it during the time I was there. The tones of voice remain locked in my consciousness. It would be classic to record, as indicated below...
I usually get the blame though as apparently I create "the silly mood" in young Ballard that leads to these exchanges. Funny it is though.

However, just between you and me, Ballard snr hasn't quite worked out, but is slightly suspicious, how a single brown leaf sometimes appears in the far recesses of the workshop like behind the ply sliding window covers, on the lathe bed, on the mill table, on the drill press and a maple leaf lodged by the stem in the door hinge of a certain DTB F15.
This is truly a gem which MUST be preserved, sir!
I have it on a C form cassette from the borrowed camera and the real VHS copy we have entrusted to Mike K. I believe too on this piece of media Ballard is recorded in true style doing a trouser cough impression of the Ford second gear engagement, which I'm sure is instantly recognisable to the Ford buffs here.

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