Thread: Zombies
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Old 08-04-03, 07:52
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Regina Regina is offline
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The ones I've talked to that have the greatest resentment are the ones who fought in The Schelt battles. They said there were many cooks, typists etc killed because they didn't know how to load their gun or chamber the round after loading. They also didn't know how to prime grenades either. From what I understand, if they did have any training with guns, they weren't the same ones used by that time of the war. They only saw weapons during training and that had been back in Canada years before. The Zombies on the other hand were fully and more recently trained but wouldn't come over and fight. There was a severe shortage of Canadian infantry by that stage and the fighting was very heavy. Guys I've talked to said the fighting on D-Day was not nearly as hard or long as it was during the Leopold Canal battle.....and these guys were on the first wave at Juno.
I guess seeing men killed, that shouldn't have been there is why they feel so strongly.
"Up The Johns"
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