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Old 14-10-04, 10:01
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a
Default Hey hey good lookin' What ya got cookin'?

Hi everyone,

I just flicked on the TV a while ago (a RARE event for me to do) and caught most of the program below about "Typhoid Mary". Very interesting on many levels.

I'd always heard OF "Typhoid Mary" but always assumed she was a story from the 1800's, and from England, NOT from the USA and she only passed on in 1938! I didn't know she was a hired cook (logical though) nor did I know the story.

Below is the pbs link about the program and other stuff (like a history of quarantine I believe) Be interesting to find Canadian history on quarantine too

I LOVED the fashions the actress wore!!!!
NOT khaki though

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