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Old 27-11-14, 20:02
Lauren Child Lauren Child is offline
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Location: Cambridgeshire, UK
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I see your point, though I'm reasonably sure the flat back is correct as it ties in with the oddness - she's got an odd carrier underneath that's not a normal size for POL or jerry can, and the chances of the garage owner getting mixed up and having procured two odd vehicles seem pretty remote. I'm told that this was copied (and confirmed as being the right dimensions) from the wreck of the old back, and I suspect we'll have a cinderella "the shoe fits" moment when we find what goes into it.

It is true that the back of the card shows a subset of trucks were used for water though, and I'd imagine they'd be a good choice for it. Noting the 30cwt gives food for thought on the small chassis.

The stirrup steps I'm pretty certain are a UK thing, as she would never have got to India (she was made at the point where the orders were getting diverted, and the suspicion is that's where the names of the channel islands on the cards come from). She did go somewhere hot and dusty as she's got desert paint under the garage's yellow colour and on top of the SCC15. Maybe Palestine?