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Old 30-11-14, 11:00
Lauren Child Lauren Child is offline
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I'm not saying that it isn't a possibility, just that it doesn't tie in with what I'm being told on this side of the pond.

At the end of the war a number of contracts were used to supply the staging for the allied invasion of Japan and Japanese held territories. When the war ended unexpectedly the supply ships were diverted, and it took a while to halt production. The surplus of vehicles were then made available for other countries to rebuild, and the newer "oddball" models were at the front of the queue as the Commonwealth armies began to consolidate and re standardise their fleet (the mixed manufacture and model of vehicles being a logistics nightmare in peacetime).

Somehow my vehicle ended up in a British army surplus auction over here sometime later where the garage bought her, so she must have been missed from this process. That's not unusual given how complex the process was (and possibly because she was deployed somewhere when her compatriots were packaged up, that would tie in with just post-war use somewhere hot and sandy). Alternatively she was painted up post war but never used, possibly as part of the whole process (maybe a trials vehicle?).

SCC15 is the late war British (and some of the Commonwealth) camo colour. I understand from a different thread that Australian vehicles had different colour schemes. The desert colour on top is a post-war colour.