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Old 04-02-15, 22:09
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 817
Default Grommets!

I have been reading the Truck & Ground Station working instructions.

Paragraph 42:

"(42) Place the Waterproof Cover No.5 over the equipment ensuring the Leads, Aerial No.3 passes through the grommeted hole provided. Fix the rubber grommet on the Leads Aerial No.3 into the hole in the waterproof cover, also pass the lead of the Aerial Feeder Assembly No.9 through the hole provided for the Antenna Rods G [This is almost certainly a typo for 'F'] at the rear of the supply unit and plug into the socket immediately below."

OK, so that's the grommets on the coaxial cables sorted (they fit to the canvas covers to stop rain running off the canvas and through the cable entry holes). Simples! (Squeak)

Grommet No.23 is not mentioned in this pamphlet (which is the 1943 Canadian one), but appears in the 1944 Parts Identification EMER FZ256/3. My suspicion is that that fits into the cable/aerial rod 'F' hole on top of the waterproof cover at the rear of the supply unit, and is intended to keep rain from running down either the Aerial Rod F, the Leads, Aerial No.5 (when used to connect the set to the 34-ft mast), or the wire aerial feeder, and shorting out the paxolin aerial base, etc.

If Roberta could check her grommet (to coin a phrase) I suspect she'll find the bottom 'F' rod or a wire aerial feeder cable is a good fit for the central hole. Also the grommet should be a tight fit in the hole on top of the waterproof cover No.5.

I don't have a Grommet No.23 or I'd be able to test this; anyone got a spare?


Last edited by Chris Suslowicz; 04-02-15 at 22:12. Reason: Formatting. (Removal of line breaks.), Typo's, etc.
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