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Old 16-02-15, 04:01
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,549

Hasn't snowed that bad there Darrel. Not only can you still clearly see the roof of the shed, but you can even see part of the car. Around these parts we call that fall.

Every day I look at the weather forecast and everyday it is below average. The above average winters are far and few between. I would like to know how they figure the average high here should be -5 these days, and in reality the best we will hope for is the -14 scheduled for later in the week. Even that is just the carrot they dangle so we stay here.

There seem to be a few on here who like to exaggerate their present temperatures to make them seem worse than they really are. So here, to shed light on the real truth of the matter, are links to some of the Canadians on this thread.

For those from Manitoba:

For those from North Bay Ontario (We only dream of those temps right now Chris) :

For those from the tropics of Ottawa:

From those in the Southern Ontario area, where they do not know what that electric cord sticking out from their grill is for:

From the tropical Island of New Brunswick:

And last, from the displaced Brits in British Columbia (may your umbrellas break):
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