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Old 13-11-15, 18:33
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Default Stencilling Equipment and Techniques

As you may have noticed recently on Tony Baker's fascinating Blitz restoration thread, the subject of stencil making equipment came up. Sooner or later, we all run across a piece of military equipment to restore that requires appropriate markings, be it a 10-Ton Prime Mover or a wireless set Spare Parts Box, so Tony and I thought it might be a good idea to set up a new thread where we can all consolidate our accumulated expertise on this subject.

Please feel free to contribute your experiences, be it free hand design work or finding the latest stencilling machines. Decals and things related would probably also be a great fit here. As we all know, MLU makes things sooo much easier for us!

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